WAR3人气:10 剧情上镜:7.5 实战作用:8.0 造型POSE:10 ]
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落魄西州泥酒杯,酒酣几度上琴台,青鞋自笑无羁束,又向文君井畔来——陆游《文君井》6 ?5 Z$ ?5 Q5 _
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现代社会的浮华功利驱役着人们追逐世俗的尘嚣,生活好似逆水行舟不进则退,谁甘愿“落魄西州”,谁又能做到“笑无羁束”?走进清森寒岭渺无人烟的童话世界,酿酒作诗、抚琴低吟、行棋墨画、静思冥想,化身为PANDA并追求空/逸/秀/美的日子,一直都是我梦中的追求……% d y& d6 V: Y K% ^
所以熊猫就是可爱,熊猫的人气就是高!!! <
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虽然是WAR3一大受欢迎的中立英雄,雇佣PANDE酒仙却不很难,晓之以理、动之以情,DH、POM、FS、BM各施手段,务必召到人才(二十一世纪最贵的是什么来的?) *Q:_c_J)
NE的酒色——甘醇美酒+靓女如云 BJcK?rQ
ORC的财气——高层住房+名牌跑车 * 1T2]({#
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永远逍遥的宝贝PANDA——胸襟宽阔如蔚蓝无垠的大海,憨厚乐观的心态、平易近人的笑容,拒绝大喜大悲和生离死别的传奇故事;没有千情万怨英杰愁、无视发花鬓白红颜殁…… QkQLq W)
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【正文二:酒与火——炙灼的光茫】 n.jK'"0x
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中国的酒文化源远流长,这里先谈谈酒器,从石器时代的罐、瓮、盂、碗、杯到春秋战国的尊、壶、区、卮、皿、鉴、斛、觥、瓮、瓿、彝……这些五花八门的东东大多都是贵族文人在附庸风雅,看看偶们酒仙多实际,小瓷瓶+酒桶搞定,桶里的留给自己喝,好喝量又足,瓶子中的估计是迷魂药酒,战时乱丢乱抛整晕敌人。 N3D!D*|
呵呵,多么抢眼的造型!腰上别装备的从左到右依次是:瓷酒碗、瓷酒瓶(小)、瓷酒瓶(大)、系扎绳带,酿酒原料、瓷酒壶(小)、瓷酒瓶(大),左手持锋利的竹节刀,跟WAR3中的有所差异。(注:这张图片是暴雪对熊猫的最初设定,穿小日本服饰,后来由中国玩家强烈抗议,遂改成中国武士服,说本图好看指就图说图,希望大家不要太极端) v,SONzf
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熊猫酒仙战斗时是拿酒桶打人滴,竹竿则用来格挡,所以酒桶必然是特制的,至少也要用到结实的柏木,内嵌皮衬并包以竹条,由于比较沉重,故一招一式相当于十八般兵器中的“锤”,纯以力取胜。 &}C+#U
酒可是熊猫的宝贝,作为出色的酿酒师一定非常挑剔酒的品质,清雅、细腻、纯正、入口微香、回味悠长,符合这些的确很不容易,足见兽王在搬请熊猫出山时下了不少功夫。 o.$V,~M4j
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虽然熊猫平素温和,但佛家有云——忍无可忍、无需再忍,“火”因为这条名言而存在。对战之中,熊猫的喷火群伤杀伤力惊人,酒火连击更是威力无穷,万军从中取万军之首,可谓煎、炒、烹、炸、烧、煮、炖、闷的绝佳能源……(偶一定要雇佣熊猫当偶的厨房助手) tzp\DhE '*
武林宗师一般都有自己的绝学,搞出能晕敌并燃烧的酒,熊猫的自主研发能力真是超强,传言他本科读的化工系,硕士转攻材料系,博士毕业论文——《食用甲醇的军品分析》 PdTc I20
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【正文三:酒与武学的创造】 5< <
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酒量与饭量一样不能定义,是每个人都知道的事实,酒量大小据说和肝脏中的乙醇脱氢酶还有乙醛脱氢酶的含量有关,当酒比它们数量占优势时,乙醇、乙醛(也叫“醉”)就留在体内,先往上串,后往下走,令人身体呈现“熊市”,不能自己。 AF|^ \W$Fx
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『当“醉”在血中达0.05%,人最舒适,再往后,便呈现为以下步骤: =>w?L ]P
1微酣:(0.1%)进入胡话期,科长会初步觉得自己是处长。 "BkKR4rC(
2亢奋:(0.2%)适宜取钱,所见都为双份,有犯罪趋势、想打人或被人打。 E(+%{JF
3失控:(0.3%)自我操作能力消失,进入“超现实主义”阶段,随意发布命令,以为自己是说一不二的国家领导。 kfL`
4弗洛伊德期:(0.4~0.5%)也叫不省人事,不知痛痒,不知死活,全凭下意识。 KO;}aA%VC
5沉醉:(0.6~0.7%)也叫立地成佛,生即是死,死即是生……』 +iK n7%
——这是我以前看到的一段,很搞笑的。 XxPXpL/G
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熊猫长期徘徊于上述五种境界之中,逐渐悟出了醉拳,在散打之中混杂闪避+暴击 a?Z]Wyr(
武人的好酒,是为了表现出他们的豪爽气概和尚武精神,借酒寄托他们的情怀。明末清初有个高手叫付青杰,名山,字青主,他在醉中舞拳,进入一种神与物游的境界,然后又将这种人体文化的感悟形诸笔墨,因而他的画具有一种灵动飞扬的韵味和肃杀之气,而他的拳法又渗透着醉态。 Fn<1 `1?Fg
暴雪很厚道滴,让熊猫继承了中国功夫,可惜由于有了酒火,熊猫的被动技能相对偏弱,变成无人问津的八级技能。 ~s[ofvGQM
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【正文四:炫目的终极技能】 Ax>iWt=L
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PS:其实人类和ORC都可以大力开发熊猫,至于UD嘛,熊猫还是不要去了,巨头们太强了,肯定打不上主力的……8 v; G: H3 @2 C' x# h; C
熊猫的好图片实在太少了5555 <
我 是沙发唉
特别是对UD的双鬼 HM的委琐
6级大招 不管实不实用都应该是最强的变身技能了
特别是对UD的双鬼 HM的委琐
6级大招 不管实不实用都应该是最强的变身技能了
偶觉得除了DH戴眼镜之外.6级大招就算Panda最强悍了...还记得MY解说的一场比赛.看到Panda 6级了..激动的叫了起来.熊猫6级了熊猫6级了...
Hero Names: Mojo Dark-Ale, Sinjo Honeybrew, Kesha Wildbarley, Tatsa Sweetbarrow, Mushi Ale-Hearth, Jinto Reedwine, Masha Storm-Stout, Polo Barrel-keg
A warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. The Brewmasters of Pandaria have emerged from the bamboo forests of their ancestors to bring their unique fighting style (and robust ales) to the highest bidder. Attacks land units.
The Pandaren Brewmaster is an excellent melee hero! He has several area effecting spells to take down groups of enemy troops and his ultimate is certainly one of the funniest spells in the game. His basic combo is to cast Drunken Haze on the enemy to douse them, and then set them on fire with Breath of Fire. He also has the Drunken Brawler Passive skill which gives him a chance to avoid enemy attacks as well as a chance to deal bonus damage. His Ultimate splits him into three elemental pandas, each with their own powers.
The Panda is a Strength hero, and because of that he doesn抰 have a large amount of mana. Until 5th level he won抰 have enough mana to do two consecutive Drunken Haze/Breath of Fire combos! Unless the Panda has access to extra mana, through Archmage抯 Brilliance Aura or Obsidian Statue抯 Spirit Touch for example, it抯 probably best to pick either Drunken Haze or Breath of Fire and spend the other points on Drunken Brawler.
The Panda is a versatile hero, because of this he benefits from a wide variety of items. Circlets of Nobility are a great buy for Panda. The extra damage, extra mana, and extra attack speed given by Circlets of Nobility are all things that Mr. Panda needs very much. Gloves of Haste are good as well because more attacks mean a greater chance to get a Critical Strike with Drunken Brawler. Mana potions are an obvious choice also, especially if you have points in both of his area effect spells.
Breath of Fire Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units which deals damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and take burn damage over time. |
Breath of Fire Information
Breath of Fire damage is capped to 8 targets. This does not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Beath of Fire / Drunken Haze Combination.Cast Drunken Haze on a powerful unit, then use Breath of Fire to ignite them.
Remember that the burn-over-time damage on Drunken Hazed enemies effectively doubles the damage of the spell. Due to this and due to the two spells costing the same amount of mana, it is almost always advantageous to cast Drunken Haze on the enemy and then using Breath of Fire.
Drunken Haze Drenches a target enemy unit in alcohol, causing its movement speed to be reduced, and have a chance to miss on attacks. When units with Drunken Haze cast on them are hit by Breath of Fire, they will ignite and take burn damage over time. |
Drunken Haze Information
Use Drunken Haze on powerful units then use Breath of Fire!Drunken Haze combines well with other spells. Remember that there is a minimum speed which units move at so slow effects don抰 stack well with each other. However, accuracy debuffs do stack. If you cast Drunken Haze on a group of regular enemies that already is under the effect of other debuffs such as Necromancer抯 Cripple or Pit Lord抯 Howl of Terror, their ability to deal damage will be very low. Use these combos on groups of enemy units that are harassing the weakest parts of your army.
Drunken Brawler (Passive) Gives a percent chance to avoid attacks and a 10% chance to deal additional damage. |
Drunken Brawler Information
This ability is similar to a combination of the Night Elf Demon Hunter抯 Evasion ability and the Orc Blade Master抯 Critical Strike ability. It is approximately two-thirds as effective as each of them. That抯 like getting 33% extra skill for your points!Drunken Brawler can allow for some very high damage attacks as the Pandaren Brewmaster gets equipment and levels.
Red numbers will float around the Pandaren Brewmaster indicating the additional amount of damage.
Drunken Brawler does not work on buildings.
Storm, Earth, And Fire (Ultimate) Splits the Pandaren Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn. |
Storm, Earth, and Fire Information
This splits the Pandaren into three separate units with their own special abilities: Storm, Earth, and Fire.Fire and Earth are both good melee units; send them into battle right away. Many players choose to cast one or two spells with Storm and then send him to a safe area for the spell抯 duration. This way you do not have to worry about the survival of your Pandas and can focus on other aspects of the battle.
Note: When using this ultimate, the Pandaren Brewmaster's inventory isn't available and bonuses from items he carries are temporary disabled.
Breath of Fire Breathes a cone of fire at enemy units which deals damage. Units that have Drunken Haze on them will ignite and take burn damage over time. |
Breath of Fire Information
Breath of Fire damage is capped to 8 targets. This does not affect the amount of damage dealt by burning damage from the Beath of Fire / Drunken Haze Combination.Cast Drunken Haze on a powerful unit, then use Breath of Fire to ignite them.
Remember that the burn-over-time damage on Drunken Hazed enemies effectively doubles the damage of the spell. Due to this and due to the two spells costing the same amount of mana, it is almost always advantageous to cast Drunken Haze on the enemy and then using Breath of Fire.
Drunken Haze Drenches a target enemy unit in alcohol, causing its movement speed to be reduced, and have a chance to miss on attacks. When units with Drunken Haze cast on them are hit by Breath of Fire, they will ignite and take burn damage over time. |
Drunken Haze Information
Use Drunken Haze on powerful units then use Breath of Fire!Drunken Haze combines well with other spells. Remember that there is a minimum speed which units move at so slow effects don抰 stack well with each other. However, accuracy debuffs do stack. If you cast Drunken Haze on a group of regular enemies that already is under the effect of other debuffs such as Necromancer抯 Cripple or Pit Lord抯 Howl of Terror, their ability to deal damage will be very low. Use these combos on groups of enemy units that are harassing the weakest parts of your army.
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