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Welcome(please read it)



发表于 2004-5-26 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
Here are some mistakes:
# U7 o2 Z0 _9 Z: h/ @Welcome(please read it)# h) j: o! S* z1 e# J
hello, everyone! i am the master of this section. welcome to english corner. follows are some advice that tell you how to enjoy yourself here.(I think this one is better"Here are some tips for you to enjoy yourself more")
- D( R% F, a% S8 z1 R- |3 ]# [1. please don't say "anything" that is "unwelcome" such as politics and uncivil words.
- l* |' k# C2 ~4 Y( R2. please don't just leave a simple word "up".+ h0 A2 y$ e4 n) q, ^
3. please use english as much as possible and review your words some times to check out if there are any mistakes. if you do that, you'll find your english have been marvelous improved.
7 x+ z' o- R0 P: c5 P1 o) n4. if you have any great english sentences and articals or everything about english please share it with us.4 b0 W/ X! Z% F' p* \
  n4 k+ V9 g7 |, }7 n  i  y
please don't hesitate to "join us", don't be shy to speak out. we are all learning!
* x; L& s5 U1 R! F- x6 Y$ }引号中使我加的。
/ H/ |) N: y, Q& z% g$ ^0 V& |/ p( O9 Y, m* `: i$ B+ [. g
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-26 22:31:44编辑过]
- ?! Z2 V, Y8 @& i0 f. f0 V9 ?' R# q


发表于 2004-5-27 11:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
My pleasure,haven't been here for a long time,glad to see that two responsible masters join here,hope you can make it hotter and hotter.


发表于 2004-5-27 11:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
Why all of u here got married,will I die single?Is there anyone here willing to marry me?



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