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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-20 13:28
  • 签到天数: 23 天


    发表于 2011-1-5 14:59:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
    151. The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.- R7 C0 `" W1 f/ N% ^
    间谍怕在壳子一样的棚里的架子上栖身。$ [* Q6 T, _6 N" F7 x" M' H# l: x
    152. The optional helicopter is adopted to help the optimistic helpless in the hell.
    + l, ?3 Q# ?. z- M+ u; t, D) N可选用的直升飞机被用来帮助地狱里那些乐观的无助者.
    : B& h6 y9 w0 e4 d$ n2 P) F
    $ Y1 `& ]& b1 b# @
    153. The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.
    6 V5 \' O6 F& G小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化。
    ' D0 r+ K+ ~! t5 l' N( U
    0 Y% \+ s9 H  o* g- q$ ], e+ }0 l) O
    154. The costly post was postponed because of the frost.
    8 p2 e& O! N  \( u" x那件昂贵的邮件由于霜的缘故而延搁。
    4 [9 b' [* x6 n- w

      I" [1 P0 U: r; |- x+ P1 r- d155. Srain brain on the train is restrained.1 x2 d# `( y6 e1 w2 q
    5 C$ E, P- ?( K; t

    8 a. s- _2 z4 o4 D8 n' f4 {156. The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.
    ! U: r2 I: A- \收获的谷物随雨水流失了,所有辛劳又白费.
    2 w7 J' O" N+ R1 I) ?

    " X) B" E8 t6 v, a% p1 z6 ?: s: E157. Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy soup.- ?9 R& U) V) S1 ~

    $ I) @) O! t- n: H; O4 }9 T) p0 M
    " n' d# Y, ]+ K: ?  k: x158. The wounded founder bought a pound of compound.0 p/ N9 |* U2 O4 P
    * c/ n  r/ X$ W
    + B" F1 n6 K7 n0 F% l
    159. It's easy and feasible to control the disease after cease-fire.
    5 m5 t+ }5 @- R( M- g停火之后控制这种病很容易也可行。

    1 I+ j. i6 `; A& s
    # \) Q& \. Y; p0 f: q160. After a decrease, the price of the grease increases increasingly.
    ; @- H8 h4 }& R- i6 u+ u' P下跌过一次之后,润滑脂的价格日益上涨。

    # x+ t* p8 r0 i: @0 B2 A, L( b7 ?: j6 Z7 M, Z5 ^7 s
    161. Please release that pleasant peasant teaser who brings us plenty of pleasure.& c- G, y& k$ A0 c4 F

    4 k8 O6 k, n3 @( b) [3 r% o  A8 u7 Q3 J( Q1 L$ h* a2 b
    162. In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.
    7 g; F6 l/ M( h5 L8 S9 p3 p在运河里,那个加拿大人化验了香蕉.
    3 u' w3 C, ]2 f
    7 e( d0 b. _3 r
    163. I pointed out the joint on the coin at the disappointing appointment.
    0 F) K" N9 P7 X4 C1 q7 I8 I在令人失望的约会上,我指出了硬币上的接头.
    . \* _4 A9 K9 H
    ! I. _$ p! X) v, s+ t" P
    164. His parents apparently stare at the transparent cigarettes.
    ) W6 l7 b+ ]/ \; `3 k* n他父母显然凝视着透明香烟.

    $ D8 P; R' g) M+ ?$ ^6 o0 w
    / S6 B; b/ t+ f+ M165. The careful man is scarcely scared by the scarce parcel.
    5 l  g: q! L- r3 k5 ?; O5 ]细心男子勉强被罕见的包裹吓了一下.

    4 t7 H! @$ f: t# G) \: E$ n3 y! z- ^! ]6 K  l* ^$ G4 y1 C9 Q
    166. I'm rarely aware that the square area is bare.
    $ g2 E9 ?& ]+ P% M9 d4 ]我很少觉察到那个正方形区域是光秃秃的.

    8 h6 `$ N7 a+ ^* c/ J! N- ~/ V9 ]. ^7 [9 |- A* h
    167. “Beware the software in the warhouse during the warfare,” hare said glaring at me.3 ]9 w2 P$ Z  _3 J$ ?  g

    , Y1 e4 B; u5 d3 ?- L# R% D2 u, f" I/ g+ k1 W5 |0 \% ^  [
    168. I daren't declare that the shares are my spare fare and welfare on the farewell Party.
    * E6 z4 C- c5 o$ n/ j在告别会上,我不敢宣称这些股票是我的备用车费和福利。

    1 `0 f0 m9 u7 e+ s
    " K: u! [9 S& m; A- \6 a8 L169. The external and internal interference interrupts my interpretation at short intervals./ y$ c6 V8 A! \% m$ b) E; Q0 @- b, {
    $ U0 n) C! ^7 H. _. g
    * F3 f' R8 U; V7 O$ C; ?
    170. The form of the former formula is formally formulated.; C6 ~- H0 z% e4 Q; g6 N2 |

    0 m  t" G2 a$ P( n; a  }- d3 o" V" ?/ `* E8 ~6 k2 c. h
    171. The performer reformed the performance of the transferred transformer.( |+ [* k" w: [6 s0 P2 c
    5 t# O$ _; N1 b7 _' w- p
    / @3 i* R' c) o. w$ I* U
    172. Normally, enormous deformation is abnormal.
    ) y7 p5 }' A* z通常,巨大的变形是不正常的。

    7 K9 K  r7 k4 |. ]  d# z7 p
    - N) f7 v! n. [6 G7 M173. The bookworm in uniform is informed of the storm.7 j! X8 @/ z( C" D& u4 l
    & J4 @  y9 \. Q& n6 C( v- b. h
    1 r3 S: O& W- \6 q6 |: _0 O2 V& q
    174. The story about the six-storeyed dormitory tells a glorious history.
    0 B- H- J( H9 n; M关于六层楼宿舍的故事讲述一段光荣历史。

    ( @. h, V8 q. z3 o; l
    3 o4 W+ F" [! y" y  @* S: G# z! p175. The perfume consumer presumably assumes that the volume is resumed.9 h, l* S; r$ D: T/ t

    ' E0 i6 m% F3 P7 P( X
    ( v9 Y6 g# Q5 ~! k4 j, @0 }176. The voluntary revolutionaries revolted like the outbreak of volcano." s' t: C, R6 }3 u" A4 S

    1 b1 V" o# [( k. C6 }- [
    : X9 x! o& s+ U/ I8 T( t177. It's resolved by resolution that the solution will be used to solve the involved problem.6 W: f8 ]% ]: S) ~0 `& r
    ) u1 W* i% K4 g+ b+ B  y! \

    ! w7 b4 g" g: q& k9 C; b4 q178. The generous general's genuine genius is in making generators.: o# Q. O2 @- Y
    % C; J2 \* f6 C" \9 r
    , q% n5 t" V( D& s* J
    179. Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner's funeral.
    0 a4 ?, W" A" s- M好几个严厉的联邦将军在矿工的葬礼上喝了矿泉水。
    ! l# u  o) r" P, u  h4 h& V

    4 k$ x1 n3 c% q180. The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.
    ' _1 f3 I, I, O; D  N瘦人斜靠在干净的豆科植物上读叶片传单.

    5 ?  O. v0 C: S" a6 B; v$ R
    ! z, S$ r% \. w181. I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.
    : z4 }5 A0 C: r3 m8 z# }8 G我的意思是其间在海洋上他用了卑鄙手法.
    # O4 a2 {( P9 o2 ^4 t
    3 b! F# J2 \) c/ l6 P
    182. The honourable journalist spent an hour on the journey of tour.
      i3 j7 O7 k% M可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时.

    0 |0 Q+ S; k+ X. x$ v1 |6 l2 L/ {2 J: \6 p5 o4 f
    183. The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory. It's the source of resources.' O. P9 I+ \* e, s

    ( s  X- d: ~0 p
    ! t4 e( _" T* ]0 F* L- ~184. Of course the man's courage encouraged the discouraged tourists in the courtyard.4 O$ }1 \6 r6 {: |: d3 V4 o

    3 d& F4 n( C& Y- ~; v8 O% i0 @5 [: \7 u' i
    185. The zealous dealer has an ideal idea of dealing with the meal.
    - X9 F3 c1 ?) g6 x8 |热心的商人有一个处理膳食的理想主意.

    ! S7 |) F$ w+ x9 _4 G& \
    8 C! R+ I! F) d- F186. He conceals the fact that he is jealous of my seal and wants to steal it.
    4 U$ d2 \1 J( K# P' }3 m( R他隐瞒了他嫉妒我的印章并想偷的事实.
    , q2 T0 i7 X7 {5 F

    : q2 Q9 U6 b! `) [/ K187. I really realized that a realm came into reality.
    ( c, v+ r  F: t6 M我真地认识到一个王国已变成现实.
    ; F  i. B1 w6 B4 c+ ^

    * z6 H/ b6 `+ h1 F. w, E188. The healer reveals an appealing fact that health is great wealth to the commonwealth.# N0 U; W% O! L9 O) ]

    , D$ p9 ]/ l! j9 n
    # r  c$ ?* @, m, F189. The absent-minded student consents to the sentence in the presence of me.+ y; L/ H/ ?3 D/ N0 ^1 _6 T/ L
    - n2 F- l3 B1 `5 s) o/ q
    / U, A' H! n# K- N! n& M" F
    190. Presently the present is presented to the representative.
    4 a2 q9 E  n* K0 n6 M# N+ W现在这份礼物已呈现在代表面前。

    % ]0 h3 M' @# a6 s9 Y# {1 J' ]9 P3 [# N$ p- t
    191. Not for a moment has the comment on commercial phenomenon been mentioned.
    ( E5 X# E/ c) }# i0 p) }那个关于商业现象的评论从未被提及过。
    7 v1 B+ o0 x- j
    # K+ s# x% h5 Y3 K5 Q6 _$ _/ d
    192. The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.# r  G% v( Z- s) U! P
    ) X5 @4 Z9 _/ N& O1 n' u

    : e" Z: |+ x/ p* z' q- I193. As an exception I accept all his concepts and conceptions except one.4 z" a+ N0 T9 ]3 u6 P# j

    # n: d4 Y% M: k6 r( H
    4 C2 z8 H$ V$ j$ g194. I perceived that the veil clung on the ceiling of the clinic was deceit.
    ) t+ r% j6 c1 G/ M( F' u6 C我觉察到粘附在诊所天花板上的幔子是个骗局.

    / S8 V; W% i0 Y/ w
    , K* e4 x: H: f/ N195. The receptionist received a receipt from the receiver.
    5 P" z: y* C" d( f接待员收到一份来自接收者的收据。
    6 V# @% k7 b( ?

    . ?0 F% P6 V, p196. The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.) q3 ^  B" O- G9 T7 q
    8 e; V" m2 h) \0 `

    ! i( s% |6 [; w* a, w/ h6 _$ k. u197. The newly imprisoned prisoners poisoned poisonous moisture are hoisted out from the prison.
    7 d' y, U  u' Y: H中了有毒湿气毒的新近关押的囚犯被从监狱吊出.
    " [5 b7 [; S0 Q; Q+ Z( N% G

    ! n/ A! M+ ?  t1 h9 [198. The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.
    . j3 I' I7 V) P! j1 L1 y) ?& S/ R粗鄙的杂货商在老板面前叉起腿子.
    ; W2 s! O+ E+ l* E4 H

    / z4 ^, y' A9 m# @+ `/ j# w, p199. The lost Bible is possibly the biggest loss of my possessions.
    2 D( `( E/ y+ |7 m, z丢失的圣经可能是我最大的财产损失。

    3 p1 F- ^  v1 @8 B
    ' h2 ?/ a+ u# q) f200. A dose of poison made the noisy man's nose rosy.
    2 S1 K' V" w! E7 b3 M一剂毒药使得吵闹的男子的鼻子变成玫瑰色.
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