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发表于 2011-3-24 17:51:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Here are some questions to consider when deciding if buying or renting is the right choice for you:在决定买房还是租房最适合你之前,或许可以先考虑以下这些问题:. j+ M% V; f. Q: y( T  D( ~1 n  @; n
; z8 r7 z9 `/ k2 [
, T0 g1 R3 Y/ I) @, O: X. x
How long do you plan to stay in your home? "There are high transaction costs associated with buying and selling a house," says Dean Baker, co-director at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, so home buyers should plan to stay put for at least four to five years.
! R9 \+ M2 Z6 b" e) `你打算在新买的房子里住多久?经济与政策研究中心(Center for Economic and Policy Research)联席主任迪安·贝克(Dean Baker)说,“买卖房产交易费用很高,”因此如果打算购房的话,至少要打算住个四五年才划算。: U, Y- P  n# Z/ F
& x- `) G( V8 ]( T5 l

8 U7 f7 y' K* ~) E) _1 l ! h9 `% W, ?( x& Y: t
The reasoning? The costs for buying and then selling a home -- which can include a real-estate agent's fee, a transfer fee, closing costs, and inspector and surveyor fees -- could add up to about 10% of the sale price, or roughly 1½ years worth of rent. 'If you average that over 10 years, it is not that big a deal,' says Mr. Baker. 'But if you average it over, say two years, you're paying an awful lot of money to own a house for a short period of time.'8 j9 y( P2 s/ p
原因何在呢?买了房子再卖掉所需的费用──包括房产中介费、过户费、买卖手续费、验房师和估价师的费用──杂七杂八加在一起大约是房价的10%,或者大致相当于一年半的房租。贝克说,“如果你把这个费用分摊到10年,那就不算什么大数目,不过如果要分摊到比如两年,那就意味着,你要为短时间拥有一个房子付出很大的价钱。”1 t" O. `7 F' G/ `( s* o4 x$ t* D
- P% Y7 W, H$ l

8 }# i$ h7 |8 v; a/ e- K0 pCan you handle the monthly expense? While a monthly mortgage payment may be comparable in some cases to a monthly rent, there are other expenses to consider.: ?' ], R) d0 P+ I5 [; y
每月所需费用你可以承担吗?虽然有些情况下,月供跟你每月租房的费用差不多,不过买了房子之后,除了月供之外,还会产生其他一些费用。1 K  y3 g- `+ X3 L( d

: D: \. Y; _) ?% c" V 2 f% [9 o  G5 h- i1 v) K) k6 A
To get a feel for the financial burden you'll be taking on -- and to see if you can handle it -- 'practice' making payments. Each month, set aside projected mortgage and property-tax payments, maintenance costs, utilities and any other home-related expenses into a separate savings account, says Gary Smola, a certified financial planner with financial-educational firm Financial Finesse.5 j8 K8 U  L' ^
要切身体会买房后的经济负担──也是为了看看你能否承担得起──“演练”一下每月还款吧。理财教育公司Financial Finesse的注册理财规划师加里·斯莫拉(Gary Smola)说,可以每个月把预期的月供、房产税、维修费用、公共事业费及其他与房子相关的费用单独存入一个账户。
! N9 J4 M, i7 |" Z8 P2 G# N
) q1 h/ Z/ e# o* L  r5 e9 J
# F8 R( p( }, c6 t" hWhat's the price-to-rent ratio? Home prices have come down significantly in some areas of the country, but 'nobody knows what tomorrow's going to bring in the housing market,' says Daniel Morris, a certified public accountant in San Jose, Calif.- Y. j$ j4 Q) ], R# k
房屋租售比如何?加利福尼亚圣何塞的注册公共会计师丹尼尔·莫里斯(Daniel Morris)说,在美国有些地区,房产的价格跌得非常厉害,不过“谁也不知道房产市场下一步走势如何。”
" L: P( T( C' x8 g0 j4 z& c# @
3 X/ X; ~3 b  B5 A8 [
  x3 l3 x, z2 s- z  n. |, A& OTo determine whether it makes more financial sense to buy or rent in your area, compare home sales prices with the cost of renting a similar place.% k/ S) ], B# H8 @
# v# y4 L. h9 B- K9 i+ ~# s, K/ j) p8 o# f  v  s

8 B: r4 N  l) Y! V; N: N$ E5 ^Divide the price of the home by the total cost of rent for one year. If the result is more than 20, 'I'd be very concerned that the price [of the home] might fall more,' says Mr. Baker, and you should consider waiting to buy. If it's 15 or below, he says, 'you're probably reasonably safe' with prices holding steady or growing.
/ Z9 p/ a; P, U$ Y+ P- X/ F贝克认为,如果将房价除以一年的租价得出的结果大于20,“我就会担心房价极有可能还会再跌,”你就应该考虑再观望些时候了。他说,如果结果小于等于15,“买入应该还是相当安全的,”因为房价会保持稳定,甚至还会上升。) \5 X" O2 S, x- I8 y( \
% T3 J# N6 \+ ^

9 c+ I+ J6 u9 p# U4 q" k' {: X3 zWhat is your job and relationship status? Twentysomethings are still getting a grasp on their futures and a constantly changing lifestyle might require the flexibility of renting.1 N$ k* K) q, d0 W# ]
你目前的工作如何,跟伴侣的关系如何?二十几岁的人群还是在事业打拼阶段,个人生活方面也经常会有变动,也许还是租房这种灵活的方式更适合他们。2 H$ @2 |+ G% @# T

3 D* o. D2 q# O. Q; V1 Q* u6 M' Q " K/ k6 }) Z0 }. b+ T
But 'if your career stability is strong, you are comfortable doing what you\'re doing and you are committed in some form to your lifestyle,' Mr. Morris says, buying a home becomes a more attractive option.
8 M- X8 l3 P: H/ d- y莫里斯说,不过,“如果你的工作非常稳定,你对现状非常满意……个人生活方面也相对稳定,”那么买房就是更有吸引力的选择。. b' l. u8 J: s6 V

8 Y: k# A* g) Q3 z
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发表于 2011-3-24 20:56:02 | 只看该作者
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