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发表于 2005-5-27 17:58:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1, It displease my parents when Richard and I stay out late every night. My   E9 p, U& _" A
parents don ' t approve_____.
' s. M- [& O9 V' r: f% j& H6 |! CA, of me and Richard staying out late every night.
# q8 _6 |- o8 n/ P' e2 e8 x! OB, of Richard and me staying out late every night.
  W7 h2 n5 J' @7 y. hC, of Richard ' s and my staying out late every night.
6 L! K- Z) v6 V" A3 T" s! ^D, when Richard and me stay out late every night.
/ P* U' O5 T) z  K' c1 W2, " As for their going along with us, " she said, "________ ".
1 T* n& }/ k+ _$ NA, my husband and myself certainly have no objection.
1 w% o) K  D4 m- k0 k% S- k) U" JB, certainly my husband and I have no objection. 9 D0 f+ v- Q7 [- ^% G$ B" Q
C, either I or my husband certainly have no objection. 5 O; V2 N- ^  ]# N4 _4 B5 O" n
D, either my husband or I certainly have no objection. ' x1 n( @! q& z: y8 w9 n
3, " any thing wrong? "" there was no objection on the part of ________ p
: x2 l+ R* y7 c* U; f/ u5 rresent ". & }, Y4 ~. p1 z/ N7 }5 R0 c
A, this.
! b& k' a  R& q  r6 f' G; `B, those. 8 g1 s3 q6 p& V1 r. E5 O$ p' m
C, these.
7 a8 ]0 @/ s4 j- Z" _, _8 L$ ]; u/ KD, who. ) f+ \5 c: W* f6 D8 c
4, Although oriental ideas of woman ' s subordination to man prevailed in t
. \  ^2 p9 X& V: N! ~; those days, she_______ meet with men on an equal basis.
$ `! F/ @: r) AA, did not dared.
- @7 i" F0 N- T3 `3 }B, dared not * o& R4 U. B" }2 t1 [
C, dared not to. 1 Z8 H; R3 B( ^0 ^" e' k
D, did dare not to.
3 I) o' n$ J6 D! N9 f4 h/ E- U5, The stars (awaken) a certain reverence in man because, (though) always (p 2 d, o" d8 L, V- Q- M# I6 w* t
resent), they are beyond (your) reach.
; e8 V) X  L: s6, I had hoped( to have learned )French before my trip (to Paris), but I (di
- @4 b- n: p5 N% dd not have) any (extra money) for a course.
# x; p3 b( K, o" t( t4 }1 j4 T7, " what is the difference? " / }. x/ _  ?+ F- L
" this furniture is different from______ ". % n4 r7 l, O% i- S
A, that book. 3 R( _4 {; Z6 T; y; P6 Y! {
B, your. . E, P+ z* |; c! J
C, that one. : b. |$ b! ?4 t) @9 b
D, that. * z( K( l9 h) {
8," we walked twenty miles today. "" I never guessed you could have walke ) ]9 U! i6 B; {- v' A& d
d _____ ". 4 |; [% a5 q" i' D( c8 f0 {
A, as. ; C" b& ]& F( @8 U" ?0 u
B, this.
- @) Y% r! N' v' o; \, BC, that. & w4 E; G( T5 r" Z  B+ n
d. such.
- w* x+ m$ V2 E, q  F8 l" W9," what did Jack do last year? ". " I heard ____ taught German. ".
% k# `' q. C' T+ ~a, he.
4 V2 s4 \4 s% ?2 ^7 J* ^+ H4 A. {9 dB, his. $ i; p; y; r  @: u$ e. K4 A6 o5 S
c. he is.
) M8 s& r5 D$ ?, h3 z- R; ud. him.   Y0 k- K) T: w' G
10," did you see any foreigner present at the party? ".
, v: L3 R: b% g3 z9 X& w3 n" he was the only foreigner ____ I saw at the party. ".   M0 Y+ R" Y9 O' b/ ^4 J- F2 U, M
a, whom.
- R/ z) B- F2 p. z8 W+ e0 }" P+ sB, that . 3 n( z& [- M8 d8 Q9 a( @
C, who. " ^5 J" y3 z/ O3 W
d. which.
5 a- J6 F! k* ]: \6 k11, (Nobody) who will not try to help the other people (develop) (his )abili
# L/ P! X+ K% Eties (deserves) to have friends. * z$ c9 S& d9 b4 I. d8 p& V
12, (there is ) often disagreement( as ) (to whom) is the (better) Shakespea / ]' f" C& j4 j2 E
rean actor, Evans or Gielgud.
; e6 y* @3 c6 R13, John was ( the only one ) of the boys (whom) as you know ( was) not (eli ( A" }' Q# Z- w
4 Y0 ?6 _. ~' p7 p14, The ( irritable) sergeant (was) insistent that nothing (superseded) the
/ _* z$ C' e3 q/ X0 I$ s& Ndrilling of ( the forty new men.).
2 P" z: }* g6 R1 J9 y& p15, (Still holding) the young man's hand, he paused, and then (added delibe
" P6 X* F  p0 p# t0 {6 @/ |- Urately): now I am not the man to let a cause (to be lost) ( for want of )a w % X" Q% |4 g2 [/ Y
ord. 4 p( I( u0 m& R: M
16, "What do you think about these pies?"
$ \' r; D; [" z" l+ b" I would like to have_____".
: v& f+ C4 ]" o. VA, some other. * }# u% i; h8 M2 v( [% C" v) X" o
B, another.
  n+ J$ ^& d8 l# Z2 Kc. the other.
+ p# F; c5 o* W2 f' Hd. other. ( q6 H/ U6 H+ W7 p$ p
17, The FORMation of snow (must be occurring) (slowly), in calm air, and at + f3 i( K5 |, k1 l! H
temperature (near) the ( freezing) point.
! ]: B# X+ |0 M0 `8 S6 ]8 k18, Carol said (that) she (went) ( to) the supermarket (before coming) home. 3 y# B! v, D% @3 t& M( P
? ! O% _9 _! B# v8 H% X
19, (Weighed) down by a mass of trivial detail, a housewife is fortunate if
: [& w& r7 H9 x1 x: pshe (did not) soon (lose ) all her charm and (three-quarters )of her intelli / h7 \# E' @6 O  m8 x8 B# b
gence. 0 W& i, Q& O% M  C& `1 a! a
20, When our neighbor's daughter( caught) her fingers in the car door, she
2 H) V  z6 y0 B( c(did not cry) even though it (must) have (hurted) her.
6 q9 K( h: u5 l# [# _4 f8 R. l! ?21, I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.
: Z4 S' D9 y9 e6 DA, who.
. S% w+ H7 X, i1 Y4 r% AB, that.
" V% Z. ~5 w% y$ _C, which.
, q4 @* h& U4 U# w- Ud. whom.
+ o! g, T. E6 O" h- v22, "Then about tolstoy's great novels".
! B/ g& {" u" E  d, ^" who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?"
% m$ z0 C6 m( q1 ~; z6 Ia, who.
+ i4 H% k% L# g: _; X5 {  P# k5 oB, that.
. Y  I4 }2 T( B& x" F+ Vc. which
2 _8 P6 e+ o7 Q! A! ud. whoever. 6 I$ f. [' @1 O; h
23, Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures, the ques
- {8 P# W0 G7 b! Ition has arisen as to how____________.
/ ?1 O" }; E, s6 t9 a! aA, did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate. ! i- t3 |* }; s5 ~! C
B, was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated. $ K( m7 X" w- I. |. l# X  {& B
c. the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.
4 a, o9 Y, p6 B+ }+ E, e" LD, the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.
! M! |3 R3 I% m6 v5 I5 e; Y24, Most (aggregate) rocks are fused, and, (as is implied ) by the name, (ha
1 E3 C) A; U4 c; h* |6 y' `s originated) (by the aggregation ) of smaller stones.
* i$ J9 o5 s5 @" }. ]25, The Amish, (whose) culture is (unique) American, have (developed) a (dis
/ a$ ^, s# ^! t$ d3 N* Atinctive) tradition in organic farming. $ n! v) p! r% d' B, i6 C
26, By the time smith (graduates) from (dental school), he will be (twenty-s
( n  s& o5 |" ?4 p; Aix) (years of age).
( e2 C4 o4 T7 z% y" T% Z27, (standing in the driveway), the house (appeared to be ) much smaller tha
2 v. v0 o" X$ s3 Qn (it had seemed ) (to us as children) many years ago.
) J" [, [4 J0 B28, Kevin is (particularly) (fond of) cooking, and he (really) (cooks) delic / B% E! W+ f8 D# d& l0 I
ious meals.
" c: Q/ b" a5 B% {: |4 t29, I held an opinion that ( a honest man) who married and brought (up) a la
9 S, [# H9 g( W& |7 T, o2 Qrge family did more service than (he) who continued (single ) and only talke
: U- ^3 q0 |0 p% G- {d of the population.
9 R; D! O% n) D* y1 L2 y30, After (the church ) ( the men) stood together ( in the churchyard) (sayi ( Q1 Z$ _' T7 }+ R& _
ng) he must be crazy.
; a: _& I* `. Z! r" X* t3 @31, "do you need more water in the pan?" 5 X. P7 C7 j- P/ \! U/ ]
"no, it has ___________". 6 F9 d5 Q: M0 x/ U* [
A, already enough full.
4 Z) s( G& i& m; L( r  [B, full already enough.
6 b6 w4 B, i9 J+ I& VC, already had enough. - _$ T) l9 _" L9 Q+ h8 m6 h+ Q! V! L
D, had already enough.
) m/ v/ k$ i# M0 U, f% @. h7 S32, This is ___________ such a thing. & W) }$ a$ V2 _: n- t9 Z
A, my first time of seeing.
  g2 `5 e& n  w+ e) b3 D0 XB, my first time to see.
3 B& ~7 I6 O. G0 SC, the first time I have ever seen. 9 s! ]/ K) m$ l. D" ~
D, my first time I have ever seen.
- F0 e' C& M! J! j- A33, " after that, what happened to him?" 4 E( d. d5 ?  V9 M2 V1 t
" the chance to enter_____ come and he took it."
- {& y" e1 b" z, Y4 s5 yA, to college.
" f: x. @( J& a% ]6 A4 OB, the college. " R" d9 T1 l! Y) C& K8 S" L8 V& J% q
c. for college.
! q5 J1 X) y* V0 I/ d; ]% rd. college. 7 `$ f+ {) k) ~# V$ F3 d$ @; v
34, There has been (hardly no sign of ) agreement ( as yet)?(between ) the
, r& ^( Z+ b: [% |4 I4 amanagement and labor ( in their ) dispute over wages and working conditions.
. G6 C* ^% A3 H  e?
" [5 \- t+ C: ?1 ^& V) z35, ________ lessons were not difficult. 9 _' i' X" m, l/ o
A, our first few short French.
0 E2 ]9 _0 v0 U4 p$ {B, our few first short French. ' t! e9 _- k; H, s5 u( C0 U) i
c. our few first French short.
# b. [, u( M: @D, few our first French short. , j+ f7 Q/ ?$ p: ?: t" w) p; A
36, Bill said that he didn't do _______ paper work. , v  o8 R. L% ~3 E
A, many.
: ~7 z: @' T  f3 ]2 ]B, lots of . + V- S8 b! i+ M8 O
c. a great deal of .
" b, S5 {# X8 S) Rd. much.
2 E! u! L5 b; v" k' Y37, I waited there for thirty minutes; that seemed ________ hours to me.
8 z: h* N7 M' _! E0 H4 YA, many.
3 s% W+ m) l7 X4 M' UB, very much. 0 J! b/ e1 I" N/ v2 w% S' W/ B1 Q
C, as many. ' s1 X7 E  ^$ h9 x
d. so many.
. D- L. S1 s0 M) T; ]% g: g38, No one (on ) the committee had flatly made (some ) such allegation, ( th # W2 |) p4 g6 G& a+ X3 M/ o
ough) Wayne Morse did come (close) by declaring that the U.S. had irritated 3 u# r9 K# I: [
the North Vietnamese. * g: T/ X; A: b7 ?% V
39, There (have been ) (many) an argument (about) (its) proper usage.
$ H  S. N: Z9 W& g4 d40, ( the social studies), (broad speaking), (deal with) man's ( relationsh
* r. {2 o8 G- F" vip to other men).
! d: \( T" o( K% F: v41, Founded ( in ) 1961 ( and employed) an estimated 35,000 people, the orga 0 w4 F( A1 o  i& I9 W" |  ]
nization (has gained) a reputation for brutality. - R4 C/ @3 x+ u5 n$ O7 A
42, "john had the piano tuned today." ( e* E/ Y/ e! e! i
" was it_______?".
% f2 ~* ~/ I5 @( y1 D. fA, out of tune badly before. 1 Y' e4 M" b" t! k
B, before badly out of tune.
! F; [" ~! R$ B! J% m2 aC, badly out of tune before. : }# a& g, k2 i7 X# E: V
D, out of tune before badly.   d, t9 {) V* W; u
43, "leaving for Chicago?" + N1 |7 r) f+ d+ k
+ [% D0 N3 z8 O3 P" `A, soon.
% m' y' w+ Q3 C6 VB, lately. $ L$ w: V; U1 ~1 @
c. late.
1 u5 Z1 A' L, xd. sooner. ) n( s4 N/ j, Z) ^1 b
44, " jane acts quite unfriendly."
7 v9 J  |' V( Y: U3 O! b# O) c5 B" I think she is ________ than unfriendly." % s4 U9 m) \- I; B
A, shyer. 9 W3 ~) C: Y7 S
B, shy. ) \) u. L9 V/ y& l
C, more shy rather. ; W. G6 }+ \' E' |
D, more shy.
+ e4 K* l; t6 e6 L5 \3 x3 b/ j45, "would you like me to go to the doctor with you?"
! J& S/ x  Z. L+ B"no, you_______ with me." / E; c! C' h$ ^4 n4 u5 M: V. }
A, need not to go. ; }" S! p+ b4 T* ]
B, do not need go.
# ~3 ~! H9 `& b! c" \7 ?& Ec. need not go.
9 M& F, ]! m/ q, ^4 kD, need to not. 6 A* c7 _( h5 C0 |% r5 h
46, No (other )beverage comes (even) close to rivaling coffee as the (more w
+ R% q" s1 V" H$ u8 R. C1 b! X/ g. tidely) drunk refreshment in the (world). . f8 Y8 v9 ?" Q% ^1 h
47, Strangers (come) into her city (now) notice what a (clean) place ( it is
* Y) Q+ O9 w$ c, c1 ^7 o) r). 3 h, P" b: P! r. b' Y9 G: ?' c5 a
48, Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so ( mu
& `3 i! {! ]/ \, a! ~7 p5 D' T, ]ch) used unprecisely and uncritically it (would) be (better) to avoid them a
$ f* l+ f. S, z' {ltogether in our themes.
: K& j$ [; z. \3 y7 o6 v/ A49," I did not go to the party."
0 v9 H7 }$ C* D* B/ P7 F# Q"did _____ go to the party?"
. m; Y; `0 R6 b4 z! e* L/ C! h+ o& ga, many john friends. % R9 ?  M9 B5 K
B, many john's friends.
" V2 n& p7 g6 s8 i8 E" e1 {) u. RC, my sister boy friend. ' S2 V4 W$ Z8 D! F  {, A. |: q8 P
D, a boy friend of my sister's. ' z9 X5 Q3 R' J; k
50, "what did you see?" 2 g& V$ U) f) v0 b% t
" we saw_____ police there".
9 T! }+ V2 u/ P8 ~1 z5 S! KA, many. 8 M; w( q, B# S1 |
B, much.
2 ?. H1 b8 q5 h1 ~% _c. little. ; e) j- x: O, s- u8 F, w- w
d. the. # @2 R& j- J6 }0 e4 C& [
51, (when) and (by whom) the islands of the west Indies were first settled i
" H) @/ U7 t8 h2 B! Js a matter (of debating) (among) archaeologists.
5 X6 ~3 m+ @8 t* f; [7 U52, (Cliff's and Al's) car (broke down) again, but (luckily) they knew ( h
4 C7 Q1 ?9 ]7 t. row to fix) it.
' \4 y+ r5 w  o: g53, (from the top ) of the tower, Jacob was able ( to clearly and easily see
6 W4 P* B3 b' F3 A, v) the (whole ) city (stretching) out below him. : Q& ^3 z" ~8 ?/ P* v1 L* m
54, Joan ( decided) that she did not like the (girl eating) an ice-cream con
% l0 |7 S; P' E; ze on the bus after (she) ( yelled) at her little brother.
  F& |$ V; w/ U9 s' J5 o; v
2 U. b- A3 ~) q* v& h. y8 C1 N$ Z5 Z* ?
# F' c: S* e% F6 A0 W' H# y! L

( u- i7 W# K: W4 I! [答案: # H+ {* o8 f2 F9 o. f
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发表于 2005-5-27 20:40:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-5-28 09:39:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-28 18:18:00 | 只看该作者
携手游人间 ,你是斑竹,你也不会?那太丢人了吧?


 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-28 19:16:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-5-29 08:52:00 | 只看该作者
<B>以下是引用<I>笑靥千秋</I>在2005-5-28 18:18:45的发言:</B>: g2 S3 U4 W; O6 m( C- O1 Z- |
携手游人间 ,你是斑竹,你也不会?那太丢人了吧?
1 T0 I2 E' Q' u5 M% B  ~

( `; y) P. r. h6 i2 ]5 k# t: V% F3 F7 z  Q- S% d
是懒得做啦~0 @  h6 S, t/ j4 ~) F. s: r* n

, Y: _8 O, O) s) e& n# g% `" j& L


 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-29 10:42:00 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2005-5-29 17:43:00 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2005-5-30 07:43:00 | 只看该作者
    <B>以下是引用<I>笑靥千秋</I>在2005-5-29 10:42:58的发言:</B>" i0 s# j" M1 _! S3 T- y- s

    $ L# g. U( c+ K# w8 z* q
    ' r3 L& f9 g3 s, m0 c; Z. j
    & ]& C8 ^9 V0 j; `# P( B是啊,托福660,再做四级语法题不过确实挺丢面子( A; m  }$ H* n* O: m% G

    + l7 X  j9 C# D( G" @


     楼主| 发表于 2005-5-30 18:58:00 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2005-6-17 23:04:00 | 只看该作者


     楼主| 发表于 2005-7-26 09:03:00 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2005-7-27 18:30:00 | 只看该作者


     楼主| 发表于 2005-7-27 20:28:00 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2005-8-5 18:26:00 | 只看该作者


     楼主| 发表于 2005-8-6 15:46:00 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2005-8-27 21:47:00 | 只看该作者
    <B>以下是引用<I>携手游人间</I>在2005-5-30 7:43:33的发言:</B>
    + j( R' ]- a5 ~% Q3 g; U7 ]
    ( T$ }$ V5 y0 O, ]$ i4 O- t
    3 [+ U/ `6 |, ]9 X3 {: P& T3 n' d( f- C: O3 V
    ) p, p8 G/ K) B  |$ l) l5 m0 O1 q# l
    ( m6 e+ q4 V3 g+ \1 y$ g
    , ^/ D: j( t: D* \1 ?2 E

    ) ^: L1 O/ ]4 B. g3 p: p托福660,这么强悍的啊



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