<>有些人来了,有些人走了,仍彼此相望着,却再不能拥抱着,却再也不能逃脱… </P>
* X$ ]) F3 ?* T3 y: w<>那一张纸的距离… </P>( c# ~9 q- `" [3 |$ z* m
<>我们仅是擦肩而过,却再也没有人和重逢的可能。因我闭上眼睛,就感受到那碰撞出的寂寞。 </P>
! T# n3 I$ m( a0 R' I- ^, Y/ A5 J<>原来曾经是两个人的未来却可以在一个瞬间变成一个人的支离破碎。 </P>/ ?, c+ C3 m/ g0 c' ~
, h8 ^: z. V$ p6 Y<>在你离开后,我便一直存活在空虚里。很长的一段时间我沉溺在网络里,跟陌生人似有若无的聊天,胡闹。偶尔无意用及曾经的暗语,反馈回来的信息就写满疑问,而我心底的某个角落也刹那被某个名字牵痛。我轻点鼠标把那个陌生人拖进黑名,然后关掉电脑一个人深深的沉溺。 </P>! G0 B" ?* |- \, L! F
<p>% `7 T% b# |# X7 z+ z% Q
<>爱情总是和某些场景有着密不可分却又莫名奇妙的 </P>
9 i! M; X' V, g' Y& Z9 K* `8 l. i<p>5 m9 Y( s' U$ n( z6 v2 h' u3 b
<>序--- <img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-3/200632221222938223.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" /></P>3 `, Y/ P6 E3 N
<>有些人来了,有些人走了,仍彼此相望着,却再不能拥抱着,却再也不能逃脱... </P>4 m1 @( X5 F6 u; `* s% \/ H
<>那一张纸的距离... </P>. S8 F; }& A3 }1 k; i
<>我们仅是擦肩而过,却再也没有任何重逢的可能.因我闭上眼睛,就感受到那碰撞出的寂寞... </P>
3 Q% J1 o" {9 c<P>原来曾经是两个人的未来却可以在瞬间变成一个人的支离破碎... </P>& S$ P) M+ S# Q9 U% q" G' ?
<P>文--- </P>3 q- h. T( y- l- w1 N8 z
<P>在她离开后,我便一直存活在空虚里.很长的一段时间我沉溺在网络里,跟陌生人似有若无的聊天、胡闹.偶而无意用及曾经的暗语,反馈回来的信息就写满疑问,而我心底某个角落也刹那被某个名字牵痛.我轻点鼠标把那个陌生人拖进黑名,然后关掉电脑一个人深深地沉溺... </P>
Q/ M; x# p0 g5 S8 v<P>爱情总是和某些场景有着密不可分却又莫名其妙的联系,就像音乐总是和情绪痴缠在一起一样.我无法摆脱,也无法想像自己怎会还思念着、感应着.我终于打算怜惜自己,打算离开,不让回忆折磨以后的日子... </P>% W. B) Z7 ~: I- X# l, ?; F$ o
<P>初夏的海风,吹的人想飞.蓝天白云、黄金沙滩,更多的时候我有着淡然的心境.偶而感触的瞬间,没有了文字的颓废,我便对天空的飞鸟唱那些情歌;偶而思念的片刻,没有了网络的感伤,我便在海滩挖个洞轻诉想念.在离开那个城市之后,我以为自己终可忘记点什么... </P>( J7 z* y8 {. G2 b, v
<P>而某天朋友带来的CD里,萧亚轩的歌声传来“因为下雨了 因为月缺了 因为类似的气候 提醒了 相爱时的感受 ”....我的泪瞬间汹涌而出,那首歌是我留在过去唯一的线索.. </P>
3 I' f, H: O, r0 x U<P>记忆的固执和忘却都不再可能,我首先知道我们之间是陌生的,但我实际更知道我是深深爱着她的... </P> u6 h) [5 K3 O6 }( N2 g1 w
<P>我回到了那个城市,我回到了网络前,我回到了一个人的支离破碎... </P>- d/ T( p" i) d) ~2 J$ A8 _; H
<P>我终将沉溺这场爱恨,你又是否明了.. </P>
" y! o. H: Z! r, x<p># M. [/ N9 o; k/ C1 _) Z# O
<P>.如果秋天走了,我会在雪中爱你. </P>
% }/ r9 q T( p8 @0 n<P> 如果世界消失了,我会在天堂爱你. </P>
L! c2 `/ @- E& F- {<P> 如果你走了,我会在泪水中爱你. </P>
" f, L2 G% H8 E<P> 如果我走了,我会在远方爱你. </P>
/ J# _. m. Y( l U<P> 如果世界消失了,我会在天堂爱你. </P>1 \8 X) `5 M- x( b# u$ O' n& P e( {
<P> 如果你的心死了,我会在我的生命里爱你. </P>8 K# N4 o! Z3 B# ^4 l" a+ M
<P> 如果我的身体死了,我会在我的心里爱你. </P>
' `: z+ {5 j! x<P>如果我消失了,我会在空气里爱你... </P>4 b& h* n0 X" ~: z V
<P>如果你消失了,我会在回忆里爱你... </P>
& v5 [/ l3 M' j# }- i0 O9 x<p>
5 I) i! @: e9 ~6 } o8 V3 o9 D# l<P>因为下雨了 ... </P>5 B: R; i1 l6 p( a5 Y9 B8 G2 `
<P>因为月缺了 ... </P>
4 c4 p1 `: ~3 b2 M, C<P>也许一阵风 ... </P>0 q9 i1 S" p$ P: V; p1 m
<P>也许一个梦 ... </P>: }7 ?1 h0 V' F T+ a
7 r: D2 L- w# C0 F1 h9 B- ]
<P>Someone has come, someone has gone. We are still watching each other, but there was no chance to embrace again, no chance to escape… </P>
3 L& E; e) H @; v<p>
' S. ~" J- N* h" f$ G. a2 S; q/ S& c. u<P>The distance, just like a piece of paper… </P>
4 Z9 G! i& e0 S/ f<p>
5 H/ ^' B0 U0 G# K2 s& B: r/ X2 v<P>We have missed each other, and it is impossible to meet again. Whenever I close my eyes, I feel lonely in my heart. </P>
" ]3 H$ Y6 R. T% [<p>
3 s4 U8 N7 L+ [( m8 \; l<P>The future had be belonged to us and changed my fragments of the memory to one moment. </P>' F2 x# q. F* \0 J
F$ v! h9 t3 |& l! h<P>After your leaving, I have lived in the void. I had indulged in the Internet for long time. Playing jokes and talking with strangers on the Internet. When I used some special words that only could be understood by us, they cannot understand our language. Your name in my heart would let me feel sad at that moment. Then I turned off the computer and indulged in memory… </P>
8 y+ \: N- J: q1 v" @2 n<p>
9 P; _: g) o* x9 ~$ w' t<P>Love always has very strange reasons some occasions. It just like music and feeling always tangled together. I could not feel myself from aching… and I could not also understand myself why am I still missing you. Finally, I want to take pity on myself, want to leave. I do not want to be harassed by only my memory… </P>8 m0 S) _% C6 x$ |
) k! S% k! Q8 Q/ N4 [2 A3 `<P>The sea wind in early summer let me fly. The blue sky, the white clouds, and the golden sandy beach… my mood was quiet. When I remembered you, I could sing love songs to birds flying in the sky. When I missed you, I could to dig a small hole on the beach and tell it my missing. After leaving, I thought I could forget something about you… </P>
( [, O6 w8 b6 Z- B<p>
/ T3 O( h- U( p5 ?<P>But when a friend gave me a CD, Elva’s song, let my tears come out. </P>
3 l$ g: D* u% a# A) R5 C O; ^<P>“Because it is raining…because the moon is changing. Because the similar weather reminds me the feeling of when we fell in love with each other…”That song is only scent which I left in the past. The memory could not be forgotten. I knew that we were strangers, but I also knew that I loved you very deeply… </P>, v* K5 ^7 c; E/ W1 X2 ?
# ]0 U1 y* @. [<P>I came back to that city. I came back to the Internet, I came back to myself, only myself… </P>
* Y! i, S @ v$ H: N% Y+ k<P>I would like to indulge in the love and hate. Can you understand me? </P>( {/ b3 I: l3 m! H! Q" L3 R
<p>) L: _5 ^3 g; e6 O# e' p7 ^! R9 h
<P>If the autumn goes away, I will love you in snow. </P>+ L/ m* T! {- E7 ?5 D# L
<P>If the world disappears, I will love you in heaven. </P>
9 W9 R# S2 D, e6 N8 x- e' e<P>If you leave me, I will love you in my tears. </P>
9 a9 p& u5 H+ D( P' {- c9 {! N<P>If I have to leave you, I will love you in distance. </P>
) g: y8 X( M& `<P>If your heart died, I will use all my life to love you. </P>. i$ d b) k% F/ m- o+ p9 l7 Y
<P>If my body died, I will love you in my heart. </P>/ [- }; s7 h3 F
<P>If I disappear, I will love you in the air. </P>. V& @3 p- f9 c1 ~0 m8 P& b( B
<P>If you disappear, I will love you in my memory. </P>( S5 T( _6 |7 H( Z5 E( E
2 X5 m% W* I8 i7 K4 |/ }! \! x<P>Because it is raining </P>
8 ?* N" n: M1 b$ o<P>Because the moon was changing </P>
% N) i4 U$ u0 k' j<P>Maybe it is the wind </P>
' F- k5 i: I. i: c. H9 {, Y<P>Maybe it is a dream… </P>2 y) {; ^; m9 L9 q
<p># M' c* n5 m# z& @
<P>原文by nothing </P>
* ^% y! c8 \! U* G+ k) _<BR> |