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发表于 2011-3-24 13:16:24 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 Seychelles塞舌尔

+ F7 x! C# {. A5 ~, k4 B/ x' ]0 IOne of the most photographed beaches in the world, the pale pink sands of Anse Source d’Argent unfurls across the island of La Digue, one of the 115 components of this archipelago in the Indian Ocean. The sands sparkle against a backdrop of towering granite boulders, worn by time and weather. The turquoise water is relatively shallow and protected from the ocean’s waves by a reef.# e: t6 j; a+ m: ?! C) f
世界上出境率最高的海滩之一,粉色沙滩的安斯跨越La Digued岛,是印度洋115个岛屿组成部分之一。沙粒经过长时间及不同天气的洗刷下闪闪发光。比率的水较浅,并保护珊瑚礁被波浪冲刷。

/ f( j6 U$ J: G& |, j0 `2 Maldives马尔代夫

. k5 x, q; h- ~, X0 n7 W: jWhether your dream beach trip consists of spending a few pampered nights in a four-star resort or swimming among tropical fish some 80 feet (24 meters) underwater, the Maldives are the sort of islands where either—or both—can come true. Straddling the equator southwest of Sri Lanka, the 1,102 islands that make up the Maldives form 26 atolls. The soft air enveloping the archipelago blends into a beautiful palm-fringed haze.  l% ?/ i6 X  w7 |# y

3 Bora Bora, Tahiti波拉波拉岛,大溪地

1 `# ^! f/ I( J% C6 y! ^6 E
This is one of the magical islands that make up French Polynesia in the South Pacific. Just 18 miles (29 kilometers) long, this lush little slip of land lies in a protected lagoon edged by white sandy shores, the best being at Matira Point. Bora Bora boasts the nickname the “Romantic Island,” a moniker easy to appreciate with its isolated beaches, intimate hotels, and quiet atmosphere.7 f! G* P! Q6 A. w' Y

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4 The Hamptons, New York汉普顿,纽约

" Q2 I, p8 \9 [. Q" g, kOne of the hip spots for the air-kissing, well-heeled set, the Hamptons boast some of the prettiest beaches on Long Island. The unspoiled shoreline begins around Southampton and runs east to the end of the island at Montauk. Windswept dunes and waving grasses border the Atlantic Ocean." p/ t6 g8 O8 W; q, q

! F" `1 ^, V! C" L: a2 z
5 Lanikai Beach, Hawaii拉尼凯海滩,夏威夷

0 H  |( N7 ?8 I  W0 Q/ X" ?# eHalf a mile of sparkling sand, palm trees swaying over a white beach, lush tropical plants, and endless sunshine make Lanikai one of Hawaii’s most scenic beaches. The shore is protected by a nearby coral reef, which keeps the surf relatively calm. The water is always deep green and postcard-perfect.
  t. d" Q/ j) T8 A有着半英里的闪闪发光的沙滩,摇曳的棕榈树在一个白色的沙滩,茂密的热带植物,和无尽的阳光使Lanikai夏威夷的风景成为最优美的海滩之一。海岸受附近的珊瑚礁的保护,这使海浪相对平静。水是深绿色和明信片总是完美的。
% y# B, k& F$ X+ t) z) P

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发表于 2018-1-20 13:22:17 | 只看该作者
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