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发表于 2003-11-2 18:09:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
我可没这个水平 9 e0 e, f2 s/ e) I! B$ ]8 C.686p0 o0 d) c7 J" @3 L .model flat, stdcall / }! i/ Y% F; {option casemap :none ; case sensitive( @; d7 ~* }- k0 s$ b ; ######################################################################### / X l: h- k m3 u, a1 tinclude \masm32\include\windows.inc 1 P' }* q" ^' iinclude \masm32\include\user32.inc & b& e3 U% ?" l+ F# Tinclude \masm32\include\kernel32.inc 1 R# O* {6 V6 |" vinclude \masm32\include\advapi32.inc" \1 D# _# W9 i$ r1 v; A) I ' \! h2 v" J) ]. ]! V% r includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib2 {/ J r2 _) K9 k; C' q7 q% G includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib, L, E* l; e/ ?$ D, O+ N6 z includelib \masm32\lib\advapi32.lib 0 [- [- {3 Z* w+ H8 y/ l9 I* C0 EDEBUG = TRUE 6 A- N8 U) E r H2 D6 P' C% {: JHMODULE typedef dword: q5 n6 d" D# O0 p1 j3 u6 q- P NTSTATUS typedef dword7 n0 i0 L$ P I8 _. r' S! Y PACL typedef dword , C) T4 ^. E0 f0 K& M# ]# S" C1 pPSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR typedef dword3 B$ } T2 z3 A6 Q( J8 A& c% { : ^3 N- z% T5 z8 `% K: | OBJ_INHERIT=2 ! m. `2 m, s' \1 S0 |1 n2 k OBJ_PERMANENT=10h % G6 B C3 K9 h8 f* l0 e: j, KOBJ_EXCLUSIVE=20h 5 u+ f2 i8 F7 {, ?: g% b OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE=40h " M6 d6 j" s3 w* R qOBJ_OPENIF=80h , m& z1 q% @2 e4 Y3 H0 c OBJ_OPENLINK =100h 2 N7 A9 r1 R d9 ^, }) V OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE=200 ) X9 H1 O8 l3 f3 m: ] OBJ_VALID_ATTRIBUTES=3F2h + L" v% S( ~0 `; j. ~! c6 B" |7 A % D1 ]" N, O: a SE_KERNEL_OBJECT = 61 J1 ` z) V2 m GRANT_ACCESS =19 X: @6 N; m( P6 q: G& U NO_INHERITANCE =0 - t: y4 u0 Y3 c6 u5 q( fTRUSTEE_IS_NAME=1 0 L6 R! I" K; vTRUSTEE_IS_USER=1- z" m$ p+ l% U% U1 P STATUS_SUCCESS =0 1 ?) f* Z; w# }% T, z STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED =0C0000022h+ w4 Z, z& [5 \& Q 1 A6 F- |* ]) T STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION equ 0C0000005h$ S- |( A+ d' P2 U1 Q7 a4 h STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH equ 0C0000004h* l4 u5 R" j8 t+ k7 A5 U( O: R6 h SystemModuleInformation equ 11 4 O( _7 b+ Q) T( T' GPVOID TYPEDEF DWORD3 ~3 C* f) p) j+ e* Q3 n UNLONG TYPEDEF DWORD $ ^& u: X5 P1 ?5 r. QCHAR TYPEDEF BYTE+ @- P. e$ v6 ?. F' o$ [ & v- J. \! e q6 O r UNICODE_STRING struct 7 b: Q3 |- o& q3 O nLength word ? 9 d# C& b# ]. n+ T1 y; X MaximumLength word ? 7 ]; m; x: y/ Z# V& h Buffer dword ? ; a8 q+ U$ i- j3 X9 _2 x" w9 |5 r0 aUNICODE_STRING ends 3 t4 n* t2 a b( Z5 @) \ ! F/ `, O2 g- G7 i, w2 A! TOBJECT_ATTRIBUTES struct 9 f* s" V# }5 Y6 |! A! c nLength dword ? V6 u2 G( r4 r) V. U$ K+ u RootDirectory HANDLE ? 6 S5 }7 Z3 G4 l/ g8 ^, U+ S% x, Z+ H ObjectName dword ?UNICODE_STRING 5 K( A0 K5 b& V! R Q Attributes dword ?; - `4 u' r5 t6 ?- ~ b2 F$ w SecurityDescriptor dword ?; PVOID // Points to type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ' R$ i' k. f$ o! v+ H SecurityQualityOfService dword ?VOID // Points to type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE " q6 a6 j" m0 E# M8 L OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ends ! o- {' C/ v8 j1 @6 j7 Y1 q : J I8 R/ M* b: }' s3 x, X1 |9 |0 S* O- m5 p, p- [ TRUSTEE struct ! U+ O0 B+ K6 r/ y- h5 ^ pMultipleTrustee dword ?TRUSTEE " g! }8 s9 S K, ?2 x MultipleTrusteeOperation dword ?; MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION 3 ~. \6 g1 f# e! g! y9 P TrusteeForm dword ?;TRUSTEE_FORM2 f4 p5 w3 H n; X0 f0 ^3 o0 R$ S TrusteeType dword ?;TRUSTEE_TYPE / L! c! o8 p6 B5 D ptstrName dword ?;LPTSTR & m, _* @# ~4 g$ x1 Z6 b/ TTRUSTEE ends 8 ]2 M8 ^3 m Y# d3 c# K3 z6 }( p0 Y5 i 3 S% Z! n+ @$ HEXPLICIT_ACCESS struct & V1 ^1 a! ?$ l4 n9 b* w grfAccessPermissions DWORD ? # E! D9 i7 H; j/ t4 {. S grfAccessMode dword ? ;ACCESS_MODE ' |* r2 V9 E" h5 ^7 U4 e1 y grfInheritance DWORD ? ; 6 A- A& _% r* [3 c ]$ l0 q Trustee TRUSTEE <> ; 9 A. ]! U3 g9 y8 p# d+ G: sEXPLICIT_ACCESS ends 4 j q/ p$ u: Z' K0 ]: t4 N8 t, o- ?) `2 ~: }/ [8 p% x9 f6 ] MyGATE struct ;门结构类型定义 " w% W1 _0 \. {3 Q7 h OFFSETL WORD ? ;32位偏移的低16位; ?! y, B4 W& f6 g SELECTOR WORd ? ;选择子& l& H# x7 ^- ]8 O, S, b+ ] DCOUNT BYTE ? ;双字计数字段6 R+ [5 e W7 e* q GTYPE BYTE ? ;类型0 Y2 Q1 x% t* V/ t& U3 | OFFSETH WORD ? ;32位偏移的高16位$ w; A, b$ ^' n9 x: y MyGATE ends * Z9 l R+ z+ ?* d % ^) s A- N; J; tIDEINFO struct' k* x' }) m' {$ I wGenConfig dw ? ( H/ Y9 r% }6 R rwNumCyls dw ?;拄面数 w: m4 E# d! S5 ^: v, W+ NwReserved dw ? , I7 e& E1 K& J0 k- Z5 }5 PwNumHeads dw ?;磁头数 ( P4 c: j4 e+ k7 v" i# gwBytesPerTrack dw ?;每道字节数 6 b6 O p! K! I/ y$ Q+ IwBytesPerSector dw ?;每扇区字节数3 h6 s; Q) N& g7 q. d6 R5 q wSectorsPerTrack dw ?;每道山区数$ S' A. S. Q$ d, M wVendorUnique dw 3 dup (?)$ n* W7 l; m& E% N; I sSerialNumber db 20 dup (?);硬盘序列号/ ^" w9 p, |8 g. r' |' b- J7 c wBufferType dw ?; / Z& a9 w. f+ bwBufferSize dw ?; ;n * 512& K# N1 e1 m( @! L wECCSize dw ?: B8 f6 a5 @7 L' c9 V/ m: b# `5 ^' _ sFirmwareRev db 8 dup (?); $ L! ]% b4 E; Z2 H! l3 KsModelNumber db 40 dup (?) ) ^# B% Z3 u1 K$ bwMoreVendorUnique dw ?% b0 |" E5 u0 o( {0 r1 z4 z" E4 O5 ` wDoubleWordIO dw ? 0 S+ V9 g/ W( ~wCapabilities dw ? " h2 Z1 V& n2 X' m% z9 awReserved1 dw ?0 [9 n* z; F" k& `3 _4 y wPIOTiming dw ?;6 b5 x. R* k* h% M wDMATiming dw ?;& ?! ] K* M2 U# q; }# v! B9 I! g wBS dw ?& A/ S3 y3 E4 S6 D wNumCurrentCyls dw ?;1 f) w5 E/ ?7 D wNumCurrentHeads dw ?; ' C( A7 M; i8 N% t! hwNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack dw ?;4 B! G2 Y w' F3 ^+ J dwCurrentSectorCapacity dd ?;+ m0 m4 t. E W' I wMultSectorStuff dw ?; 9 z9 K" g0 I, x5 N5 qdwTotalAddressableSectors dd ?;. A9 o) Z; R) ^ wSingleWordDMA dw ?;# M' g) _/ ^8 D: l) z( C7 k T wMultiWordDMA dw ?; % @6 D: H, @4 P9 _+ [9 q0 }* HbReserved db 128 dup (?) 2 M5 W0 y/ K; w3 y( _. WIDEINFO ends 5 u( s+ l- l8 e+ `! K3 S' X! j# c# ^ c: t' B% x0 u! L8 h% d6 @; y : J6 G3 M/ R! y" P2 K- \SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited proto :dword 7 J5 S1 D8 [ iMiniMmGetPhysicalAddress proto :dword0 G1 v" v' b- @% h . H2 ~* B- `6 \% X6 PENTERRING0 macro! T, M+ N! b( _" ` pushad + Y' ?! F* Z) J i, v0 ]* Y$ f pushfd ( x* c# G* J v& Pcli+ s6 r, i& N6 c5 s) ~ mov eax,cr0 ;get rid off readonly protect 1 |5 ^" |* p5 r) eand eax,0fffeffffh $ X# S8 }/ O: L0 D9 H/ ?* Hmov cr0,eax 1 c0 D6 d/ ]* m% s" Dendm0 o) P7 F# h2 a/ p% j9 G+ S . ]0 K& t0 V4 o1 U1 g, l LEAVERING0 macro! F0 N$ g6 R& t T mov eax,cr0 ;restore readonly protect" I$ ~( f# A w0 ~5 { or eax,10000h H* w2 A8 o) O% b/ } mov cr0,eax! Z- E, X5 q" l8 J2 g" O6 l sti& x4 |# z \6 O/ J: X8 p" H6 p popfd , i, t: [4 q, J3 ppopad ) N: a+ f+ Y0 v1 i/ A/ R( \: tretf2 h3 T1 f5 M; [2 H( ~ endm . [( H# Z( R# E( N, k % f! x9 Z* w E5 E$ N* S. k( s) L! D- b m( ^ UNICODE_STR macro str ) X: P' m$ b+ X9 q R2 Birpc _c,<str> 2 P) N* I# _! b* Ddb '&_c' % N. z: t* x* i ?db 02 |8 k% G+ M* ]: X$ c3 b% [7 _/ B* ?$ R endm& ?1 P' p/ N# ?2 s endm 2 t2 Z2 C5 h' u1 m% I' w4 ? J$ M4 ~0 \' t( Y* m1 D .data? 9 N9 U+ n* M; i1 B$ ZGdtLimit dw ?# E# X6 o9 e+ e+ M4 w. q, x* c% Q GdtAddr dd ?# K4 o% v' s! P8 ]1 P) y) y ) ]7 _4 U4 s% p' l v% MmapAddr dd ? , V1 A) a5 }7 ]2 _OldEsp dd ?- f- k% W+ W& M8 w; ~0 ^: Z6 A4 F9 | % t: k( M$ r1 }1 U- @2 q6 j readed dw ?5 s; a& f8 {$ |, n E& m buffer db 512 dup(?) O1 x; E) N( j& ^5 l ShowText db 512*3 dup (?) , A, ~' T" b+ D5 g8 v5 W- z# J( U3 y4 a# a- J d1 `5 Z) w r szBuffer db 1024 dup (?) 7 E+ ?8 N: M( AszModelNumber db 41 dup (?) + Y" e- B/ s' G& Z. `szSerialNumber db 21 dup (?) . y4 O. Q0 @5 V% VszFirmwareRev db 9 dup (?): U$ m1 G5 Z+ O+ B2 i# X- R# B : w/ {6 V! L! H' F& d* @' ] stIDEINFO IDEINFO : a: i9 W7 u, h' X) v/ _5 C7 w/ b y" ]* y0 }, G+ Z .data / ]" j% U7 |" U/ j% h$ ialign 4$ [/ N; [( q! B% W objname dw objnamestr_size,objnamestr_size+2, G j- {3 u1 M6 }. c objnameptr dd 0 ! e; K3 \9 }# Qobjnamestr equ this byte7 M( [: l5 C: c+ ~" E# k1 B1 n UNICODE_STR <\Device\PhysicalMemory> , O$ i8 l6 v! I2 y! Q, S, t7 Oobjnamestr_size equ $-objnamestr 0 i; T9 m: }, ]% r+ e ; c4 \ ?4 A# Z' O0 t8 j# D, v; z1 PszTitle db 'IDE 硬盘信息',01 ?5 y) ], N- @* H szErrInfo db '无法读取硬盘信息',0 7 R; S- d0 ] w5 M; G" i& yszIDEInfo db '柱面数 : %d',0dh,0ah& P% E3 [# D$ W' u db '磁头数 : %d',0dh,0ah & m" M. K/ b2 C3 f* H- Q9 R db '每道扇区数 : %d',0dh,0ah. O) G- h1 B5 M) P- g- u( h5 e db '缓冲大小 : %d 扇区',0dh,0ah/ Q# g9 W3 }: A* o/ Q- ]* V db '硬盘型号 : %40s',0dh,0ah9 X. B: V, g% m2 e3 c: C! R) p9 Y db '序列号 : %20s',0dh,0ah$ Y+ ~. Z! ^/ d9 w, U* N db '版本号 : %8s',0/ I# I' `8 j4 p6 r& i% Z; B& _4 _* d8 x % i$ N. `. p4 balign 4( H& p* f- T/ ?" x' N ObjAttr db 24 dup (0) 2 Z$ }2 i; `. [' p& y6 n 7 w# F# Y" f5 B+ w+ O& p9 G4 mCallgt dq 0 ;call gate's selff 6 c: X* Y; R( c c: ACaption db 'Windows XP绝对磁盘读写',0 4 J0 S* b7 ~+ o- f: eDigit db '0123456789ABCDEF',0 - T( j, v9 E; [3 B+ q2 _.code% v/ z6 x: i K( h. i8 L M. a1 V+ q _ShowBuffer proc ;显示所读出的信息 5 G& w. d3 L4 w ;把数据转换成16进制的形式7 i2 n, c& M. [- G7 m' z" r1 \# G0 y mov [readed],5127 W. t9 }" O4 n/ ] I: {1 _ mov esi,offset buffer ;数据8 k2 E* b, G$ I mov edi,offset ShowText ;转换后的数据8 a6 U @, X+ d7 K3 M) W mov ebx,offset Digit# U+ r: T& K2 F/ x xor ecx,ecx * x0 }. Q9 W$ |- a xor eax,eax % z8 b9 |- b8 {4 i9 S7 scomputeAgain: ( Y( O S2 @" H# }8 e- ?; v cmp [readed],05 B/ p0 N- X3 H! _% j7 D jz endCompute 0 h0 k6 q/ ^& b" ? dec [readed] % _- k$ J% i, x( N% p# c p lodsb : t$ J7 r) P( i, p* t push eax- k2 M, `0 ^6 N4 b% w0 W; Q shr eax,4 ;高4位% r8 D. E" V# _2 r xlatb 5 x9 {, v6 b2 b( }5 | stosb4 e$ m8 `' u0 {/ U- H: F8 A; | pop eax & ~# C$ e6 C `7 E and eax,0fH ;低4位 : X# j. k: L, b# }% O p) d xlatb3 K% V' G- I3 y) @, H$ D7 n stosb 9 u0 n7 b! H8 \ H5 _1 Q8 e [ mov byte ptr[edi],' ' ;空格 3 e! }. L6 h2 P; | inc edi1 t# O* h( v( n8 q inc ecx 4 u8 k V4 A& Y5 d6 l/ s cmp ecx,16 _3 G6 m( E- G8 |' P jnz computeAgain ( l' B2 Y- b3 f+ A# t0 w: \ xor ecx,ecx1 d9 d9 X! u9 u( `' M mov byte ptr[edi-1],13 ;回车; f; q8 `3 ~# K jmp computeAgain2 ~* L5 s- j( {) {7 L endCompute:; n4 s. }8 e p9 `! N ;显示4 M% t/ [. a1 h8 E; ~ invoke MessageBoxA,NULL,offset ShowText,offset Caption,MB_OK ' l) t3 Y! R3 L3 F/ S" x& {6 d ret 5 t: ]) N, n: e, s9 k7 z. t_ShowBuffer endp' `7 g1 S( Z& q6 B " [. M( E$ Z' j6 i; M* l SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited proc uses ebx esi edi hSection:HANDLE 6 J' J/ k1 i4 {: z local pDacl: PACL ) c0 s9 u# ~ J8 W4 w* Tlocal pNewDaclACL $ z4 J. z! \2 Mlocal pSD SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR 0 i0 P, |. E& X b4 K% U* T, }% Mlocal dwRes:DWORD ;4 r2 H" `, `! G0 w local ea:EXPLICIT_ACCESS ;. @+ v, W6 q$ w0 l. Q' {$ n invoke GetSecurityInfo,hSection,SE_KERNEL_OBJECT,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL,NULL, addr pDacl,NULL, addr pSD 1 M" a' h; j7 m' `# tcmp eax,ERROR_SUCCESS , q) a1 ]) |$ A# E$ s, hjz @f" C* I$ G9 ?% S1 n jmp OutSet . B4 F b+ r% ] n8 r3 ^@@: # u0 M1 R4 V+ J8 Wmov dwRes,eax ( L$ m3 O3 W$ `- j! jmov ea.grfAccessPermissions ,SECTION_MAP_WRITE;2' ?% v9 {8 F4 X mov ea.grfAccessMode ,GRANT_ACCESS;1! {' M& \* g( Q5 u8 C5 n5 S mov ea.grfInheritance,NO_INHERITANCE;0- C7 s+ l( R" k8 P mov ea.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee,0# T( h9 v0 O) [ mov ea.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation,0 z/ u' W, Y6 h! |, F) R mov ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm,TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;1 x) l, ?2 k, }2 Kmov ea.Trustee.TrusteeType,TRUSTEE_IS_USER;14 I; I' }9 ^, L$ K call @f7 u% C7 [) @% K' Z8 x' P db "CURRENT_USER",0 ( }, p* `8 R$ K@@: 4 G/ N. ~4 f0 V! U/ Q3 Ypop edx , s, H+ ?( ~3 L* ?) o h9 q Qmov ea.Trustee.ptstrName,edx6 M) I e; b, B2 W, f0 b invoke SetEntriesInAcl,1,addr ea,pDacl,addr pNewDacl# |4 L# v$ ?& _ w" _( @ cmp eax,ERROR_SUCCESS - k- E* H0 }5 u; E7 m& Ljz @f0 b$ Z0 }! `7 c4 `8 N+ o# g jmp OutSet * y" @& W2 [; u1 f* E+ C@@:7 S: k$ ~% G) F9 ]$ N4 E* L8 w invoke SetSecurityInfo,hSection,SE_KERNEL_OBJECT,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL,NULL,pNewDacl,NULL$ i: X# i# ^4 b# g. Z! ^/ M& z3 l/ D OutSet:3 H6 ^$ _) n% G cmp pSD,0 5 H4 E) e# [+ e9 Z8 q2 |+ bjz @f 8 v# x5 ]* x# g C- F X# Hinvoke LocalFree,pSD+ `6 H' }, k/ q @@:5 ^0 A2 |- u5 S" e5 o& g9 X cmp pNewDacl,0 g8 \1 |1 U1 `7 Y% [jz @f w: A/ W0 L" }% K1 ~4 C2 D invoke LocalFree,pNewDacl ! b4 y! o l7 K8 ]2 o; B3 o6 a@@: 1 }4 h, g, ]/ Nret! W2 Z& D* P Y. x/ d SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited endp7 f1 S S D: O' _* U - Y' H0 e; U% j! v/ Z8 P8 n2 jMiniMmGetPhysicalAddress proc virtualaddress:dword F% W/ }! e- ]; I. y. L0 p mov eax,virtualaddress6 k7 s! S3 X/ \# e: r* J8 p# Z cmp eax,80000000h0 h# N* ^9 V. |) I4 r" O+ @/ I* X& k jb @f7 x; ?9 ` T( ]8 m* u0 y cmp eax,0a0000000h4 U9 f6 h1 J# {1 N5 R jae @f7 h$ |( T. ~1 {. l9 n0 Y0 [) Z/ A W and eax,1FFFF000h ' n: k2 [ P7 a2 j ret/ u8 l7 t: F" L @@: 2 [: E0 t$ i/ O1 y mov eax,0 6 h% S: ~3 ~" [. V) h3 B q7 Z ret + d( N8 A% t. A6 v. WMiniMmGetPhysicalAddress endp 7 ]* j" j y3 J! n) C# U% P4 j, W ExecRing0Proc proc 2 a( W- O4 `; ] local tmpSel:dword+ e' @" w' S4 W+ ]8 p/ |8 l, P local setcg:dword1 H3 C4 x) v( l" B1 k: C; r local BaseAddress:dword/ Z: q* o% N1 y3 x1 f local NtdllMod :dword 6 m0 e# m6 c/ n1 Nlocal hSection:HANDLE ! T" x$ I0 v. R3 R* e" Z local status:NTSTATUS * _0 D( k: F* q' z0 i, Z+ k- olocal objectAttributes:OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES 4 P2 S7 K, J' r7 Plocal objName:UNICODE_STRING$ `2 n# n2 k$ u. n# m mov status,STATUS_SUCCESS; & T; \2 Y5 E$ M" `5 `sgdt GdtLimit8 ^. w" x1 l$ I/ ^( X invoke MiniMmGetPhysicalAddress,GdtAddr 7 o. m$ z3 Q' v9 Y% zmov mapAddr,eax 4 t7 d/ B ~7 N" ~3 ^, ztest eax,eax ! l8 \! p# ], J* Djz Exit18 t5 H" h, Q1 z! e+ a call @f 8 R! g& T; Q6 P! Vdb "Ntdll.dll",0 2 O' ^" a- Y- B1 |. z7 {6 n: H@@: 0 S) t6 A" D, t& R; \call LoadLibraryA . ]) a% h! S( Bmov NtdllMod,eax3 y% U3 i+ O- ~1 o5 j 9 T3 q- z0 i- d$ w* c lea edx,objnamestr % g! V. c1 ?! u$ K$ f8 x- Bmov objnameptr,edx8 v: s" G$ X& `8 `/ c3 e4 W lea edi,ObjAttr* E% n+ k! ^6 v1 x" C6 B and di,0fffch ;align to 4 bytes,or ZwOpenSection will fail + e/ \7 R. D, x- r: r9 Hpush edi ;edi->ObjAttr + X; J) {' D. r; cpush 24 ;length of <\Device\PhysicalMemory>6 h% n1 L0 I8 N7 _: T- s, k pop ecx; i- x. X3 D, A push ecx% i7 J: p0 H9 M7 M s, Y: `: \ xor eax,eax / `" F7 t7 ?8 qrep stosb ;put ObjAttr with 0 ( V% \. w( A" F0 J$ P, q z& X9 ypop ecx 2 Q: d% R3 z8 S) c; Qpop edi ! B8 |. T& K/ _4 G: C/ g, v6 Y6 Dmov esi,edi$ ?, z8 u* I ~* U; z1 \, K stosd- E9 w7 |9 s$ Z4 U2 d mov dword ptr[esi],ecx + r/ I; t9 H( Z+ R; t+ n8 qstosd ! \' u( }# I7 t* W) [ lea eax,[edx-8] ;eax->objname8 ?# e5 W" V; h+ I# P stosd ;ObjAddr(18h,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,offset objname,40,02,00,00,dd 2 dup(0)6 M/ M: {% o- E# {7 u mov dword ptr [edi],240h 6 Z: {$ F6 R- @- w# _, L7 d _9 O# R6 ? call @f 3 @+ p* H p) q( `db "ZwOpenSection",00 P' _1 \6 p0 o @@:7 A9 U0 L1 [9 G% C: M5 i push NtdllMod& M' S8 b; ^" C- ^- g, Q3 ?7 H call GetProcAddress ! ~4 t! N7 }0 d) f0 Wmov ebx,eax ;ebx=ZwOpenSection ! a6 h! r0 ?% m" `% @' F5 n# q9 d0 Y6 X+ {2 T push esi ;esi->ObjAttr% B& n ^$ @% G. ~9 }. L+ a push SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE/ m; X: B! S' I# {% D5 b lea edi,hSection# E/ O( k' P% J2 ^1 R push edi ;edi->hSection , p7 V+ R: p0 p8 J/ A( K2 P* w8 hcall eax ;ZwOpenSection(&hSection,SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE,ObjAttr)5 B) n( h& O. S, J8 b* k + l! z1 q: x8 v2 r( Amov status,eax, T L! V, V, v0 L) D. Y4 h$ G7 h cmp status,STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED , H% [; n( F6 x. J( u* Tjnz AccessPermit( X5 r: K. J0 N7 b0 N mov eax,ebx . P! a i) i0 o9 h% U0 l9 G' r- ^ 4 H# ?6 V* o+ ]9 l: {. O; j8 D4 qpush esi % A3 {; {. W5 I% E& ]: e# Y$ H push READ_CONTROL or WRITE_DAC 5 i* c6 g Q0 _ push edi 0 L/ D1 s+ o. p' W/ ]( e, B0 Ucall eax ; T- \2 L# L& m- t. ^4 F; f" | / j% @5 _' V# E9 G7 y: tmov status,eax3 \. R9 z3 z7 Z1 G$ Y invoke SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited,hSection 1 h) ~8 j5 N$ H5 H2 J 0 m' s1 P6 V6 |9 q6 e* T( ~. Ycall @f 1 d% S6 _# L, B& pdb "ZwClose",0! L3 m$ I" E& a, R0 |* X @@: 5 ~- L$ I0 y/ N9 Y. J2 E; S0 h4 ppush NtdllMod" A; H, j# `9 x) H call GetProcAddress # {3 M, M' Z5 d0 C. o% G8 y. P1 `8 f. I+ { push hSection5 N/ `' l$ D- C1 w3 t, d- T call eax ;zwClose hSection / c2 Q/ F/ C* F$ t9 i/ y' I5 _0 ~8 b, i4 \" p( P$ W mov eax,ebx! w/ N* e, l) g' y) q 7 Z: `+ N1 l4 [ push esi " e1 D! y; Z2 ~! Upush SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE 6 e1 A9 ]: h8 L8 r, b lea edi,hSection p6 Y5 j: k8 @0 l1 t! Z8 h push edi 2 J8 K1 U$ h" f+ h$ d9 d, ]6 Jcall eax 0 ^7 a, r- ~! q j3 Z% V* ~, Z6 _mov status ,eax& I. I# u# Y* H5 e3 ] T+ y1 a ;status =ZwOpenSection(&hSection,SECTION_MAP_WRITE|SECTION_MAP_WRITE,&objectAttributes); ( y. R: b: z3 ^% {# y AccessPermit:! v7 _; ~1 f% {% t2 j3 x0 ?* w cmp status ,STATUS_SUCCESS 4 c \8 Z' n9 g2 v7 ]8 ~ jz @f 9 v2 f. C$ ^2 c6 N1 q& ?;printf("Error Open PhysicalMemory Section Object,Status:%08X\n",status); % o3 t5 g6 }. \ ;return 0;% \1 e" ?+ k3 Y- J mov eax,0$ i/ b; n& ^ a" F ret 0 s2 P7 E5 C3 E9 P% ]@@: ) E! F) @& c% nmovzx eax,word ptr[GdtLimit]* S, ~3 Q4 x; ?' j inc eax8 z/ D( x3 w" k7 e/ j# |9 d invoke MapViewOfFile,hSection, FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, mapAddr, eax * C1 E( x* Z1 `( s+ |7 q! Gmov BaseAddress,eax$ i# m9 ?+ J$ o$ T% P cmp BaseAddress,02 |+ ~; f$ W: |* y1 B jnz @f 7 G/ }% w/ ]9 r3 W, Q1 ];printf("Error MapViewOffile:"); " J2 y9 |' F' s9 y rintWin32Error(GetLastError()); return 0; 2 d% J( B1 k- p. c7 Pmov eax,0 F, X5 H& [* l3 v1 D ret$ A6 M* X. k6 I$ v @@: 5 m+ r; g3 m3 r4 p; |mov esi,eax ;esi->gdt base( A: {+ @! i" s, b; Y* U. O! N mov ecx,3e0h* i* r }- R! { mov eax,GdtAddr z, f, l1 m- }6 v.if dword ptr [esi+ecx+2]!=0ec0003e8h , \) b8 j4 }" y2 r2 h) Y7 w; S6 emov byte ptr [esi],0c3h* L4 H d: p5 X) E0 [1 |* K; c+ ~ 0 b3 l q- o% b( { l, r mov word ptr [esi+ecx],ax$ M S# O2 ^* j! `& n+ y shr eax,16 % h7 X+ o, E, {, Z3 amov word ptr [esi+ecx+6],ax * }; a# V9 q( G8 S' R6 L; gmov dword ptr [esi+ecx+2],0ec0003e8h7 G% J" m& _/ a; `) V+ O. g4 ~ $ j! _2 i1 w. h! o+ C1 T( p8 t' ? mov dword ptr [esi+ecx+8],0000ffffh 4 b$ g/ U6 u9 _* n/ ^2 Dmov dword ptr [esi+ecx+12],00cf9a00h 6 k9 g/ Z" j/ O0 k/ [.endif7 Q/ J$ e: A/ {% {1 [ % t- v% I0 F" t5 fmov setcg,TRUE" a$ p+ ^( M) l+ a s$ C! y8 ^ cmp setcg,0* ^; Y5 A9 x: j! q+ A jnz ChangeOK9 w3 Z/ A* X7 X call @f: E5 P& |+ u% L+ r5 h db "ZwClose",0% V& }6 \6 Z. Q& k @@:: k# h8 a( C% u" O push NtdllMod( f: K7 o: ^+ q) Z call GetProcAddress7 `" f4 j, h5 A+ Z6 X$ V. A push hSection 0 {+ `! z! e! M6 E; y( q; j$ ccall eax " L* u* m, S4 g) y0 Y5 Hxor eax,eax . h6 H1 e! L- B2 R! Z: i& Nret - o( C) }4 Q# C o0 ZChangeOK: 5 g6 N; P4 Q# c3 P w5 @! C# a, qand dword ptr Callgt,0 8 N4 }* w1 \2 Q; A `2 V/ M xor eax,eax4 n5 Z. b& |: R b0 D# D1 ^ mov ax,3e0h8 M+ z* r9 z L5 m8 k- o or al,3h ; o5 [( T0 a1 j$ L% J" ?% R! [mov word ptr [Callgt+4],ax 3 m% G& p0 w4 J4 D;farcall[2]=((short)((ULONG)cg-(ULONG)BaseAddress))|3; //Ring 3 callgate; 6 t. |2 _* w" m3 l8 F3 E, ^5 llea eax,_Ring0Proc * O8 S0 {& B" y: @; ^;invoke VirtualLock,eax,seglen 8 |, \: {) C- G1 F' Jtest eax,eax & \8 ]3 { Y0 Vjnz @f * h# y) n% R6 ?+ u) C1 e" Yxor eax,eax6 M0 f% T' }1 ]0 k l1 p ret ) x( b1 h0 X0 k1 M@@:" s0 N) r( D& { invoke GetCurrentThread& M, b' k' p2 N& r invoke SetThreadPriority,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL 3 e" B: l" ~8 x2 z5 d8 }3 W4 f$ N $ t1 a+ S* t- I% n* @3 P2 ^2 finvoke Sleep,0 0 I0 T( z5 ^* V) P call fword ptr [Callgt] ;use callgate to Ring0!* L' ^4 n! j, w& \ ~- o& Q) Z. ^+ o ;_asm call fword ptr [farcall] ) X/ b$ [2 y: z_Ring0Proc: ; Ring0 code here.. ; A7 H" J9 Z& z+ j n mov eax,esp ;save ring0 esp# E, J. R( o( ?5 k1 i( ^4 g mov esp,[esp+4];->ring3 esp - B; E, R! u, |* p' `3 P! Q8 Mpush eax ! B: W0 u; x9 T& F9 | mov ebx,offset stIDEINFO3 N, v& a! w9 h& H( q assume ebx:ptr IDEINFO * r$ t+ r% z4 ^% v# Y4 ^6 b6 O2 H6 m, l;********************************************************************0 o9 j+ `+ n( J& L( Y _2 [! c' P+ ]: B ; 等待硬盘就绪 0 R6 v( G4 |* o9 s3 t& E;********************************************************************; @* S% [- z* d3 i) p$ _: X mov ecx,10000h % h. s# x. G- f2 s mov dx,01f7h4 @- S0 @ {; B+ P+ l/ b7 ? @@: # z, l0 x& r( ]* H in al,dx 9 g: ^7 z7 e9 c) S cmp al,50h. V, M4 b" [ @0 ?4 i9 @* @/ S jz @F ( y8 J' t: p! Q8 X% ` loop @B 1 A _' F! B: b& h5 F2 i jmp _II_TimeOut 1 m; T$ y8 w0 i; u, F$ T. h @@:/ E: ]5 }' q' A: s ;******************************************************************** ! x) L* D1 _2 _; 发送命令 & B8 J5 G8 e( _4 r; h; 如果向主控制发送命令,则端口为 1f0h-1f7h* V& U8 F$ G- c9 h4 g8 w ; 如果向副控制发送命令,则端口为 170h-177h; v: s% V% ?* g/ A4 c0 j8 R. }9 ` ; 1f6h 如果要检测的设备为该IDE接口的主(MASTER)设备, 1 B3 A. V3 p. D$ `! R; 那么发送 a0,如果为从那么发送 b0+ W- l. Q4 j0 X3 X% U ; 1f7h 如果要检测的设备为 ATA 设备那么发送 ec; j: o( |, i8 R, p; h. o ; 如果为 ATAPI 设备那么发送 a15 x8 G( E# v$ i" K, X ;******************************************************************** 9 D- m* q# J% {. G mov al,0a0h ;Drive 0,Head 0 ' [- z( n8 Q3 P6 I) h; j2 Q mov dx,01f6h ;Drive and head port" T: L O T; ~7 y' |4 k out dx,al$ f0 f q9 V$ X8 H* M/ c. G: m% } ; ]; a5 }" K7 Y+ F: j6 K mov al,0ech . [) @' n5 C. _ P5 f inc dx ;Command port* J( }2 s$ u. @$ | out dx,al% R9 N3 y/ ~0 v* K4 I ;********************************************************************: c+ {3 Y8 {; ?& p& l1 Q0 _. |& D ; 等待硬盘就绪! H5 x0 l% B5 F7 R- \0 z7 ~, J ;******************************************************************** ' [5 J) `1 o" ], X" n ^ mov ecx,10000h + c) y% n* y9 |5 e4 W @@: 8 q1 B g/ O9 m6 r) I" s- o in al,dx;1f7 (r-status register)3 M" m/ p) A$ K2 `, s4 ^9 I% r cmp al,58h;(driver is ready ,and seek complete) 4 S* @8 O X. Y& i3 ` jz @F 8 ~' @+ X6 E0 ~; Z loop @B 6 b! X/ h o. \- @* Q; `4 j5 n jmp _II_TimeOut; z9 C2 t6 P! c! S; \2 x @@:2 V* N2 P- L/ A2 p, T( W ;******************************************************************** 4 l1 H: C) y1 ~- Y; 将返回信息读回 2 z2 F/ m" b- l; 注意一定要读满 100h 个字长% Z& f9 [' h/ `& p ;******************************************************************** 0 c5 O0 g c+ g$ I& C cld' }- V# Y" X6 q( z, f" P5 x mov edx,01f0h;data port - data comes in and out here ) k! L* u5 v z/ E2 B8 g# v mov edi,ebx5 n' k" h. f- v0 P$ T! I mov ecx,0100h, i& s- C; ]6 R7 G, N" \5 i rep insw: W& U0 v2 L* e w# }4 R ;******************************************************************** $ |- O/ n H+ z6 r; 返回的信息中,型号、序列号、版本号为字形式. w. Z; W1 X, _; u9 w# U( o# G ; 需要整理到字符串的形式 " H3 ]4 G; a% y8 m- u3 {;********************************************************************) |* ^5 ^; @' c6 M+ }3 M lea esi,[ebx].sSerialNumber 4 b; H! G9 j3 ?; Z1 G% X1 ~# Y mov edi,esi1 B! J' b% l" f2 i1 ] mov ecx,10# C- O" ]# p$ G: c4 t3 V) d @@: - b% w+ s5 O( t lodsw6 ]9 \% ^8 q- h) z7 b xchg ah,al . v" s9 T! h/ L9 z% e stosw& C; n! _2 _! |" i loop @B + T8 v5 L3 @. u9 N" n+ t8 Y2 R( o' c/ R2 [ lea esi,[ebx].sFirmwareRev* X9 N6 M Y* E- Q! i- i mov edi,esi# y2 i8 @% Y( L) M$ }# U* w+ C mov ecx,24 / m- }4 j; x, g* F @@:% L& h/ s+ C0 v" z+ L0 Q6 | lodsw / X7 [5 a- a) M/ `* x/ N* D: c Q' J xchg ah,al + [* D; u* E9 i" X4 n: \ stosw - N' J6 Z/ Y( d loop @B% h! p2 q, n% H e: B7 b* x0 _ _II_TimeOut: ) B, A" }3 L) }+ sassume ebx:nothing, [ E8 L ?+ m- e$ }5 K 6 Y8 E! B; T/ h. J! A0 X/ G3 ~ pop esp ;restore ring0 esp + l# O$ W# h8 [; I" `8 G$ Mpush offset Ring3 ! a- C" j* p; U" `' h' u* J5 eretf3 T$ G- \* A+ e9 _0 U( R Ring0CodeLen=$-_Ring0Proc3 M$ I9 S! K8 s 5 y; T! M( {0 D Ring3: , @" _: L: R0 f7 Uinvoke GetCurrentThread1 u$ a* f; a- _! @: ^. L invoke SetThreadPriority,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL 2 {; v; X& Q: q( X % J4 p. F3 y* G, `2 P" k;invoke VirtualUnlock,Entry,seglen ( j5 o' g) f6 J8 k 5 j ?/ S3 B$ f' `4 _ call @f5 b& |3 f t# ?+ |7 @) H6 m$ k$ ? db "ZwClose",0' D; g" |! h# j& l( d5 c$ y @@: ' e2 r9 V0 q/ e& r0 w6 {" j% l( Npush NtdllMod # n% b1 i: Y* a) dcall GetProcAddress$ t ?6 L5 Q4 c, P# T3 x push hSection : j* \/ S4 K" r- n0 ^. ucall eax' Y0 E, f7 t+ P mov eax,TRUE2 Q1 W- M0 V- f, i% [+ G1 L8 S* a& d ret/ [* a h% f; @) Q ExecRing0Proc endp ; K" D1 _/ x6 {$ [8 x" |) L) Z) } 9 v' W3 C9 U0 smain: " f7 a6 N& Z& R7 ~/ {& Passume fs:nothing' ]' h, s/ T- ~/ K$ G5 O2 M& ~" L push offset MySEH1 }8 L& {. p. ]6 b push fs:[0]" o5 R' p- @/ B* t0 \/ U- G( G mov fs:[0],esp / H* N9 i5 O& S, k+ v/ Cmov OldEsp,esp$ y$ v- _8 W2 J# J* u mov ax,ds ;if Win9x? ; j# q* D3 t3 L* x: K. `test ax,4 9 w6 S. X; N& y7 p1 ]jnz Exit1 4 e) F# U! d3 {4 S( N3 A6 einvoke ExecRing0Proc- G+ D: Z% Q: N : ]# ^% ?$ W; Q7 X7 D# N! y9 u.if stIDEINFO.wNumCyls ; e% [6 m( B- K/ l% `. g- W- l lea esi,stIDEINFO.sModelNumber ( \% j0 C+ f, v3 [+ \ mov edi,offset szModelNumber4 x; S p& X6 V mov ecx,sizeof stIDEINFO.sModelNumber / d. p' U9 N3 Y- c rep movsb/ j9 }! i+ A7 h& w) a 9 D- M6 P) K- l5 U0 { lea esi,stIDEINFO.sSerialNumber 2 Z5 m G& w' d9 c$ H mov edi,offset szSerialNumber" W3 s3 K$ }, Z* b2 c% o mov ecx,sizeof stIDEINFO.sSerialNumber - h& @' [8 |1 G) L; x3 j7 i# I% E rep movsb2 V2 }1 b+ [! e) q4 } ]5 A; [. @! E lea esi,stIDEINFO.sFirmwareRev 1 U8 k9 A' L3 F7 s mov edi,offset szFirmwareRev; f( b' g. I1 f0 S0 x mov ecx,sizeof stIDEINFO.sFirmwareRev ; X' D, ^2 m% { rep movsb ' I( z; ?* \5 c7 J! o * d. Z. u, H, @3 j; b+ C movzx eax,stIDEINFO.wNumCyls " D+ B+ U o5 n/ ?2 g movzx ebx,stIDEINFO.wNumHeads + t9 P3 C- I5 I; S movzx ecx,stIDEINFO.wSectorsPerTrack - ^8 _5 H( b9 |1 n1 \ movzx edx,stIDEINFO.wBufferSize. U0 }# T: g2 f5 H& x invoke wsprintf,addr szBuffer,addr szIDEInfo, eax,ebx,ecx,edx, addr szModelNumber, addr szSerialNumber, addr szFirmwareRev3 _4 `: u7 y' e6 E8 N2 g7 D mov eax,offset szBuffer! |+ r9 K" \2 o" {2 `" R' r .else5 H0 }. S& w8 h/ r0 o1 H4 R; |- ]9 z mov eax,offset szErrInfo+ @& m7 p# T8 d( e! ` .endif ' Y7 I2 b H" N% D5 M6 Z@@: 0 H L0 l+ W7 L4 A2 h6 U8 dinvoke MessageBox,NULL,eax,addr szTitle,MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK 7 W7 |5 _& G) d' B5 BExit1:, y: |5 @3 X4 l6 e- z9 ? pop fs:[0]6 r9 v" {( G$ W: h7 f# ^' f* {% Q' ] add esp,4# g- w9 d8 h( y# V& G/ ] invoke ExitProcess,0 - a, I+ ~' S- Y* D3 E* l, I' A- `3 B% Z" i4 l1 P; ` MySEH : " Y6 F+ E* J" w8 s* zmov esp,OldEsp ! ]) R% F# x/ F& Q& E- lpop fs:[0] 4 p, K# }3 O$ Z( ^: v, Radd esp,4% d* }0 S. J9 z. w( c4 ^) m: t invoke ExitProcess,-1$ e1 ]- ^$ ^, v+ Q" |; Z end main7 i* w' M( ^" k, l5 z* V6 n / K. r& E- [) K( ]1 R
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-2 18:14:02编辑过]
7 l- S: K/ _# l+ x( j! }5 Y
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fyer 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-12-24 19:21:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-3 15:33:00 | 只看该作者
很久以前?" [4 \6 m' b6 L; \. B% N
不是吧,这个是 轻描淡写 编程论坛的斑竹写的
fyer 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-12-3 03:31:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2003-11-26 19:36:00 | 只看该作者
- d" S. `# o& ~, D$ v现在闲着真相试试。这片文章我在家保存了有快一年了。不用感觉可惜了。一直停着不用,我都快忘了那些曾经那些依稀的记忆了。水能给我一台电脑,我力马高喊:有你这么富的吗?


发表于 2003-11-19 00:12:00 | 只看该作者
bigfoot 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-11-3 16:22:00 | 只看该作者
呵呵,ExecRing0Proc 这段程序甚妙,先得到gdt,然后构造一个调用门call gate's ,使程序从用户模式(ring 3)进入内核模式(ring 0)。进入内核模式之后,就可以没有限制地对系统干任何勾当。这段程序确实为高手所为,在下佩服得紧。
7 X" J% |: f0 O$ W3 o+ N至于读硬盘序列号之类,只不过是在内核模式下的一个I/O应用罢了。5 b3 k' o% M1 Z0 h. B1 }6 u2 d
! D2 Z0 C: f: M: e. w& C; L$ _- ~5 T" F4 {" t8 Q( v" ~
这个程序也可以C语言实现,不过中间必须嵌入几条汇编的指令,如sgdt GdtLimit
, }( |, q- |2 M9 Q但还是用c来写更方便,例如:
3 h& [3 D. g% N0 f3 gcall @f
7 }9 P. t' o  X3 x. U6 n2 s" j7 sdb "ZwOpenSection",08 E4 y* ], d8 C9 }
2 T7 s3 z3 H& _; s) Hpush NtdllMod( a& D5 S3 W, G  n" W3 e6 @
call GetProcAddress: d; E- j2 a6 N/ L3 F+ N
mov ebx,eax ;ebx=ZwOpenSection( A: A" |: @. q7 n
push esi ;esi->ObjAttr& o( c& x/ x* b+ L8 |. `
push SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE! }5 @6 L# Z" O( R  {. e
lea edi,hSection
. g0 P2 [' K! c, Y5 Apush edi ;edi->hSection
8 o7 r5 K; _* r# \4 k5 jcall eax ;
: N; u" U6 V, Q, G  s. X8 P; o' O% y/ x$ u$ ?
用c的话只要一句就可以了% l/ L/ {4 u$ r* T+ |
ZwOpenSection(&hSection,SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE,ObjAttr);' X8 }6 O/ V' v- w
因此懂汇编,然后用C/C++编程,是成为高手的捷径! o5 D& E$ P1 x0 b" G

7 u; j9 m2 Z* R- T, }2 f
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-3 16:46:50编辑过]
8 Q, z6 u7 E/ \' |

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