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  n: X; G( z  O: m( k! O( q9 u  PP Test 2 语法题笔记 / P; N- i8 G4 `% b+ U1 y" s3 p
    Test 2 1~40
  E* v9 G& |8 A/ {) _' O  1. Sand is formed by the weathering and decomposition of all types of rock, _________ most abundant mineral constituent being quartz.' V  w! r6 T4 n( T- M4 \; H  a
  A. and its
$ P4 l9 R( b, f- G$ F1 B7 ~  B. since its
1 j9 m  N/ a& w" N" d  C. its 5 ~( y2 s: z; o. ^& l
  D. it is : u: a! |( L/ w" B' {/ B
  答案:C # C7 U6 a: t7 p( z3 |. U: Y% N+ s
  分析及考点:独立主格结构。后面句子没有谓语,所以不用连词,A,B错,D形成句子跟主句间又没有连词,且与being冲突。+ A' }4 n  A0 V! r4 p
  参考译文:沙子是由各种各样的石头风化和分解而形成的,它含量最多的矿物质是石英。9 j$ @5 O  X. U% C8 m  D2 A
  2. _________ in the daytime for most of the year, the groundhog hibernates in a burrow during winter.
; H. a* s* R7 K( l1 q$ b  A. Is active 8 X, z, w9 o5 A5 |2 Z
  B. That it is active + r8 [3 r1 R, y0 Q" q$ T7 P
  C. Active   t% ]. ?6 y& B% C( F" n
  D. While is active
. |+ ], Z: v# Y8 j  答案:C   d8 l4 x3 S# N6 x
  分析及考点:考状语的省略结构。全句的主语是groundhog,谓语hibernates。A谓语不能单独存在。B that it is错误结构。D缺从句主语。
& v" L4 _; K4 A2 F4 I$ W1 n  参考译文:土拨鼠一年中很多时候在白天都很活跃,到了冬天就在地洞中冬眠了。
- v3 f8 C% ^4 a. K- b2 S& u  3. The wood of elm trees is used in shipbuilding and in _________ barrels, furniture, flooring, and sporting goods.) C! ?9 C. D) t; G3 y5 q
  A. to make
( ~( z0 z9 s( O: |9 k+ f  B. as made " Z& _1 i( i6 d8 ?
  C. making * ]4 o+ N; Y& p8 i
  D. to have made ' ~2 M6 o. W/ k& n1 y0 P
  答案:C 3 Y+ ^2 Z6 V9 e
  分析及考点:and连接两个对称的结构,且介词后面应该跟动名词。 9 {7 ]; \% [/ K9 V( {( c  |' [
; `* ~; x( z! p  4. In 1867 Russia sold Alaska to the United States,laminate flooring, and in 1958 _________ the forty-ninth state.
9 T2 s4 F6 s. K  A. Alaska’s becoming 1 [( d! L" H1 k/ h
  B. Alaska became
! K- F% Q, W6 t- e  C. when Alaska became
% n, L) T- J2 D% _( k  D. Alaska to become " R& y; ]( D# k  Y7 D
  答案:B & c% P4 i0 k/ j% o: s
/ S9 s. j% E. t% N) m9 Q  参考译文:1867年俄国把阿拉斯加卖给了美国,而阿拉斯加在1958年成为美国的第49个州。
0 h! S$ U. y! |1 T2 L, @7 n! K0 u  5. Almost _________ countries use the decimal system.
" {8 }3 |/ r! W( S: o; E# i) M9 D/ F  A. all
( s- s% k4 q4 l, e! P4 Q  B. all of - |+ }7 s2 S) `; f  R
  C. all of which 1 O4 }3 j$ H' X4 E1 T) E7 j4 u1 ?
  D. of all
4 T+ t' N* C, h- {9 Q5 }# u3 {3 s2 |" R  答案:A
; g" L9 e: i) F+ Z+ B* b! F. R  分析及考点:all和all of的用法。泛指的时候用all,特指复数用all of。 # e. @* h2 q# t# }0 X( z0 n
  E& l8 b9 i: b1 F0 j, U  6. _______ allows the skin and thus the body to be cooled. * M$ F, m6 Q" b/ \
  A. Sweat evaporates
  X. l4 K8 ~1 Z( B" [1 `0 M- c  B. When sweat evaporates # |9 _  N4 e0 Y# C( A( ^
  C. Sweat, the evaporation of which ( S7 k: `; f0 ~" ~8 z
  D. The evaporation of sweat # p7 w+ i! A  Q( ]" P8 [
4 I8 ^- J# q) V; N  分析及考点:句子缺主语,allows是谓语。所以A,B错。C中的sweat 和evaporation不形成同位语结构,而且of which不存在的定语从句结构。 3 g& \4 A9 T, e! v
4 q1 ?7 ^7 P  O9 O2 F$ E  7. Activities such as writing down notes will generally lead to faster learning _________just listening to or reading facts.
5 a, }7 z$ w: O( Y* G  A. than   `4 N4 T' B1 K- ^; k6 _- I0 P- u0 l
  B. than is
: C+ u) o. ?2 U0 h; y5 E" c  C. whereas / Q- _1 ^8 v6 _0 K+ g$ R- Q
  D. in that % A0 }$ m* _2 s/ y
  答案:A , O+ g* w0 e) e. K# i
. j. d; l$ A0 V1 B  {) t  参考译文:象记笔记的做法一般比仅仅听或读现象能导致更快的学习。 5 c3 B4 v5 n3 I  n7 \$ k4 ?# b
  8. The Dallas Civic Opera has earned _________ since its initial production debuted in 1957.
# H3 ?% c# n- O2 E, U  A. an international reputation and
- E# U  t: A( _* W  B. an international reputation was
. U+ ?9 M- p% z7 k. O: v  C. what an international reputation
' B8 M! U0 L# b. |/ I5 q# E  D. an international reputation " K- }& W' R9 X/ W
  答案:D * T4 l2 N- C! w7 t& _
+ X% j# I" x6 e5 L% b  参考译文:Dallas Civic Opera自从它1957年首次开张以来,一直享有国际性声誉。
% `5 d7 G, ^0 p& E  9. Born in Akron, Ohio, in 1846, Henry Eugene Abbey became the ________ of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City in 1883.1 v( F: U1 e1 D* k  a; j- Z9 j
  A. first manager was + T( k. C) Y$ }" \, X2 ?: ?" \5 ^
  B. first manager
& n" v. k, H( V$ s4 y/ r% f* K  C. manager who first
0 D4 G( J/ o. t5 ^1 \  D. manager was the first + b$ W+ l+ e( S  R1 o7 [
  答案:B + q; d# a" n* H  E0 I4 r
  分析及考点:介词短语结构。Of前面加名词。 * b4 M* Y) o( x2 L1 c
  参考译文:1846年在Akron, Ohio出生,Henry Eugene Abbey1883年成为在纽约的Metropolitan Opera House的第一任主管。 / M# \0 I* h- e2 x, l2 d
  10. A covered bridge is built of wooden timbers _________ supporting trusses and a floor and are protected from weather by a roof., @) U; P' C. I" ^9 {2 Y$ g5 e  N0 ?
  A. when form / {5 j# Y5 R( G: F
  B. so form
: _$ W. ]. A$ ^4 {& H; b" J2 }' o+ l  C. form - r4 l8 z6 }; m" p& S
  D. that form
1 T. J# I) x% s& y* y4 a+ B: n$ I  答案:D # K& ]1 m4 V0 h" O& W! S
  分析及考点:定语从句。Form是动词谓语,所以要么有从句,要么是并列结构,A的话从句没有主语。 0 u9 S* L' [2 f4 o
  参考译文:有屋顶的桥是用木料建造的,木料建成支持框架和地板,并有一个屋顶使其避免受恶劣天气影响。) a- }2 S1 j+ V7 k  ^
  11. Although _________ with herons or storks, cranes are distinguished from these birds by bare red areas or ornamental plumes on their heads.
# W) C5 ?5 O9 A! C9 X7 v9 x0 K, J  A. they are often confused
4 X5 h$ ?1 @+ i0 H0 k# E  B. how often they are confused / d# ~2 V$ ?  K' A
  C. that they are confused often # F7 h* N' k2 N1 c9 j% r
  D. are they confused often $ N, t) `6 B9 u) \
6 J) e. Z9 ~4 e6 h6 C  分析及考点:状语从句。词序正常。主谓清楚。 9 I$ F. I  N+ X7 @- V; d& S( ?1 i
  参考译文:尽管鹤经常会被混淆成苍鹭或鹳,他们还是能通过头顶的裸露的红色区域或装饰羽毛跟那些鸟区分开来。$ U1 _+ ~6 \1 a
  12. More battles were fought in South Carolina _________ in any other state during the American Revolution.7 o+ ?9 ?& {0 m3 Z4 f5 U
  A. as 3 Z" b! F0 O" u: X, t( p
  B. although , a! V8 m6 B' B) b; Y
  C. than
+ `' c# T0 a4 A8 d1 s) g: E* a& D4 v  D. but
* p0 Y' w. \% C8 {3 t* ]! s  答案:C + G# b* v9 Y2 I$ D7 [* R# M/ e8 z
  分析及考点:比较级。 : C" b' P  ~$ a
  参考译文:美国革命中在南卡罗来那州发生的战斗比其他各州都要多。 9 M9 }# q. [/ [3 q' T1 j- _9 n
  13. Cotton is grown throughout the world, and _________ year about 50 million bales, weighing nearly 500 pounds apiece, are produced.( T0 W6 {. I+ c+ Y$ T
  A. each
' I4 _: @: ]3 N8 ?  B. a
( L4 ?" u  \# z- g8 s  C. by a
6 \* k; g; Q" |0 B; w: U8 V6 w  D. in which + E1 T) w) d0 N/ K  S  Y" l
  答案:A 2 d& ^" t' @, s' M4 i6 p
  分析及考点:每个。。的表示。 : ?; Q! `2 C# A+ T4 F0 c
  参考译文:棉花生长在全世界各地,每年生产有大约5千万捆,每捆重近500磅的棉花。 ' W3 [' B. h% ?& J$ r! q* q5 H
  14. Based on a device used in naval vessels, the automatic pilot contains gyroscopes _________ references for an airplane’s course.8 Y9 H9 J6 n# I
  A. provides
  u8 o# T& G; T$ K/ U  B. that provide
7 S. j3 m! k6 |$ u3 n/ k/ z  C. that providing
" i: M) A" j' \3 s; L/ j* ]6 U  D. and to provide
( X. y" I- i! e( F$ }: E  答案:B * T0 @# y9 J7 z: R$ h, }
3 X2 t' x- H5 J# Q* E  参考译文:根据用于海军舰船上的设备,自动航行系统包括为飞机课程提供参考的陀螺仪, 9 p7 v* P( u1 o- S: Q( A
  15. American Sign Language contains over 4,000 signs _________ is used by over half a million people.
+ G2 O( J9 P" f, |& N  A. and 1 d" g$ k4 h& J+ a5 C1 R. C) T
  B. although   [, n4 |* y/ u$ }
  C. whenever " W* Q# v* A  F: h! u8 c8 \
  D. also - h# \& Y7 |; P6 q: q
' H! l/ }$ G' V. x  分析及考点:前后部分形成对称结构,用and。
% x" \1 N; A  x: J) ?) e. }  参考译文:美国标记术语包括4千多个标记符号,有超过50万人在使用。 # n; G/ @( u5 ?
  16. _________ founded the American Red Cross in 1881 and served as its president until 1904.: u& J; ~6 |- Y4 z
  A. Clara Barton, who 9 J! e! E& b$ R8 M5 E. ]5 z% l0 ~
  B. Although Clara Barton & ^) k% L  S! n; u# m
  C. It was Clara Barton
& X9 {4 d! @& x  D. Clara Barton
4 P" {& E2 x$ u  答案:D ! o, G+ {& K4 n6 [; q8 Q' t, B
  分析及考点:句子缺主语,and连接对称结构。 3 K! p8 h$ s" z+ _: o7 l
  参考译文:Clara Barton在1881年创建了美国红十字会,并担任了会长直到1904年。 % {3 J2 [  V, Q2 z3 M9 U# }# R+ s
  17. _________ two air masses with different characteristics meet, an area called a “front” develops." I0 U  y2 ~- r5 Y. W- F, y
  A. What 7 f& ]8 n4 k$ `& V5 y
  B. There are % |6 C/ j( F2 y
  C. When
/ v- c/ J3 L3 Z2 X. r2 c: U9 d  D. Being + Y+ K3 f3 i& A& Z% h
  答案:C 4 H4 z' W) X0 |1 z, t
% G+ O$ Z8 q1 W( @  参考译文:当两种有不同特性的气团相遇的时候,一个成为“前区”的区域形成了。 3 L1 J; ?2 J+ F4 m
  18. Today’s farmers use irrigation, fertilizers, large machines, and other technology _________ high crop yields.
4 P& g% C4 ~8 \$ s* g  A. in the production / L2 t  h5 z9 ?6 `; l
  B. for production 7 `' |. B1 ]) z
  C. to produce 5 A* ]0 P* K* P- r( \6 X8 d0 |! {0 U
  D. produce 3 a" ~$ `7 ~! G% e4 H
8 m$ o. p" N' O4 ^3 H+ z  分析及考点:动词use的用法,use sth to do sth。不定式表目的。 ' T2 }0 e% E( t( r  O
% i, q( z0 l. i5 K2 B  19. ________ served as secretary of war under the Articles of Confederation and also, in George Washington’s administration, under the United States Constitution./ R1 q5 N+ Q0 [; E
  A. When Henry Knox
) k( C! a% Z/ y& `" J0 O9 x  B. It was Henry Knox " \7 u$ M/ H/ S6 ^2 {, M
  C. Henry Knox
6 h- R; R4 _2 V5 x& J' m, K! U- S! ]  D. Henry Knox, who
: C4 W+ w* A$ v" ?5 F9 [5 I6 U  答案:C $ f5 W8 O$ u' [. B
  分析及考点:句子缺主语。D中who不形成定语从句。 ; F; I3 k0 S! x
  参考译文:Henry Knox供职为战争秘书,在联邦条款和乔治华盛顿管理的美国宪法的领导下。6 R) q. Y: Z& X& |0 g: Q
  20. The course of the Missouri River marks the ________ of continental glaciation. 8 j! H: A- x1 ?. ~  L+ Y, j0 z' m
  A. approximate southern limit
/ g: A) f- u: `& t  B. limited, approximately southern
( r& M8 N" H  w  C. southern limit and approximately . j2 h+ d( h! \& O' ]5 N
  D. limit that approximately southern
) B) i8 P! h* j& y6 {  答案:A
# L! h+ X2 x8 x/ X# R4 `8 ^  分析及考点:介词of 结构中前面主体是名词。Limit是名词
5 y1 D, `4 T: J5 S  参考译文:密苏里河的行进路线标注了大陆冰河作用南部的大致边界。
: O8 C5 s1 b/ q  21. About three-quarters of the state of Indiana is covered by _________. 4 g/ G0 j* t0 |+ X
  A. which farmland
- }: i3 J! L5 L% ^( P/ a4 o  B. such farmland is there
" d6 t1 X8 V7 |2 J2 C" u- y" m4 ^  C. farmland
  \0 j" T) Z' \3 J: {  D. it is farmland 7 R: {& `* B! [7 P% g
  答案:C - D$ p7 ~6 ]: _2 Y4 Y( M- J
' [4 |: O8 N  d  参考译文:印第安纳州大约3/4是农场。 " i- ^' h5 R, x+ U/ j
  22. Also called the painted cup, the Indian paintbrush gives forth tiny flowers that are mostly green, while ________ brightly colored.
5 p: d) X+ @# c# L8 b  A. its leaves
; K& [% |5 A, s" j% A  B. it leaves being
1 r- F" w, O1 A3 W, N- Z  C. are its leaves + E' ~4 Y) Y8 }# [3 n8 T+ i
  D. its leaves are
3 `4 w/ D' S3 C3 {; k6 H  ~  答案:D
" @9 w' C6 S0 d! V8 R9 u9 y+ t, e  分析及考点:while引导的句子缺主谓。 , y( l  z9 i3 l5 v0 \2 c# v' {7 W
  参考译文:印第安人的画笔,也被称为着色的杯子,描绘的小花大多是绿色的,花的叶子会被明亮的着色。 6 c, g. N, Q& f: }: _, }, l
  23. _________ 70 species of cockroaches in the United States. : B/ I$ b& D" T/ y! {9 T! r- u
  A. Since about
; t( g# E1 t5 x. I$ j) n  B. Are about
$ L% T, _% m* ^# `  C. About
0 E: h, t+ ]; z, `( n  D. There are about
" d% b- H% u- s0 k& d  答案:D
, r9 ~* n. q% i) S( Q& C  分析及考点:句子缺主谓。
$ W) N% v4 f8 j9 _  ]; b: {+ F  参考译文:美国有大约70中蟑螂。 ( M& K" G4 N2 l
  24. ______ difficult to achieve centrifugal forces thousands of times as great as the force of gravity.
( c" G  C7 d( r" f  E: F! I, g( G  A. There is not * `% M& u# S1 N
  B. While not % X5 [" F4 t$ `& P2 ~
  C. What is not
4 {; E- R- A+ r  D. It is not
8 c( ]% ^; {. N% v; {  答案:D 1 {& F$ B2 N/ {; G5 z! \
$ r& C  B9 F% e1 [  t  参考译文:实现等于重力千万倍的离心力不是很难。 ) M, _  S& c2 H# |: V" A2 X2 F4 @
  25. In the early nineteenth century a Conestoga wagon on a poor road could economically _________ light, fairly high-value goods over short distances.
* \# k6 V3 ^5 a! x# J3 Q  A. only while carrying - ~6 f7 v0 ^; X- L& a$ ?
  B. carry only
% u* G4 H0 S5 o0 B- V4 H7 Q! u  C. it was only to carry ; Y1 O' W% x, V+ ~9 l- y# M7 Y6 N$ d
  D. only carrying its
2 J2 a9 r" m: H6 f1 F1 Y' _1 L/ y  答案:B
* C+ G. [- s  r: {, c8 P: ~  分析及考点:句子缺谓语。情态动词后面跟动词原形。
* }! d+ {& n- d; v; `5 B  参考译文:在早期19世纪,马拉的棚车在条件很差的道路上只能经济的短途运输轻的、相对价值高的货物。
' N: ^7 l  X! a: |$ H9 N& f( _  26. The solid-bodied electric guitar mixes and amplifies vibrations from microphone contacts at different points _________ a range of tone qualities.
1 w2 R& n1 j% _! T1 Q( B, u4 d2 E- Z  A. produce $ p: @1 r) z3 m9 ~) d
  B. to produce   O" }: |4 \1 z7 Z1 N1 d
  C. a production . O  ?( E1 }3 R* b! [
  D. and producing
4 k: [7 D' e4 z6 ~: i- ~  答案:B ! i0 e$ Q: x2 i0 ]' q' x6 k$ ?
  分析及考点:不定式做目的状语。 4 _* p+ P: k, m" U- S: A
9 W- A& {# e( c% O5 K4 u4 v# Q  27. While the term “harmony” suggests a pleasant or agreeable sound, it is applied to any combination of notes, _________ consonant or dissonant.
" f* z1 u$ T/ }1 V  A. which : A) Y$ u1 S. v8 F
  B. such
6 }# Z+ ]- p4 G4 T  C. neither 1 r+ k9 s* w4 z! N" g" f9 F* d
  D. whether
7 j, O' R5 y" P6 e  h5 p( I1 i) L  答案:D . f0 M) u! E+ W9 K( t1 o$ ]
  分析及考点:whether or not的变体。无论、不管。。。的意思 ! S6 t+ N: Z+ P+ u5 e( D
$ ~7 K+ Y# ?# \6 y1 C  28. Most meteorites are thought to be fragments from asteroids, _________ some may be pieces from the heads of comets. 8 o  y& E' w" o; V5 u
  A. despite 7 b, o0 E" `* a0 \! d
  B. either . G! r( e: e' r# Y
  C. although + Y3 O, a0 ]# |# K. ~8 o2 Z' L5 A
  D. but if
. V5 N1 _& i( l- J7 }, Y; }  答案:C
, `2 T& `  Z. \4 `  分析及考点:表让步关系连词,用although连接前后两个句子。
3 o& G$ a9 Z1 A  参考译文:大多数陨石被认为是小行星的碎片,尽管有一些可能是来自彗星头的碎片。 . Z  [1 k/ Z# b
  29. Penicillin, ________, kills a broad spectrum of bacteria, many of which cause disease in humans.
, C4 t: J$ ?) f# ?& \6 I  A. the first antibiotic to be discovered / ^5 \+ p; ]0 p: ~  S1 ~0 [
  B. when the first antibiotic to be discovered
: T  I1 l9 F8 |4 t3 G( |  C. the first antibiotic that discovered . ?, v, V; @" c. A
  D. was the first antibiotic to be discovered
+ ~* @& P5 B5 ^5 D  答案:A
' N8 L# t. ^1 f  分析及考点:主语同位语结构。名词性短语。
9 z0 {/ w7 K3 F7 o) L  参考译文:盘尼西林,最早被发现的抗生素,能杀死广谱细菌。那些细菌很多能使人类生病。 0 R. N' w: x0 T% W
  30. Action painting emphasizes the physical act of applying paint to canvas, rather _________ picture as a finished work of art. & V' N1 Y& F; o8 [, D
  A. the
0 ^* w( C1 n: v3 [0 F' x+ g  B. from the , z9 W1 l, g3 y7 k- Y
  C. than the
0 i; M# ~& T$ r8 H  D. is the 4 N6 N$ }0 ?& i
  答案:C $ [7 I8 @7 ]$ I- C7 T) P
  分析及考点:rather than固定搭配。
$ r# N. P1 ~! Q, ]1 k  参考译文:行为画派强调的是肢体动作在帆布上运用油墨的过程,而不是已完成的画面本身。
- }# s$ Y" p9 l. |+ a  31. Contrary to popular belief, the basic instruments of the old jazz bands were not saxophones, _________ cornets and trumpets.% N8 W5 D+ q; u/ U
  A. or not - l) L  ^1 g- N/ |9 v) h( ]7 t7 h, j" h2 a
  B. but
7 f9 W( S. M7 r& ~3 s  C. instead
! Y, A" B9 T+ N, `) ]( T9 s  D. neither
6 P- E; O' q/ p) |9 e' T& j" [. M. H  答案:B # u3 n" H. H8 Z  A. _
  分析及考点:平行对称的一个固定结构not ..but
# ?( U; _: Z% `1 }4 V  参考译文:跟普遍的认识相反,传统爵士乐队的基本乐器不是萨克斯,而是短号和小号。 $ v7 `0 `. v& w. ^1 y$ E. Q' X. d
  32. _____ vary greatly in shape and form, depending upon both the growth pattern and the arrangement of polyps within the colony.% N$ B) C# n+ T; y$ _9 C' b7 `: m$ g
  A. Since coral colonies
: s4 @3 N/ S2 h  B. Coral colonies that
( {# L- W; c9 r& T& L( ?6 W  i  C. Coral colonies, although they # d5 J0 C! ]7 k
  D. Coral colonies
/ D& R6 V. a) \- {2 M1 d7 p  答案:D . m: m9 P# g7 Q+ [
  分析及考点:主句缺主语。 / o& V& h+ v6 D: {5 S- S/ o( n( u
  参考译文:根据生长形式和珊瑚虫的排列,珊瑚礁在形状和构成上变化很大,   N2 f8 c& P# G; |2 q
  33. The transition element cadmium is placed below zinc and above mercury in the periodic table, _______ many properties in common with these elements.
! f0 |: P) i8 J- }) [5 v# p  S  A. and its ! B% L% s6 j# V& R& w6 i
  B. and having
1 u+ k" J: c) i  C. and it has * F) D  O/ x& l( }1 E
  D. and , l& S* ?7 g5 o+ }! @# S. a. r# R% C# G
  答案:C : n! Y8 \# @7 D. B, y
  分析及考点:and连接的平行对称结构。后面跟完整的句子。 5 Q1 n: Z2 T% j. A# Y! N/ z
& w5 J* C5 @8 G5 {, g  34. The covered wagons known as Conestogas were primarily used _________ of freight across the prairies of the United States.; h" J6 c/ }  n" f- S) Y
  A. heavy loads were carried 1 [5 Z4 f2 M. s# S" K
  B. to carry heavy loads
" k  f% T  |% J" h' `, r  C. the carrying of heavy loads 6 o9 P: [- V( x- Y. g1 a: E
  D. in heavy loads carrying ! Y& T3 K, r' |4 ?" i" F
" ~2 ]7 u' Y) N( x- x  分析及考点:动词use的用法,加不定式表目的。
8 Z; @8 Y5 h8 K0 t) v6 d2 ^. z- w; b  参考译文:闻名的conestogas有盖马车在横跨美国的大草原上主要用于运输重型货物。 ' {9 d0 Q- Y$ a) j8 b
  35. The outstanding feature of copper and the other metals of Group IB in the Periodic Table is _________ chemical attack. 2 p+ |8 w9 D; g5 q; K9 s
  A. resists " G' \5 a8 a' j/ w! R
  B. to resisting
+ f7 K& c, p: C# Q, f  C. their resistance to
" C* u" L, m4 ]0 b# _3 c9 w  D. by resistance
% E/ `2 y7 j. v* B6 b  答案:C / Z( x/ Z& W$ c7 e, ~) C* ?  G1 p- S
  分析及考点:A动词错。B不定式跟动名词错。D,by作为手段应加动名词。C针对。。的攻击,用介词to。 ) |5 ]; e8 v% d  a& U1 R6 O  @
8 J3 g( D% T9 }; Y6 T9 Z  36. When _______ with atmospheric particles, they create many types of secondary particles, including positrons, mesons, and hyperons.
' |: i8 V( p" N: W6 U5 ?/ J  A. the collision of primary cosmic rays # P/ c) f% P0 p1 @
  B. primary cosmic rays collide 5 q5 {1 g; k0 J9 \' l/ N6 I2 J* ?
  C. primary cosmic rays colliding 3 e) s, L" B  F# {/ ?
  D. do primary cosmic rays collide * X' m2 l* Y6 w) S7 S4 N2 O
  答案:B # b) J4 D" E+ V( ~6 t' @/ J
  分析及考点:状语从句中,缺主谓。语义上collide应该是动作。 % N$ x4 b& G' R6 i/ k
/ E+ a5 Q7 _4 ^3 m  37. A common way to produce x-rays is _________ electrons into a copper target. # E/ y6 J8 Z- j4 M# O
  A. fires % |1 \! q9 ^: ]  |' J6 r/ g8 \
  B. fired ! ~% v! B' f& O3 x; _+ A7 D  w
  C. by firing
. u4 S4 L9 T) E3 Z' j  D. how to fire
6 j, X& f% ~& v* z9 f4 e8 y& C  答案:C
: M4 F6 z4 }( q  分析及考点:以。。。的手段用by doing sth。
0 h0 b, {9 S# P. m) v  参考译文:通常产生X射线的方法是把电子激发到铜做的目标上。
6 q% B$ B6 u- i; q  38. _________ in 1800, Middlebury College is the oldest college in Vermont. + G4 o' z. W1 Q; c1 n
  A. Opened . r- z* |6 ?$ D" S2 _
  B. Opened it ; u- Y# `# \3 V$ h- S7 L
  C. The opening
( r7 C: X6 X! b- r  D. There was open
4 G1 W3 E$ Q" e) c  答案:A % d0 I. v( S$ C1 U
  分析及考点:分词省略结构。逻辑主语是被动状态,所以用过去分词。 # |( k# ?6 |2 C- [
  参考译文:Middlebury College创建于1800,是Vermont州最老的学院, $ Z4 s, Q, h1 o8 C
  39. Lizette Woodworth Reese’s best-known poem is the sonnet “Tears,” _________ in 1899 in Scribner’s Magazine. * z8 [. |" x1 ?. y1 n' u
  A. to publish % w& B4 {1 N. A1 T- K9 x, H
  B. published
3 m6 M+ A, v& H- X2 u# d0 ?  C. to publish it 2 Z/ i) q& J1 {9 i" Q; d
  D. was published
2 F" y, f' _! w, `$ U, ?( l- I  答案:B
: {5 P4 A. P6 m" Y( c3 m  t- X  分析及考点:分词省略结构。 " A% A* s$ }9 q# ^0 V
  参考译文:Lizette Woodworth Reese最著名的诗是1899年在Scribner’s 杂志发行的十四行诗“眼泪”。 9 M- g9 W& J& w3 b! G
  40. During the Revolutionary War, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was the capital of the United States for one day in 1777, _________ there.
" e) w* e" v4 g0 G' C8 T  A. was when the Continental Congress stopped / ]& k! q* ]1 x
  B. when did the Continental Congress stop 5 N, z: f, j4 H' D
  C. the Continental Congress when it stopped * l8 [* m9 ~% Q% {
  D. when the Continental Congress stopped 5 b6 |+ v2 J. m& u' H3 B) j, L! D
6 f6 Z  w2 p) L4 y5 N  分析及考点:状语从句。词序正常。
% v. N) x* `% b  E; w1 |  参考译文:在独立战争期间,宾夕法尼亚的Lancaster在1777年曾作为一天美国的首都,当时的大陆议会曾在那里停留。% i0 X) l' O( r
  2 s0 p8 @! N- i8 g
   8 ~2 k2 D  E6 }- ?1 a, z. I
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