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红宝石 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-5-27 16:21:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
The recreation way of period that" it is not a allusion quatation"
7 u9 }5 V& C2 a( o' O, Z& z+ B  G
# [+ d6 Y3 `$ S$ o+ i9 U% h  “非典”时期的假期,呆在家里很闷,出门又怕感染,怎么办?一个安全又健康的休闲方式,融入自然的感受,远足,有兴趣吗?
2 h  {2 t2 p& l! J  O2 V* ?* M7 }3 O. d1 W
  Hiking is fun and easy to do. All you need is a good pair of shoes and you"re ready to go!, R7 ]7 w+ `0 ?& ^# u5 p" C/ M

5 Q& d( y" q/ ]3 G' x- w; q% \% {+ g  Hiking is a great way to get some exercise. And hiking brings you to beautiful places where you can spend time relaxing(放松) in nature. You see birds and animals up close, and you can smell the flowers as you walk along the trail(小径).' h. I3 I+ R9 }) {
( w9 o0 J$ O  x3 m
  A hike can last from just a few hours to several days. On a hike that lasts a few hours, you should bring water and maybe some food. If you want to hike for several days, you"ll probably need more gear, such as a sleeping bag, a blanket(毯子), a flashlight(手电), and matches(火柴).% _% f& t( j2 O

) o2 j* L, H; t5 b5 |  If you can"t get to the mountains, though, don"t despair(绝望). You can also go hiking in the city, in the suburbs(郊区), or just about anywhere. Many cities have parks where you hike on trails. And even if there are no parks nearby(在附近), you can always hike on the streets. As long as you"re walking, you"re hiking!9 z5 m& x& ]7 R2 ?4 n+ |+ Y; t

6 R4 {& S7 B8 a: _0 ^! w  hiking是hike的动名词形式,意思是“远足、徒步旅行”,这可是现今非常流行的一种旅行方式哦!
3 ^) ]7 m& A8 I( D; q9 a
' A# L) k) J) R3 P% b' A7 C4 G+ x  远足很有趣而且简单易行,你所需要的不过是一双好鞋,(All you need is a good pair of shoes)一切准备工作就都做好了!(you"re ready to go!)
! j. |* i" H; h$ a8 l( q; _
# q" S$ `; u- S: ?) ~  ready to go不只可以表示“准备出发”,对任何事情做好准备(prepared)都可以用这个短语来表达,如:Bush is ready to go without UN.(Bush准备绕过联合国。)
' j9 ]2 c% h/ V2 U- _. B: J2 T& \" ^
  远足是锻炼身体的绝佳方法,让你在美丽的大自然中度过一段轻松的时光。(hiking brings you to beautiful places where you can spend time relaxing in nature)你可以零距离接触鸟儿和其他动物,(You see birds and animals up close)你还可以在穿过林中小径时闻闻花香。(you can smell the flowers as you walk along the trail)(想想就美呀,呵呵……)
: _( d0 k. v4 r% y* j! m8 X( f  G) h$ T. d" _3 ~  O
  close有“接近”的意思,大家都知道,我要讲的是它前面的up ,up在做副词时有“彻底地,完全地”意思,如:To my surprise, she drank up the whole bottle of wine.(使我惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了。)所以,这里的up close就是“彻底地靠近”,相当于“零距离接触”了吧!
9 H/ E8 h7 }8 u' k1 t- B4 y8 z. y/ c9 R7 z  C$ j  X/ [
  一次徒步旅行可以从几个小时到几天,(A hike can last from just a few hours to several days)依据时间的长短,你需要作相应的准备。3 n* B/ g! u, q& y2 r. C
0 k: R0 ~. o9 f! A: C* C1 k) D
  Last在这里是动词,意思是“持续”,如:How long will the meeting last?(会议要开多久?)4 m& ]! ^" U# F) F  F9 A

; z: y5 {$ p3 h' \3 w2 g# {- i  如果只是几个小时,你只需带水和一些食物。(On a hike that lasts a few hours, you should bring water and maybe some food)如果你想旅行几天,可能就需要准备一些用具,(If you want to hike for several days, you"ll probably need more gear)如睡袋、毯子、手电、火柴等。(such as a sleeping bag, a blanket, a flashlight, and matches)( b& j9 |+ w# l1 x. k: F! `. ?* M

) I, `1 F% J8 L) i* F$ @$ D  如果你没机会进山,没关系,别丧失希望哦,(don"t despair)在城市里,我们一样可以徒步旅行。你可以去郊外,(in the suburbs)任何地方。(or just about anywhere)
; Z. G! y* i* ?1 b& ?, i
& g! _/ z: [) i4 [' `9 T: X' [  about这里是副词,意思是“大约;几乎” John is about the same age as Tom.(约翰和汤姆的年龄相仿。)& k) y4 K* e* r# ^7 h1 h' G6 @
( W/ }6 Y! I9 @2 `& }* Z" {+ K
  许多城市都建有公园,你可以在小树林中漫步。(Many cities have parks where you hike on trails)就算附近没有公园,你也可以在大街上溜达,(And even if there are no parks nearby, you can always hike on the streets)其实只要你行走着,你就在徒步旅行。(As long as you"re walking, you"re hiking!
# S! [/ B- H, A0 G* A5 B) {
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发表于 2003-6-2 12:45:00 | 只看该作者

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