以前一直想着要出去留学的,因为专业原因还有些其他的,现在就是出去也没好学校了,于是迷惘下最终还是放弃了,可是心里总牵挂着,考研,毕业,工作,未来,一直迷惘着,还是想趁年轻出去看看,昨晚又想去巴黎,一夜没睡好。。。: {. @! \5 j2 u
PS:本来留学想去英语国家的,但是自己专业比较偏,出去换专业读硕士都没好学校了,读个三流大学回来没前途还白白浪费了钱, s0 y. [. S7 c1 f- p
有些亲戚在巴黎的,一直很想去欧洲看看,但是因为要另外学语言以前都没考虑的, X [" n* Y. Q1 y仿佛现在留学的动力只是想出去走走看看。
Once upon a dream0 t- I6 M9 l9 z. u" i/ v/ I# |
When this world isn 't what it seems/ t" L$ c) M; w6 P0 F
My love and I lived inside a smile 0 n7 ~4 q8 Q, [4 y) U, K1 ^The time was nigh" n6 J: j$ g8 e, Y; N+ X o
We broke down and we cried6 L/ y1 L$ w( |% ^: t/ y X# I3 s
Rcfriending dragonflies 2 U3 b: \8 _* d" R+ oLullabyes and funny little rides, m: f- [5 ]8 ~9 F* R" s
We' d spend the night time2 C8 y: w! K1 t; v8 ~% ]5 r' s
Counting countless stars 3 g% n. h" a0 t1 b& b8 h* _Choking on our stolen first cigar. 3 _; A+ b* R* L& @0 J$ q# WThere is no reason , no rhyme, B- {4 D' y: ~, E
No need of keeping track of time P& ^ u: J- }7 X1 o, [, F: PA life just passing and life just beginning \* j# l4 ~, C3 `9 I) C
First love ensnared my mind " Q" O7 w c4 x& m% oWonderland was waiting ! s; T& e! i: v6 vButterflies went fluttering by; b5 c+ k& s* ?$ R" [
We wore our raincoats standing in the sun # p; ^1 o7 o4 v. UOne by one % Y# ]% h2 U, I! c- C' w# BGood time had just begun 0 l, O" X7 X' p1 @Quite lost in a trance 8 t+ g: @$ d( F4 h) sMy love and I lost in loving dance % u# ^3 d0 c# K5 STurning around and turning again + e t9 @2 E( L2 a( S9 |/ q5 Z3 cNever knowing it had to end % V+ D1 h ?( v* e' o e0 ~3 RThere is no future no past , M! z$ W1 F4 E$ e. j! SYour first love won 't be your last 3 H/ j; x F) eFirst love don' t last oh no it won 't last2 y) }9 J$ A( P; u0 ^8 e( R$ ]
But it 's worthwhile remembering when