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one night stand!!!!!!!!!



发表于 2008-12-10 13:39:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Let me tell you.....+ _4 {/ D& D( w* t' q9 `
Jenny's getting her stuff in my room
6 `3 z* s  M; ^$ \# rPuts on her skirt and she's looking good
5 W" u0 I7 F1 m& GSix AM and she's leaving soon# L% c2 Z* r6 `4 B
Says what a crazy night I had
) S  K% z: o: o) K0 a) hA real good time
0 Y$ J4 c2 I( x( D, g# WBut her kiss tells me it's goodbye
) @* V/ I" Z5 u4 r8 S$ \Just like nothing happened last night* w" [! a: d- U( f7 p% I
But if I had one chance
+ U2 d- _; K7 }( x% i0 |I'd do it all over again
" X+ y9 K" O$ p# L0 k' mOne night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
# C% h( ^' i/ a2 f5 k8 V) \5 BShe was only looking for a one night stand
' G" `) U* f" Q. K* _% c! e2 I0 N$ I5 ^I don't think she's coming back for more: T6 l5 I& s( n& n9 f* l
Iglesias Enrique
" b9 v" X( `+ t1 t( I, u6 F! zNo no
3 |5 |9 w0 E  U& @" U& v3 [3 _# x6 KNow I'm left up in my lonely room8 p( t( B, P7 T$ m3 b
She left her underwear and her perfume/ Z0 Y% [' P9 L/ C  H: r  z/ y
I never thought that it could be this good
0 g! `& L/ m( eAnd I still feel a little on my fingertips
3 d% ?0 T# k& Z) G, ]) b% PI'm trying hard not to feel rejected
  y  M/ I* u0 Y4 Y! E! XMaybe the phone line's disconnected5 `6 u0 B. j" U" w1 P' L
But if I had one chance
1 G5 C/ x* E! iI'd do it all over again# q/ Z5 M7 u  {2 _* j
I know it
' y% J2 Q2 h/ s, H( wOne night stand I don't think she's coming back for more) z+ j0 k6 E, L+ s
She was only looking for a one night stand I don't think she's coming back for more* X& T$ d: K& p/ y% f
She was only looking
/ z0 Z, _- {* t. ]% nOne night stand but I'd do it all again for sure8 r9 O3 _5 k7 {  c
Oh yeah
% ?8 g1 b* ^# X" g6 q# P3 ?Baby like a blind man I rushed in
0 {4 W9 |+ C  B  r/ D; iWill you be coming back again?
2 L. Z" a! v! @4 B7 [One night stand I don't think she's coming back0 H9 L& U: l, [1 l% h1 K
One night stand I don't think she's coming back
* P9 w0 l) V2 gOne night stand I don't think she's coming back
' M' W; z6 u( F" Y' QOne night stand I don't think she's coming back for more  {. N! }$ `! }( k/ t# F
She was only looking" s: e0 S2 v8 g3 s. @) r& p1 N+ `0 x
One night stand I don't think she's coming back for more4 R- s, T  h" p( p/ L& u
She was only looking for a one night stand I don't think she's coming back for more2 x& y( |# i" o, H3 s! c* U% W4 n
She was only looking for a one night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
2 A, C* O- C  }1 w' l3 H5 A/ k5 tShe was only looking
  Y1 y* `" n+ c( q: ~; m* s0 vOne night stand but I'd do it all again for sure# V) g( K* m2 Y3 V; r! b
I guess it was a one night stand
6 r* u0 I' K3 X( Q/ T3 ~One night stand
& n0 q8 M6 a5 Z. z- ]" T2 P7 MI guess it was a one night stand
3 h. `( t, b2 U; z* Y: a$ g+ `  EOne night stand0 J6 A& `( D6 k' R/ _1 U' h/ I
I guess it was a one night stand+ l0 C& W6 P# X: O6 o) a$ S$ [# l/ `
One night stand+ h* B- Z* B( x3 m& D
I guess it was a one night stand
  f+ C- y7 L1 w$ b' O8 |/ jOne night stand* W- }, H0 X1 R9 c: M) Y
I know it, yeah
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发表于 2008-12-10 22:31:29 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 15:23:47 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-1-1 19:12:51 | 只看该作者
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