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Microsoft MCSE 70-221最新



发表于 2009-3-14 11:45:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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MCSE 70-221 考试题库由我们的资深IT认证讲师及产品专家精心打造,包括了当前最新的全套全真70-221考试试题,全部附有正确答案。所有购买 killtest 认证考题的客户都将得到60天的免费升级服务,保证了对Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure考试题库的完整覆盖。 killtest 助你一次通过 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 认证考试,一次不过全额退款!
killtest 70-221试题都是考试原题的完美组合,覆盖率96%以上,答案由多位专业资深讲师原版破解得出,正确率100%,只要您使用本站的题库参加 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 考试,我们保证您一次轻松通过考试;
1.Background Hanson Brothers is an international consulting firm that is based in Portland, Oregon. Hanson Brothers specializes in consulting services for US companies that want to establish business operations in foreign countries. Hanson Brothers assists companies by analyzing the factors that influence their expansion into new geographical regions. Hanson Brothers also arranges for these companies to meet the government agencies that control the establishment of manufacturing facilities in their countries. In recent years, Hanson Brothers has expanded its business by offering its customers additional services such as housing procurement, recruiting and legal. Organization Hanson Brothers has 2500 employees in 20 countries. The Hanson Brothers Corporate headquarters is located in Portland, Oregon. Five regional headquarters oversee district offices. The Portland office operates as the Hanson Brothers Corporate headquarters and as the North America regional headquarters. The North American region includes eight district offices. Atlanta, Georgia Chicago, Illinois Cincinnati, Ohio Denver, Colorado Los Angeles, California Montreal, Canada New York City, New York Washington, D.C The Asian regional headquarters is located in Victoria, Hong Kong. The Asia region includes four district offices. Bangkok, Thailand Calcutta, India Hanoi, Vietnam Shanghai, China The south Pacific regional headquarters is located in Sydney Australia. The south pacific region includes three distinct offices. Auckland, New Zealand Manila, Philippines Singapore city, Singapore The Europe regional headquarters is located in London, England. The Europe region includes three distinct offices. Brussels, Belgium Geneva, Switzerland Madrid, Spain The Latin America headquarters is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Latin America region includes four district offices. Bogota, Colombia Caracas Venezuela Mexico City, Mexico Sao Paulo, Brazil Existing Environment Each North America office is connected to a frame relay network by means of a 56 Kbps circuit. A permanent virtual circuit (PVC) exists from each North America district office to the Portland Office. A 128 Kbps leased line connects the Portland Office to each regional headquarters. Each regional headquarters outside the United States connects to its district offices by means of a 256 kbps leased line. The Portland office is connected to the Internet by means of a T1 line to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Routers and DSU/CSU are installed at all company locations. Routers contain hardware from a variety of manufacturers. All routers are BOOTP enabled. Hanson Brothers has the following client computers evenly distributed throughout its organization: 1000 Pentium III computers that are running Windows NT 4.0 1500 Pentium I computers that are running Microsoft Windows 95 One primary domain controller, one backup domain controller, and five file and print servers are located in the Portland office. The Portland office also contains two proxy servers, configured as an array, that provide Web cache services and Internet access control. A few locations throughout the company contain servers that provide Windows NT4 DHCP services. A single Windows NT domain exists for email authentication and for Internet access control on the proxy array. Client computers throughout the company log on to the domain only when they need to access these services. Interviews: CEO: In the past four years, we have undergone rapid growth. For example, we have opened many new offices in through locations, and the number of employees in your company has tripled CIO: Our Corporate philosophy favors the centralized control of most business process. However, this philosophy is being shared by the company??s rapid growth and expansion. We want to decentralize the administration of the network by creating three categories of administrators teams Enterprise, Regional and Site. The Portland office will contain an enterprise, a regional and site administrator team. Each regional headquarters office will contain a regional and a site administrator team. Each district office will contain only site administrator. Although Hanson Brothers has limited Internet presence, Internet resources play an important Role for the research company performs to its customers. Although our foreign offices have been reporting slow Internet performance, employees at the Portland Office report than Internet performance is more than acceptable. In our company, we want to deploy several important web based applications. This deployment requires the creation of internal Web sites. All intranet Web servers will be located in Portland Office. One of these Web based applications concern all human resources files in a single location that users can view through their browser. These files are created and updated regularly by the human resources directors in each regional headquarters. These directors will need local access to their files, and the Internet server will need local access to the human resources files created and updated in these locations. Because the links to the regional headquarters outside the United States are very expensive, the bandwidth must be used wisely. We want to minimize increase in costs for WAN connectivity wherever possible. We want to immediately upgrade all Windows NT4 client computers to Windows 2000 professional. We will not upgrade the existing Microsoft Windows 95 client computers. We will replace them over the next two years with new computers running Windows 2000 Professional Security Manager: Currently the Portland Office has an Internet connection that is secured with a firewall. The firewall is running network address translation (NAT). My security team is located in the Portland office, and all extranet connections will be located in this office. Active Directory Design Team Leader: For our Active Directory design, we will use a model containing a single forest with a single tree that has multiple domains. Each domain will contain one regional headquarters and all of its district offices. The domain will use the following names: Asia Europe Lamerica Namerica Spacific A new parent domain named Corp will also be created to hold the enterprise administrator team accounts and the forest level accounts. We will use Active Directory namespaces that are contiguous with the existing registered domain name. All DHCP servers will reside on member servers, and the DNS zones should be configured to run in a multimaster mode. The security team will configure the firewall so that no Active directory DNS server will have access to the internet. Each regional headquarters will contain a domain controller that is configured as a replication bridgehead server. Each regional administrator team will manage all DHCP servers in its region regardless of the servers physical location. Network Administrator Currently, all routers are configured by using static routes. However, as our company expands, static routing is becoming increasingly inefficient. We have a lot of downtime with the old system, and redundancy is extremely important to us. We have several applications that all offices within a region use. We want to give the regional administrators the ability to manage these installation packages. An administrator also needs the ability to publish these applications so that they can be installed the first time they are used. Although some of the installation packages are large, we want the quickest installation possible. Almost all users will require access to the Internet so that they can browse the web. However, only a few users will need access to FTP. The users in a region visit many of the same company and government web sites as other users in their region. Hanson Brothers has a registered DNS namespace of hansbrothers.com. This namespace is held by a Unix server in the Corporate office that is running BIND version 4.8.3. This server will not be upgraded. All client computers in the company must register with DNS. Client computers will access other client computers in share printers. All administrator client computers will run Windows 2000. All servers will run Windows 2000! r1 l& i7 ^4 z: ?! z4 _1 V
Correct:# M! X- f# s# k) O4 N
2.You need to provide Hanson Brothers with a highly available DNS design. What should you do?" P5 S; y4 v  S
A.Create primary DNS zones for the Asia, Europe, Lamerica and Spacific zones on the DNS servers in the Corp domain
# d# x& R7 c% D# d( uB.Create a primary DNS zone in each domain. Configure the DNS servers in the Asia, Europe, Lamerica, Namerica, and Spacific domains as forwarded to each other.- X& \7 i) i1 H5 t% ^5 F
C.Create a primary DNS zone in each domain as forwarders to the Asia, Europe, Lamerica, North America and Spacific domains.
- w/ ~! G6 S, }# B! Q' S: x. VD.Create a primary DNS zone in each domain. Create secondary DNS zones for the Corp zone on the DNS servers in the Asia, Europe, Lamerica, Namerica and Spacific domains.
6 a* p. w' E1 G( UCorrect % N) |) q8 [' _0 l# \- Y) T9 u
3.You need to create the DNS namespace design. Move the appropriate DNS namespaces to the appropriate company domains.(Use only namespaces that apply. Use namespaces only once)
2 f0 o+ @5 m$ j8 O& M4.What should you do to improve Internet connectivity for Hanson Brothers?
9 T8 w$ B- A( g5 ~; @; f" F% }- pA.Configure all client computers to use existing proxy server in the Portland Office.$ A# V& \5 @+ l6 c9 W, @
B.Configure an Internet connection in each regional headquarters.
% p! z6 a) u3 ?9 R$ w; sC.Place a proxy server in each regional headquarter outside the United States.$ n2 x$ k3 v9 S* r
D.Increase the bandwidth between the Portland office and each regional headquarters. Increase the bandwidth to the Internet service provider (ISP)3 P1 a4 A. t2 B. y' q
$ L  v3 {8 ?* B/ M  m2 J+ z5.How should you design the name registration strategy for Hanson brothers? (Choose all that apply)
" ]/ G% K; b  x6 H0 o" w! b' S% WA.Configure all servers to register with WINS and DNS.. F1 h! ~5 C; Z! j
B.Configure all client computers to register directly with DNS.- ]4 f/ E/ W6 M* \* f) B; w
C.Configure DHCP servers to register the A (host) records for Windows 2000 client computers with DNS.
" V! |1 M; t, Y6 \. sD.Configure all servers to register only with DNS.. o+ E- {$ t+ M. \" q/ ?; `# m
E.Configure DHCP servers to register the A (host) records for non Windows 2000 client computers with DNS.
& C" o8 A1 {2 F/ y6 [F.Configure all client computers to register with WINS.* A, b1 _& [# A$ E) p$ u, C& `
G.Configure only non Windows 2000 client computers to register with WINS.
% p* f' H" G) D: Y, uCorrect:A E F ! v' T# e) Z- u1 @* [# V
6.Which change should you make to the existing WAN for the North America region before implementing the new network?
) H% c/ V# l* R. @A.Install fully meshed site-to-site leased lines between all North America offices.7 |$ |9 m0 X9 Q$ C$ a
B.Increase the circuit bandwidth at the Los Angeles, Montreal, New York city and Washington DC, district offices.3 e* t' s: t& D! q4 W
C.Create a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) from each office to all other offices.& Q* a3 H  H8 _
D.Increase the circuit bandwidth at the Portland Office.6 Y% A4 X7 C7 F9 n& y* y$ B& K) Q' s
7 m6 ?4 w2 L3 Z7.How should you implement DHCP for the district offices in the Europe region?2 t# n# e& `: Z% `
A.In each district office, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for the local subnet with 20 percent of addresses excluded. In the regional headquarters, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for each district office with 80 percent of the address excluded.
" ^6 x$ ?- l( F" W/ O7 w7 G6 vB.In the regional headquarters, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for each district office
/ a* e" u$ k( m$ ~; A: N% \C.In each office in the region, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for the local subnet.4 m  F) C$ j0 C/ W( v* N! a& h, L6 p
D.In each district office, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for the local subnet with 20 percent of the address excluded. In the Corporate headquarters, deploy a DHCP server that has one scope for each district office with 80 percent of the addresses excluded.
& }1 q! y& a) ICorrect:A
: _& @. H1 f+ F# m- O4 P; C# t! r- ^8.You need to create the DNS deployment strategy for the Spacific domain. Move the appropriate deployment tasks to the location or locations where the tasks will be performed. (Use only deployment tasks that apply. You might need to reuse deployment tasks)
7 S7 j% s$ q& g; G0 S; h" q9.You need to provide a secure DHCP design that will minimize the risk of unauthorized DHCP servers appearing on the network. What should you do? (Choose all that apply)4 ]+ H( y$ u1 T
A.Place all members of the Regional Administrator team into the DHCP Administrators group.- \9 I/ s0 E- q/ R) p1 I- w
B.Move the DHCP service from member servers to domain controllers
2 c+ D* b; e/ K4 Z! h! I# \C.Place a DHCP relay agent on each DHCP server to propagate DHCPINFORM messages.
5 U( }4 X$ Q/ ]2 \; a  Y$ CD.Replace all Windows NT4 DHCP servers with Windows 2000 DHCP servers.
3 d6 r9 e: H/ A/ q- z" ^7 {E.Place all users into the DHCP Users group.. W+ `" ~# w: I# D! g. b
Correct:A D ) b8 I+ S' `  w/ m5 J
10.You need to assign management and monitoring tasks the administrator. Move each task to the administrator team that should perform it?(Use all tasks, use tasks only once)
Correct:0 R* M2 ^2 a4 t) S: h
11.Hanson Brothers needs to accommodate the Human Resources intranet application in the new network. What should you do?
; c$ }# f# g) l) qA.In the Portland Office, deploy a distributed file system (Dfs) root server that has a child node for each region, In each regional headquarters, deploy a Dfs replica server that corresponds to the child node for that region6 ~8 @7 E: @6 E3 C$ X8 B$ U4 ?
B.In each regional headquarters, deploy a distributed file system (Dfs) root server that has a human Resources child node. In the Portland Office, deploy a Dfs replica server.
' l6 F" Y* v$ D% x+ o6 yC.In the Portland Office, deploy a distributed file system (Dfs) root server. In each regional headquarters, deploy a child node.; g$ f- C6 x' q  k4 i7 e( I
D.In each regional headquarters, deploy a distributed file system (Dfs) root server. In the Portland office, deploy a child node.
% {8 ?9 i, H2 x" j/ Z: FCorrect:A & G" p# O3 S4 }* C
12.Background Blue Sky Airlines serves destinations to four airports: Boston, Massachusetts, Chicago, Illinois, New York City, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The company headquarters is located in Boston three miles from the airport. Blue Sky Airlines has announced an expansion of its services to four more airports: Atlanta, Georgia, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dallas, Texas and Washington, DC. Organization Blue Sky Airlines employs more than 400 personnel. Approximately 220 of these employees work at Boston headquarters Employees in the Boston headquarters are using 486 or Pentium class client computers that are connected to a single Windows NT 4 domain; Company headquarters are using 486 or Pentium class client computers that are connected to a single Windows NT 4.0 domain. Company headquarters contains a data center and an IT department Blue Sky Airlines currently serves four airports and has approximately 20 employees who work on site at each airport. At each airport, one of these employees functions as a liaison to the IT department and can perform minor tasks at the direction of the Corporate IT personnel. Blue Sky Airlines also employs more than 100 flight personnel Existing IT environment Airports: All airports will have a ticket counter and five gates. The following equipment will be dynamically assigned a TCP/IP address and will be located in each airport. ? 10 ticket counter machines ? 10 gate counter machines ? 10 ticket printers At any given time, no more than five users at each airport will be using the ticketing and reservation application The airport in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago and Washington DC will contain a passenger lounge. A maximum of 10 ticketed passengers can connect their portable computers to the passenger lounge LAN and gain access to the Internet through the Boston Headquarters. All passenger lounges will be part of a single, bridged VLAN named Red. Passengers will be able to use all TCP/IP protocols without having to make any changes to their portable computers as long as the computers are using DHCP. Additionally, each passenger lounge will contain one kiosk computer so that passengers without portable computers can access the same Web based flight information and reservation application that Internet users can access. WAN Connectivity: Blue Sky Airlines want to migrate from the existing 56 Kbps point to point SNA circuits to a frame relay network that will connect all airports to the Boston headquarters. At each airport containing a passenger lounge, Blue Sky Airlines will install a BOOTP capable router that is configured with four interfaces: two Ethernet interfaces, one ISDN interface, and one interface that connects to the frame relay network. Company employees will connect to the corporate WAN by means of Ethernet interface 1. Customers in the passenger lounges will connect to the Internet by means of Ethernet interface 2. All devices on the network that are connected to Ethernet interface 2 will be assigned to VLAN red. Blue Sky Airlines will install a BOOTP capable router that is configured with five interfaces in the Boston headquarters. This router will have three Ethernet interfaces, one Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and one interface that connects to the frame relay network. Ethernet interface 1 will connect to the corporate LAN and have a network address of Ethernet interface 2 will connect to a hub and all devices on this LAN will be assigned to VLAN Red. This network will have a network address of /24. Ethernet interface 3 will be connected to a firewall for access to the Internet. All private corporate resources will be assigned addresses in the address space. Routers will not allow any traffic to pass between the two LANs at corporate headquarters.
1 r2 ~2 Z" h" P# X13.Which client hardware should you use for the gate machines in the airports?
( V; n2 x  S- P! bA.Windows Terminal.
  l5 K: o9 E4 Q$ YB.New Pentium III client computers.
- z# y8 o  e4 [; M$ eC.Existing 486 client computers from corporate headquarters.+ W. C, j1 G7 a# u+ @% j6 a7 x
D.Existing 3270 terminals.: K/ ?: m" b. J
Correct:A 5 R/ t! p3 \: [" t5 y, z
14.Which component or components must you place locally on the passenger lounge network? (Choose all that apply)" c& ^9 ]$ Z/ T8 H
A.Kiosk computer
3 v0 x- J  I* {# `B.Hub
, `* B. X  _9 D7 U4 gC.Domain controller
: R  g  w  F, D6 HD.DNS server
" g) m& c! J# gE.Routing and Remote access; y  e7 _: ]) O6 O" f" p
F.Microsoft Proxy Server
6 y6 F  x0 d! R9 QG.DHCP Server
, N1 a; ?5 d! e0 C4 @5 I" SCorrect:A B - D+ y- x/ S- T7 q  Z7 p6 ~9 V
15.Which component or components will you need in Washington DC to complete Phase III? (Choose all that apply)
' H9 a5 D, g4 `2 P% ]A.DHCP Server) L$ Q4 h" x$ Z% m. M/ S% _
B.WINS Server
  W: |6 t  A6 i. Q) x3 c+ \3 wC.Hub
8 t& \! V  F8 k+ j! x! LD.DNS server: H( @& E& e8 \4 }- }
E.Client hardware
/ O. S. P" B" R) _- j6 h5 O4 c3 r4 }8 }F.Domain controller
; |8 Q6 z! ~" Q- B: R( kG.Router
9 Z7 a) ^# \; \' M- D2 mCorrect:C E G
3 G: p) F0 J6 d$ H1 v; B16.How should you design the Microsoft SQL Server environment?
# Z) ?4 `. z/ S2 J7 A# TA.Use one SQL Server computer
. l7 f- N6 H& l+ T) sB.Use two SQL Server computers without database replication5 h4 B1 ?; ~1 g; B- m
C.Use two SQL Server computer with database replication7 x) i% y7 a2 C7 S6 F
D.Use two clustered SQL Server computers.8 _4 k2 b! F0 V) ?+ }( G& Q
Correct 6 n* h  m3 Y8 K, Y
17.You need to assign the correct address range for each location. Move appropriate IP address ranges to the appropriate location or locations Use only address ranges that apply. (You might need to reuse address ranges)
' ~8 V) C: o& t" i18.You need to allow the pilots access to the intranet Web server, what should you do? (Choose all that apply)
8 c2 `! U5 E/ P2 qA.Deploy proxy services
4 d  G- b' ]$ h1 U9 {, Y- RB.Deploy Active Directory
. n0 W& j1 e  n8 FC.Use remote access policies  r9 r* k+ s: M6 \7 Y
D.Use the access by user administrative model to control remote access
: K/ X0 b9 c+ [  B: Q1 J6 D) RE.Deploy certificate services9 Y8 Z% j3 j, a7 V9 u1 Z
Correct:B C E
1 J  Y5 E( N/ ]' k! j$ y19.Which five components should be deployed or installed during Phase 1? (There are 10 answer choices. Choose five)% z1 n$ ^1 o3 A$ o
A.DNS Server+ O7 B. f3 @! b
B.Domain Controller
4 J1 Y2 ~  m+ H( Q( e9 g) }C.Active Directory6 d' P0 r, V5 D4 c' T( `
D.Terminal Services
$ {3 B9 [% g% g4 b( K" VE.Routing and Remote Access
2 V. A% f) T2 s" cF.Microsoft SQL Server
' v! O0 Z; X, @! ?' ]8 Q6 pG.TCP/IP
! H1 X4 Y8 B4 O2 `1 t2 f/ K7 ]H.3270 emulation software/ f& x: S" c/ y8 Y; O" ~
I.DHCP server
4 Y* e9 ^7 q$ pJ.Microsoft SNA Server
. T  G/ {) _) C! z5 k  {Correct F G H J - c* ?- `' A5 a
20.Which strategy or strategies should you use for the DHCP design at the airports? (Choose all that apply)
% R1 t7 j+ _) [. h/ F4 N$ NA.In each passenger lounge, deploy one DHCP server that has one scope! S5 @8 ]0 r6 M
B.In the network in Boston, deploy two DHCP servers Configure each server so that it has 12 scopes Configure an exclusion for 50 percent of the addresses in each scope
5 z/ h. P' F" b- b& C: h+ CC.In the network in Boston, deploy one DHCP server that has four scopes! C( L2 J' B3 t8 i, `5 m9 B" l% N& D, i
D.In the network in Boston, deploy one DHCP server that has one Scope.
- \$ O& h" \8 x3 G$ D: LE.In each airport, deploy one DHCP server that has scope with 25 percent of the address space excluded. In the Boston headquarters, deploy one DHCP server that has 12 scopes Configure an exclusion for 75 percent of the addresses in each scope
, q% f! c7 L, q+ I, [+ O. V0 r4 A3 pF.In the network in Boston, deploy two DHCP servers Configure each server so that it has eight scopes Configure an exclusion for 50 percent of the addresses in each scope
& E% p9 V. _/ c! tCorrect F
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