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发表于 2008-7-16 16:50:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题库来源( www.killtest.cn
) W9 b0 w" v& L+ F# F2 q: U3 F) \1 K
1. You setup three Intranet web sites and set them to use host headers. How do users find them?
, t. ]" X' S) L7 W' C8 g8 F* AA Modify Hosts files to the server B Modify Hosts files to all the clients
. A6 N% c  L5 Q8 O# }; ]" h9 GC Modify Lmhost files to all the clients D Modify Wins Server $ z$ C) c' ?9 J6 g4 u# f
* t2 ~4 A/ r/ N0 H: r: N7 N( ^5 V) Q
2. What must you do if you want to find all unfiltered files?
+ D) Z$ B! W1 Q  na @contents= unflitered b @ unfiltered = TRUE & @8 j) ]. @9 M9 E) U/ F8 F5 e
c Tun srchenu.exe d List noise word file
  d1 q) E: h& Q: N1 D3 g) ?5 t0 k. Y1 K" Y2 N
3. How can you maximize the performance if you using SSL?
$ T0 e3 T8 b# G( UA Add more Ram B Increase CPU # K2 l9 i: `" a2 g) }
C Fast HD D Use SSL certificate
( m& z( }: i7 _/ N3 U- @) `4 C' d. s; M4 e7 t9 U' E
4. What is the easiest way to find how many 32K objects have HTML extensions? % ~) C3 F" c3 `# Z7 }. O. Z# q
A Import a log file to an excel spread sheet B Site Server
4 m6 _4 c/ a3 |C Use NT Explorer to search the web site DIR D Use FTP" r" P* ~3 z/ I

* H  q9 Z$ ~& a- v3 n5. You want to decrease the amount of TAM that index sever uses. Choose 2 ? 1 \. t7 S3 {: i# J9 \3 [
A Increase number of Word List B Decrease number of Word List
+ f  z; g4 V7 P; X# r' s" {, w# J2 C4 L
C Increase size o f Word List D Decrease size of Word List 0 N9 ]5 H) a# ?6 K$ e- |1 ~

+ |- D7 g  G/ I5 f1 O1 h6.-What IIS entries would be stored in the IIS Metabase. Select 2
: `" W1 \4 X" T' r# D. LA) Location of the IIS help files B) Virtual Folder security information
! h$ f" [& J4 b$ ?C) Home Directory permissions D) Index Server settings ; t  \1 x6 u) z/ E. E+ E; H$ i
E) Site Server Express settings
8 ^, @: T8 Y  c! j$ |4 ]0 I& v+ ~; r$ O# R- l2 d0 I
7.- You currently store NNTP files in a single virtual directory on a single RAID 5 disk array. How can you improve performance ?) Y7 [4 F7 F; }7 W4 j' B! Z
A) Create additional virtual folders on the single disk array 5 z' F4 O& W' }% ~
B) Create additional virtual folders on multiple disk arrays
1 l5 a0 t+ h$ b* v7 uC) Move the virtual folder location onto a non RAID 5 disk
) q7 n' x9 ]( X! H9 C, P' c5 A7 {$ l! O4 m$ s- e" L7 Y2 K
8- -You want to enable logging of your web site. What option should you choose to allow the lowest processing overhead.
4 H7 z! U) l9 u  Y* _A) Normal Text Log B) Compressed Normal Text Log
, w' ~- K( }8 j8 ^  \% l! R+ p( p, SC) Logging to a SQL database D) Logging to a remote SQL database
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-17 14:45:22 | 只看该作者
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