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发表于 2009-4-7 12:29:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
美国动画电影《功夫熊猫》在中国放映时创造了票房奇迹,虽然有些影评人恨铁不成钢的认为竟然让外国人以国宝雄猫为素材赚了咱们的银子,但是人家动画片拍得好看,生动是不争的事实。相信很多的朋友看过之后,都会对里面那只憨态可掬、幽默搞笑,又带有一些中国农民所特有的狡黠的大熊猫留下深刻的印象。本着快乐学英语的精神,咱们看完了大片也得学到点什么,这不,里边有很多经典幽默的英语台词可供借鉴参考,说不定下次托福口语考试用得上呢!1 Z7 I$ d4 c9 @) p6 w) }% k9 m
6 b; r4 M! [, E, Y7 G
1.There are no accidents.+ i( ?( l/ r6 x* O; g2 o6 R) s

1 w; y' x3 g5 S! A1 l 没有意外,一切早已注定。
5 K+ I: u, g) j; h" W - w. b, F7 J7 X' b
2.One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
: c0 @3 L  }2 w, Q: K2 K
$ E; S3 r% n# H7 c5 A. j往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。7 R; S8 n7 o; a( U" W5 o
) e, E! d: K$ b. ^
3.Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.
* s& y9 I1 w/ W4 V; f6 W 1 d8 r4 g; V1 X3 y- d! y
你的思想就如同水,我的朋友。水波摇曳时,很难看清。不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。% X/ H$ m' i, F" g, _7 n

2 T& n( f$ u% d$ m/ F4.Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.0 j) v9 e5 ?4 N! e1 s0 y& b

! A% D8 F( D0 X' T$ G退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。
; g3 p' G0 u* D( b+ D0 n: ~ 1 t6 c/ S$ {2 Y5 k2 [+ [9 s! a
5.There is a saying
/ y, ~7 W1 i* V8 q' }# ~ # l8 C1 Y4 ?1 {+ q
Yesterday is history
7 Z; J, H. R5 c# e2 W$ A . q" O9 p0 a0 @* m& G" `& }! n
Tomorrow is a mystery1 F1 |( \9 R. k2 o9 |$ B! K

' ]: X7 J* ~9 j5 j" O6 Q& zBut today is a gift
% c$ D6 T. P: E+ K! s# ^: k 2 L4 A2 G* _4 S4 d4 K& g+ n# T
That is why it's called the present (the gift)
* V* W: `" u; y3 r $ w/ d6 t  d8 ?; ^" v) V
俗语说,昨天是历史,明天是个谜团!而今天则是上苍的馈赠。那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)* c. b  L4 a" B/ g+ S7 a
3 A9 p6 r5 C2 V+ H$ |
6.Yes, look at this tree, I can not make it bloom and suit me, nor make it bear food before it's time.4 I' n& ?5 g, F; V8 N5 T, [0 p0 l
* S" e' Y+ q8 j; u, {8 Y
乌龟:是的,看着这棵树。我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。5 T4 q6 d4 P" x2 u

+ R6 _# ?; c2 B! PBut there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall... And I can control what time to seed. That is not illusion, Master& ~1 l" g3 Y5 N0 t

( T; N& q- t! O/ @) H. ~师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。我还可以控制在何处播种,那可不是幻觉,大师。* p+ V, |3 m! v/ Q: ?# f- E% a
  s3 V! G5 Y& I: [) H) v( g+ k9 x
Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an Apple or an orange, but you will get a peach
3 k$ P, }* t# `) q
0 o& M1 M) ]: D; f  Q0 v乌龟:不过无论你做了什么,播下的种子还是会长成桃树。你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子。
$ D9 {/ V& y: C) R& W8 D% { ) C% a( |" d- d( B4 r
But peache can not defeate Tai Long
- T. E1 g0 @8 t, c( h- r7 ? , _  k3 ?* v0 o  U6 h7 c4 U
师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。8 Y8 ~0 B, Q8 f( H" C6 _8 V" k0 U
& _0 F+ f5 Z, I( X( Z3 n: F
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it.
; Z5 q* d/ F  h! A) O# l2 e * D* F9 F; {+ n" N4 v# X
乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。9 u) @1 O& |5 i5 X. V
# `* M) K6 f* @5 ?4 T9 L4 [  B
7. I'm sorry things didn't work out. It's just what it's meant to be. Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk, Broth runs deep through our veins
* @: X' Y( K( {4 P/ {( p
, \1 f& h7 n! T3 v  c2 e天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意。阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是做面条的,我们血液里流淌着面汤。  O0 K& N6 ?* f& Y) z% n, U

4 w2 a& |3 k3 ~/ s6 G+ K3 @8. You cannot leave, real warrior never quits.
5 n& J$ a) h9 i- V! F
3 G3 h9 K, u5 r你不能走,真正的勇士决不会退却。
, c8 O6 F& ^+ U5 \: J$ q0 K' X; q / s6 h# w% Z; M3 R4 @
9.Why didn't you quit You know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed6 g; ~; o2 t, C- z3 z. Q4 C
% }0 `0 N: A$ ~3 B+ _, C% Z  B
' Q, Z/ F  X  o- a+ q+ i  G0 X5 @
) T5 o9 A" q( y  V- E% EYes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed, because I thought, If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you, the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
# L4 S' m( G+ \5 v1 g4 W
. C: |( u, M2 f" X2 T阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我气味难闻,这很伤我的心。可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是现在这个样子。我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我不再是原来的我,那就是你——中国最伟大的功夫师傅!& F5 h% k  z0 N' e5 A3 f6 x& R- g
% ]; ^5 N# K$ @* `7 E1 c
10. Enough talkLet's fight
, O8 K% p+ J# L" {- v5 u% l) O9 X
1 w/ ~7 p& `4 e2 A' t( f闲话少说,开打吧!4 i7 d" U: @1 }7 W5 d% Y) p8 n
$ V! @5 u+ S9 [% Y: X
11. The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing." V# t5 ~) n2 h+ @; @& i* K# r
  l; U2 x  T  t# j8 K1 l* Y
我私家汤秘密食材就是——什么都不加。4 G8 P  {, a! I' f* R
5 o8 C8 B8 u0 H9 y- A/ k3 x
12. To make something special, you just have to believe it' s special.
2 ^% G+ p: W! z7 j! n+ R ; x7 A  t; i: d1 A- V. B; V5 G
想让它与众不同,你就必须先相信它的与众不同。 $ X4 ^2 t3 }  c6 s  U0 ^

0 W( J$ y& H7 C! o% }* O4 E! C/ O% c13I'm sorry things didn't work out. It's just what it's meant to be. Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk, Broth runs deep through our veins: Y3 F3 `, k" D1 f, R4 x* t

1 G0 Q$ E+ x9 {* i3 R天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意。阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是做面条的,我们血液里流淌着面汤。
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