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发表于 2011-3-25 17:25:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
According to the Daily Mail on December 20, the Home Affairs Select Committee demand changes to firearm laws after exposing how nearly 5,000 children-some as young as ten - are licensed to use guns Monday。5 W  O7 Z7 K# [( }% {' k
  The Home Affairs Select Committee calls for minimum age limits to be imposed on shotgun certificates and wants tighter control over gun owners with criminal records. And they demanded that all children using a gun should be supervised until the age of 15 by someone aged at least 21.* W8 ~7 j! ~, x& u+ x- k
  The report found that as of September 7, 2010, a total of 4,899 children under the age of 18 in England and Wales had been issued with either a shotgun certificate or a firearms certificate - mostly used for rifles. These figures do not include low-powered air rifles or air pistols。6 ]: G! B) c6 q  A: g: b. s5 p
  Under the current rules no one under the age of 18 can buy or hire shotguns, firearms or ammunition. But there is no age restriction on acquiring a shotgun certificate and anyone can fire a shotgun if they are with the occupier of land, with their gun and in their presence。
9 p# s  b+ x& y) V8 S4 J/ _& z. l1 Z  据英国《每日邮报》12月20日报道,英国周一被揭露竟然有5000名青少年获得了持枪证,其中有些是只有10岁大的儿童后,英国内政事务特别委员会要求修改枪支管理法。
' m0 ~7 d' G% |4 k0 x% ^- z4 O  英国内政事务特别委员会呼吁,对持枪者进行最低年龄限制,而且要求对有犯罪记录的人们进行更严格的持枪限制。他们还要求,在15岁之前,所有儿童都必须在年满21岁的成年人监督下用枪。
6 ?/ o0 }$ g- [2 R  报道称,截至2010年9月7日,英格兰与威尔士共有4899名不到18岁的青少年拥有猎枪或轻武器许可证,其中大部是手枪。这一数字还不包括低火力的气枪和气压喷枪拥有者。; ]( L) L, ^8 T' |* Z- i/ h9 I
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