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A very good story

金贝贝 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-6-9 12:54:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jerry is the manager of a restaurant in America. He 6 U& a7 P. c, y. R/ M4 n0 m
is always in a 2 E, T! h- [/ t* v$ T2 n0 S+ Z
good mood and always has something positive to say.
0 N* l+ _8 T$ E3 o. h& BWhen someone would ask 3 t+ b. z0 b& x; }3 G  b
him how he was doing, he would always reply, "If I
- ^3 o. F0 H4 Swere any  better, I
& ?5 h* u* @* Pwould be twins!"' ~- h8 W" M3 J5 g
Many of the waiters at his restaurant quit their  jobs
- l. h6 w9 h/ a! Q& z- bwhen he changed . Y1 t; W: |! F
jobs, so they could follow him around from restaurant
+ I2 R& C! m9 ?6 h$ x# E- Yto restaurant.
/ T0 ]/ J$ |. ^( UThe reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of, e4 m$ h& F8 T  F# M2 ^- p
his attitude. 4 d; r' R- F. e- f- g
He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having7 V& r4 e3 _4 ?; E& Y" \) n
a bad day, Jerry : w: K4 z. A) _$ V6 c+ ~
was always here, telling the employee how to look on) j! g, U1 J( M9 f8 e+ s6 f
the positive side
  y% [* h3 T! d( b" @: R$ a. uof the situation.
, S3 q; t% J8 z% }# o4 P  X6 L5 cSeeing this style really made me curious, so one day I. m- h  M% l3 @; u5 o
went up to Jerry 7 ~+ P5 V, p2 i
and asked him, "I don't get it!
- _: o! X- ~  I% h5 o' X! ^No one can be a positive person all of the time. How
2 W- C4 r! X; T# `( wdo you do it?" 4 \  H4 B4 }. s( ~' S. ]
Jerry replied, # `- ]. c3 v; s- n
"Each morning I wake up and say to myself, I have two
5 x& M. Z! T! y, wchoices today. I
$ o  f) u* N2 k, N% G7 O; dcan choose to be in a good mood or I can choose to be
+ h  |* P  y* ?2 a7 cin a bad mood. I 0 d! P" g4 j$ Y" q
always choose to be in a good mood.
1 ~) l" J- G* r1 T, Y. d; g4 U; E' n: f- g
Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a: g% o% I; A4 h! |
victim or I can 9 ?5 q- Q$ g% ^0 x6 b2 S
choose to learn from it. I always choose to learn from
- Y# _% t2 ~* H. t0 D0 [it. Every time 0 O9 H; R+ A7 a, t/ R
someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to: A6 G4 w  P3 e/ i8 y
accept their * e. i; j! y+ r; B
complaining or I can point out the positive side of5 H2 H) ]: l- f1 X* D8 f
life. I always
: {( W+ t1 H( Zchoose the positive side of life." - x$ R  U9 L, }. K9 v2 t
"But it's not always that easy," I protested.
' x+ h, \/ H& N2 @% s: k3 ]" k8 x"Yes, it is," Jerry said "Life is all about choices. 2 v' O- h7 a% g" }
When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a
+ q& a* |' t! p3 h' i" mchoice. You choose
3 ^  o) f7 M* `" @9 f, ]how you react to situations. You choose how people/ ]/ T8 [8 j+ p) r' w% f; L) Q
will affect your & b3 {- C7 J" H2 S& [: {: k. c3 d3 t
mood. You choose to be  in a good mood or bad mood.: V6 e& }7 Y; ?0 S) L
It's your choice how
. P5 k8 j/ t+ s. ryou live your life."
$ ?! z4 i$ }1 {! sSeveral years later, I heard that Jerry accidentally
7 J9 Q( @6 ~( f" Adid something you are never supposed to do in the 7 h; b$ R/ f/ {" |# k1 j
restaurant business: left the back door of his 9 h/ Z# Y- H$ F: _7 p, ?7 `
restaurant open one morning and was robbed by three
# ^. F% X) U5 `8 L8 s& qarmed men. While trying to open the safe, his hand,
3 g; `4 Y6 D8 j5 M2 Y+ bshaking from nervousness slipped off the : J" U) ]( v5 D9 a& r
combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. # O2 H3 P1 {" s  P: P

1 q) d( Y! U( N  X1 A2 J8 d1 p9 e# W9 x9 {+ [' k- b" ~  D
Luckily, Jerry was found quickly and rushed to the 6 V& [( l) w7 v2 C. b
hospital. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of
' y- [3 s  e4 u1 ]intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital , Z% ?$ T* \: B; G/ x7 w
with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
: d  N$ p) `0 q/ u! a# n/ W# g* {. ^8 i1 [6 u8 z+ w
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. % [8 @+ h2 V6 A7 R
When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were
- q, X' C. j, j  S  M4 ]) A& r+ tany better, I'd be twins.
5 W0 Z3 X: C/ @% M* @" i' c" B3 u# D2 a1 M% R
Want to see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, 5 {0 z( C0 Z/ c- b
but did ask him what had gone through his mind as ; F6 B, b! \% e. a- {( c4 X
the robbery took place. ( J& i* j2 [" p( g1 ^- ?$ _

! c1 V# p' Q4 P"The first thing that went through my mind was that
7 T9 E. o2 Q( p! P" K- ^. }3 XI should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. # y' R/ r6 W. q5 J/ }& v4 N2 \3 B, g
"Then, after they shot me, as I lay on the floor, I * a6 m4 o6 H$ S! t
remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to
' P* @, ?' D* Z7 f; a1 a" d# ^live or choose to die. I chose to live." $ i% p" e# e: e. D) v4 s
# p1 u* p# V5 K9 V8 T3 s7 [
"Weren't you scared?" I asked. Jerry continued, "The 9 l- [) K, z. E4 v
paramedics were great. They kept telling me. I was
" t& X; A# W& f# o3 ogoing to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the
: E; D2 ]' h, C* ZEmergency Room and I saw the expressions on the ( f. O$ }' N3 F$ b2 V# P) v
faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really
) s# H4 @9 P1 A- N% [% E0 }- lscared. In their eyes, I read 'He's a dead man.' I ; d, |6 r3 \! D) u; a; B9 q
knew I needed to take action." + B6 q+ T/ B  C& D: R' h7 Y
"What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big
/ t7 d% c3 G( S* Wnurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She # l9 w" O6 Y) ?- F" [
asked if I was allergic to anything."
; t0 t4 A. b& Z+ x) X
8 X" h2 N+ T0 K: m; u3 Z
) n/ x4 G5 V- ]# z& J9 h'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped " d$ R2 z8 q, e% S" O  S! [0 L/ ?& J
working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep # e$ K! X' k, |# P
  breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I" C+ V6 t4 w2 C1 Y

0 J6 C" Y. _% B8 B/ |told them, 'I am choosing to live. Please operate on
2 \. v/ v! ~9 E- `' S6 Z- hme as if I am alive, not dead'."
  ~3 k* ^2 U* B6 @Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but
' N, P' T. k3 n8 A! l5 r" P6 g9 Lalso because of his amazing attitude. I learned from
( e& K" t7 I: f* J% W: Uhim that every day you have the choice to either
+ X: x& u4 z; A' o) c. benjoy your life or to hate it.
* k9 B. D$ u& F) \8 N% ?The only thing that is truly yours that no one can
1 T4 `/ r+ a' E  b; Lcontrol or take from you-is your attitude, so if you , V, A7 ^: P4 E+ O' P7 `6 B
can take care of that, everything else in life
7 v& X% e/ G; k( c8 Y4 J* ~7 \) Hbecomes much easier.
4 {. V: i: @2 o1 r8 \+ i) i. V  T' C: j) Z0 p) ^3 F
Now you have two choices to make:
% k7 U8 {$ z# X+ `7 R9 n2 O1. You can just close the browser now OR 1 a/ x9 ]0 ?8 o9 r1 y" a4 a
- n6 c3 X9 M# P7 X8 e& h  k# S
2. You can forward it to someone you care about. / R$ _' b# a5 P. Y! n5 V) ?" m
I hope you will choose #2. I did.
. b. m8 w7 R+ q* C' B& p3 B4 w' i* N
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发表于 2003-6-9 18:39:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2003-11-27 12:43:00 | 只看该作者
3 i9 v$ ]. y* [0 H! s! ^0 }* s向我这么有耐性看的可是没有几个了。
+ H( [3 q8 ~6 W4 [6 g/ ^2 DEnglish is very interesting!  e5 [7 u* l+ X2 x. S
I like English.


发表于 2003-12-15 16:53:00 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-15 22:24:00 | 只看该作者
    If I were any  better, I would be twins!"! p/ ?$ C, j' u$ F8 A
    what's the meaning?4 I0 ~9 m0 {+ q# D1 F, k


    发表于 2003-12-25 20:02:00 | 只看该作者


    发表于 2003-12-27 04:51:00 | 只看该作者
    字太小了吧 看起来累  有点
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-31 21:08:00 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用ppppp在2003-12-25 20:02:00的发言:# i& j: p* F  _) g0 G, d! X
    " E" ~0 R8 ^, b0 {+ j2 e. I7 X
    o, I know
    ILNichol 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2004-1-10 22:22:00 | 只看该作者
    too long to read  e( b" B( `5 r, W4 b
    I felt sorry% d3 H0 P: O" t. D$ {+ |


    发表于 2004-3-27 18:20:00 | 只看该作者
    sorry i am english very bad



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