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[公告][ChinaHR消息] 应用材料(中国)有限公司校园招聘正式启动



发表于 2006-1-4 13:49:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
( ~% |8 C+ ^+ ^9 o6 H ( k/ @7 p# G6 G& ^: M& k% w* ^
公司简介:% W# U$ T) ]$ \/ ?2 a2 u  b0 j1 G' f
3 `1 ?. u* K1 [" z2 C; G
$ ~0 v3 n! l- n( Y
Applied Materials (Nasdaq: AMAT), the world's largest supplier of products and services to the global semiconductor industry, is one of the leading information infrastructure providers. As a core information infrastructure company, Applied Materials innovates and commercializes the processing and manufacturing technology that helps semiconductor manufacturers produce the world's most advanced chips.
1 g3 A$ R+ s) @5 P5 r* d$ R) u
/ d' E' w' ?/ O! z" M- a9 FTo support customers around the world, Applied Materials employs approximately 13,000 people in over 65 locations throughout China; Europe and Israel; India, Malaysia and Singapore; Japan; Korea; Taiwan; and the United States.& }4 ~0 l2 i  T

7 L' f7 P9 Y# L1 S- @* TDue to the expansion of business in China , Applied Materials is seeking qualified talent who possess both the technical and professional interest and capability to share in the exciting growth opportunities in Xi'An . Today's competitive landscape demands both incredible efficiency and constant innovation. As a result, Applied is developing key resources around the globe dedicated to accelerating business processes and developing efficient technology solutions.
+ C/ {" p: k8 ?" j       应用材料公司是全球最大的半导体生产设备和高科技技术服务企业之一, 2005 年全球财富 500 强企业之一。 2004 年年销售额达 80 亿美元 , 并连续 13 年在半导体生产设备领域独占鳌头。 & U' P, K" I8 S$ h- m. o
       应用材料公司早在 1984 年就进入中国市场拓展业务 , 并于 1997 年正式在中国注册独资公司 , 成为首批在中国境内的外资半导体生产设备供应商。现中国公司总部落户于上海浦东张江高科技园区内,在北京、天津、苏州、无锡和西安等城市 , 分别设有分公司和办事处。我们对中国半导体工业和集成电路产业的发展和市场远景 , 充满希望和信心 , 并计划对中国市场做出长期的承诺。
! C- x/ u& K3 B7 m     应用材料公司不仅是高质量的设备、尖端的科学技术含量和全方位服务的象征 , 同时也拥有先进的管理理念和高素质的人才培养的体系。我们的承诺是:我们的员工和公司将和中国的半导体工业和集成电路产业共同发展 , 同铸辉煌 !
8 y/ Z; y4 Y$ k8 P0 |6 r9 I8 _招聘流程:. l5 I- V; ^. ]) E
日 期安 排' E8 j# g2 _, t
2005年12月26日 - 2006年01月06日简历接收
1 a9 k4 M3 o' i* U% j! W2006年01月09日 - 2006年01月13日面试: B6 j. F4 @) o9 `2 m: H
2006年01月16日 - 2006年01月27日签订 offer 及 3 方协议
8 y/ S9 P) B* H& V, S' F* Z5 @- z6 b& r8 _9 v9 K2 U
* Y  T  C  c0 S( dProcess Supporting Engineer – 工艺支持工程师 (21人)            Location: Xi'An+ N& `0 s5 A+ i; t* |
* i. t: Q; s; g. i8 e2 z1. Basic knowledge acquired of mechanical engineering design, mechanics and     material science concepts and techniques, addition to chemical, electrical,     magnetic, material science, or mechanic concepts and techniques, and material     characterization. # c/ q& y) T% v9 b, j5 x
2. Skills and abilities required to perform job including analysis, communication in     both oral and written, problem solving and troubleshooting skills, and be a team     player.
& {! f7 b" j+ `% O/ H, D3 F3. Abilities and skills acquired to assemble, service and troubleshooting process     related equipment.
! M# g( m/ V1 X8 k8 V  Y0 X8 n4 n4. Education background with BS/MS/Ph.D degree in Chemical / Microelectronics /     Engineering and Physics, Materials Science or equivalent knowledge needed
+ u9 }3 x& U- p4 M7 I  V9 @5. Preferred related processing experience in a development or manufacturing     environment are preferred. ( R% d  v# {( e! H5 A
Electronic Engineer – 电子工程师 ( 6 人)              Location: Xi'An6 e5 P6 P- D& f- j5 ?0 D
7 J! L0 j' L6 L0 u/ w1. Fast learning ability acquired ! Q4 x3 [# w# E' c% `5 m6 U
2. Knowledge acquired to perform jobs including basics of electrical engineering     design, troubleshooting to component level, system engineering design, analog
/ t* I* X1 ^9 I$ j: r    and digital circuitry design, power controls, robotics, and possibly Radio 2 v3 w/ W! E# _( s5 ^
    Frequency  concepts, exposure to electrical CAD tools, and basic understanding
, B: Q' j! X- Y! o0 U& X  s    and utilization of engineering documentation.
4 U7 A& W5 K+ F% n- ^! M$ M3. Skills and abilities to perform jobs including analysis, communication in both - n+ ~- [; x' K1 D* h; H5 Q
     oral  and written, problem solving and troubleshooting skills, PC skills, and      teamwork sprit. 3 E: V0 c8 y) a+ V, _
4. Education background with BS/MS/Ph.D degree in Electronics Engineering or     equivalent knowledge/experience is needed, MS degree in Electrical Engineering
" ]3 }& W' i) M. W    is preferred.
  Y: }" S4 B: z2 N$ M3 X5. Related experience in Semiconductor industry is preferred. 1 E" C4 c* B6 @# H/ G& h$ E0 }& G4 Q
Mechanical Engineer – 机械工程师 (7 人)          Location: Xi'An
% ]) _, \$ w1 W; |$ ^9 MRequirements: $ e7 `6 x+ i; h
1. Fast learning abilities requested. . t4 Z0 j, p  N6 Z. v
2. Knowledge acquired of Mechanical engineering design, including
$ l# l) z. u9 @, w) i. _6 ]     thermodynamics,     heat transfer, measurement control, stress analysis, finite4 ]+ \' l$ B* G% d+ R% ^* u6 d
     element analysis, system     integration, and exposure to CAD tools.
' C( n- V: d, K% z& ]  _9 H# a3. Knowledge of systems and software skill, such as Lotus Notes, MS Word, Excel,     PowerPoint, MS Project, Inventor, AutoCAD, Oracle BOM, and/or Oracle ECO.
7 h- a5 j) Y; O$ M! U, j4. Skills of change management, communication, problem solving, product     technology, and strong self-motivation and team work sprit. / I2 W: y) A8 N1 d! K
5. Education background with BS/MS. Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering or     equivalent
0 y3 g3 `9 F3 [. ?4 c3 O) J3 N1 HSoftware Engineer – 软件工程师 ( 6 人)             Location: Xi'An+ O+ c0 W9 a5 W
, S& h/ S; K& V6 c' n1. Extensive knowledge of relevant software languages, environment and
  f3 N# D, N+ b    development     tools including advanced knowledge of manufacturing systems     (MES). 8 O3 G$ [; o4 w7 I$ P* ^
2. Skills and abilities to perform job include analysis, communication in both oral
4 i! x" l. _* Y  O3 \' k- R    and  written, problem solving and troubleshooting, detail oriented, and be a team     player. % J; x7 \) {: l9 _/ P
3. Following special skills needed :& z; \* s) B$ r/ R. ^$ Q# y7 S
    •  C++
5 R: l2 e& M4 h  E$ G    •  Oracle ! X' A) N0 |. q& _
    •  Microsoft - MTS programming# [$ V# \# j7 n0 W
    •  VB .Net
3 S( U9 w3 J' X5 ^9 J. \* J    •  Conversational English
; ~) G; {! i1 ]  ?
0 K# i% K) i/ l' \) F; H9 F# ^+ V4. Education background with BS/MS degree or equivalent. % @6 K: M; y+ o
5. Related experience of applicable technical and business experience with a " A. e+ A! g3 P% Q$ X, N
    complex software product, such as ERP system in the manufacturing     environment    is preferred. 5 y1 t$ u( u& N( L
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-5 14:29:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-1-6 08:07:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-9 20:45:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-11 13:42:00 | 只看该作者



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