Title: Prison Break
Genre: Soundtrack
Bitrate: VBR Mp3
Tracks: 14
01 - Prison Break - Theme
rison Break- willing to die
03- Ferry Corsten & Ramin Djawadi - Prison Break Theme [extended Version]
04 - Styles Of Beyond - Nine Thou [superstars Remix]
05 - Papa Roach - Take Me
06 - Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky
07 - Johnny Cash - The Mercy Seat
08 - Massive Attack - Teardrop
09 - Neneh Cherry - Buffalo Stance
10 - A Perfect Circle - The Outsider [apocalypse Mix]
11 - Nickelback - Savin' Me
12 - Styx - Renegade
13 - Emery - Studying Politics
14 - Ferry Corsten And Ramin Djawadi - Prison Break Theme [breakout Mix]
15 - Kaye Styles - Prison Break Anthem
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