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one minutes's mistake



发表于 2003-12-11 15:55:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sorry,I haven't been here for a long time,now I share you with this sad but romantic love story,hope you all will like it,I saw it from a magezine.% n: L  v& D4 b; Y
one minute's mistake  I: j1 z" j& L4 }' D7 d
i heard a beautiful and sad love story and share with you all here. 7 B4 j/ A, N7 ^2 T* u* R
she is a sales manager,a beautiful and young woman,yeah woman,she is 25 years now and can't be called girl.
6 A. R$ d. L* Eshe get a good salary under the heavy stress.though many men are around her,she still feel lonely,from the heart.. Q' C0 @# j, ~
one day the voice from the mobile phone is not her friend but a strange man.
6 n  J; I3 W# l& C1 w' [' Tshe know she call the wrong number.so she say quickly:"sorry,wrong number."
' ]1 b! O; |0 vbut that man say:"just one min's mistake,ok?"it make her stand in amazement
9 r6 A* a5 u7 g- Ebut she reply:"ok."and she never know why she would agree untill finally.from that mement on,
5 y& a/ V' O" g) s8 {they continue this one min's mistake everyday,just one min. ! @7 u8 C0 M) C' q* K
maybe just some words about"what u eat today?"
% b+ E& \5 ]* m+ ?9 ^8 p# C"what do u prefer breakfast or dinner?" + k0 r8 K4 q+ K/ N0 |
"u eat breakfast?" * S! F) ?" u; a" J0 w; ]0 f# c7 ]7 {/ I
"sure.breakfast is egg sandwich,and dinner is chicken sandwich."
3 ~# @  v6 D4 ]4 q"u'd better take marriage and then u can eat ham and eggs sandwich." $ K0 }1 e4 R8 P( F% e% n
and sometimes when he hear the noisy from the phone,he know she is so busy,( M% H" x# o- x+ P
and he say nothing but cut the phone till one min. # ]+ C+ R# ^/ c
the time pass by,and they talk more,sometimes they consider whether they should meet.
$ r' w: h. W! }) cbut at last they give it up.the scene is beautiful to look from far away,why do they walk up to destroy it? 6 N( p9 D; v) t
she went to luilin for business trip.the sun is shining and the day is clear,  S! f) E/ [8 m4 B
she sit at a boat on the lijiang river.the phone ring,she pick it up to answer it.) @) Y/ i  t/ n, l
but suddenly,the boat slant lightly for a second,just a second,the phone drop into the river.
- K+ l; \+ I  y( Q5 tshe never remember the number,just put it in her mobile phone and named it"wrong number" from that day.
1 N0 g! l* s5 Nand he never ask her number either.maybe it is just a one min's mistake and now it's over.
7 I, L0 Z" U% m: M: C- D, ~! `3 R3 t& g; Q! A' L* B5 F  y
. c" b9 `$ Y4 ^9 C$ F3 Q
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-11 16:00:47编辑过]
: T6 z" p* ^# N( T& {
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一芥子 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-12-11 17:19:00 | 只看该作者
although the story is over ,i think this one min's mistake has worked wonders  
0 E2 E( }& @/ Jat least it will in her mind forever . 0 l  P( o: R7 y( Z8 k* ~
it is a very beautiful  mistakes ...


 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-12 23:17:00 | 只看该作者
salut(francias),havn't seen you for a long  time,how are you?
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-12 23:19:00 | 只看该作者
    it tells us that it is  necessary to copy important numbers in different places


     楼主| 发表于 2003-12-13 17:18:00 | 只看该作者
    puzzled?What did you mean,you mean we should put down the important phone numbers in case that we lose them?But in that case,the story we just shared with you are not as sad as the precious ending.
    一芥子 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2003-12-13 21:11:00 | 只看该作者
    yeah ...everything goes well.
    2 s/ p5 c& O0 D! Z) _1 g7 pthe semester is around the corner .. i am busying in preparing for it .. 6 H2 |4 y6 `: R
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-14 00:42:00 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用Jonas在2003-12-13 17:18:00的发言:) n( P2 a! O/ k4 \2 i8 ]
    puzzled?What did you mean,you mean we should put down the important phone numbers in case that we lose them?But in that case,the story we just shared with you are not as sad as the precious ending.
    : I8 h9 a9 E' f7 z- ^  L8 I
    you don't think it better to see lovers staying together, do you?( S% I( z( X9 r' I8 x+ R$ w, s
    what you like is a sad ending?2 [# V" C" H4 z
    I like to see everyone being happy


     楼主| 发表于 2003-12-20 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
    it's just a story,you don't have to be so serious,what I mean is that a sad ending is more attractive than a happy ending,if not,at least to this story.Since you are the master of this section,I think you did a bad job,coz this section of the forum is not hot as others, you'd better do something to make this section hot,good luck.
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-21 00:48:00 | 只看该作者
    I am the master of the Easy Talking which is now the most popular section!; h2 l: f* M% v" G- o" E


    发表于 2003-12-21 01:30:00 | 只看该作者
    2 }% c# q0 {/ z: ]. ^/ D


     楼主| 发表于 2003-12-21 17:03:00 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-12-10 17:21
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2003-12-22 23:09:00 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用Jonas在2003-12-21 17:03:00的发言:
    ! x; Z- |) I* q8 f6 Z啥?
    - g8 j, R' S7 }8 a8 E* d


    发表于 2003-12-23 13:20:00 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用风吹沙地在2003-12-22 23:09:00的发言:
    1 f) m" c  I& k' _+ r) N2 L9 v[quote]以下是引用Jonas在2003-12-21 17:03:00的发言:5 X. u5 {6 i( u/ D) K
    / ^& K- m" h8 U' g6 T9 h+ V

    # y2 S$ D; f+ }1 k9 o 我是轻松闲聊的斑竹!
    ) j$ `; W% `5 }[/quote]
    ' |0 U7 T- Q5 n  i' g5 P斑竹 快叫 哥哥   ( Y( r8 h8 ~- P$ U
    ILNichol 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2004-1-10 22:32:00 | 只看该作者
    I do not think it is  a sad ending8 J7 I' M1 \# ]! u2 w9 c, @
    if the man were falling in love with the girl,he can find her through the number record in the mobile coropration


    发表于 2004-1-31 01:21:00 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用风吹沙地在2003-12-22 23:09:00的发言:) e8 a! \5 E+ o9 B  f8 a! O* a1 l
    [quote]以下是引用Jonas在2003-12-21 17:03:00的发言:* T! [8 T0 l! t  `
    啥?. N9 o  A% |3 K$ C/ F5 N) k, f0 T. h
    + F3 p. A' d0 C
    3 y3 L+ ~1 Z2 {4 z! |0 A, t* x0 l[/quote]。。。。。实在忍不下去了。。汗
    飞飞雨** 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2004-10-21 10:25:00 | 只看该作者
    <>yes     this  is  a   sad  and  romantic  story      !~  the  story  makes  me  feel   beauty   and  well!~!~</P>


    发表于 2004-10-21 12:09:00 | 只看该作者
    <B>以下是引用<I>风吹沙地</I>在2003-12-21 0:48:00的发言:</B>- k9 Z! H1 {2 x1 E
    I am the master of the Easy Talking which is now the most popular section!

    ) i% V6 d  o. H: a# S
    * S9 k/ A' u* A" N) l7 s- |! I/ z. a( j  d* P  G( v' v6 p
    be frank with you ,..........


    发表于 2006-7-5 16:21:00 | 只看该作者
    <p>因为陌生所以美丽&nbsp; 这个英文不会翻译....</p>



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