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发表于 2011-2-12 10:36:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


8 d9 V0 T+ f& s7 p1 z6 H# L


6 n# C% T, \0 w  F


) ^7 y8 j; j2 E& Q7 I" f4 @

句子简化题又叫做释义题,即recognizing paraphrases,是新托福阅读当中比较浪费考生时间的一种题型,其题型如下:

8 z+ y1 Q$ ], c4 E$ ]3 [

Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 该题要求用另一种表达方式表达与原句相同的意思。只要是句子简化题,其所有的题目指令都是一样的,因此考试可以忽略阅读此指令,直接去看原文句子。

, C7 q4 x0 W: _8 O2 b+ F/ `! D7 [2 j


4 O6 J3 h! F+ I4 Y


a.    寻找给定句子(注意关联词与动词--判断简单句及主从复杂句的基础)及句子中的逻辑关系

b.    寻找与逻辑相关的语义

c.    选择与题干逻辑和语义对等的选项

5 P/ c, f0 ~" u, U


) F  Q8 t# J( V. n

否定关系:否定关系包括了比较明显的否定关系以及隐性的否定关系。明显的否定关系主要是含有明显的否定词,例如no, not, little, few, seldom, hardly等等,同时还要注意一些具有否定含义的前缀后缀,例如un-, dis-, in-, -less等。隐性的否定关系包含了一些短语的理解,例如too…to 结构,failed tolack of 等等。

$ g0 U% s2 \" v# ~2 e


前因后果的连接词主要表示的含义有所以(so, so that),因此(thus, hence, therefore),结果是(as a result),导致(lead to, result in),另外还要注意一些具有隐性含义的因果连接词,例如使意动词,还有表示支持含义的词等。

1 N8 y6 b# U. o& b0 ?8 g

前果后因的连接词主要表示的含义有因为(because, because of, as, for, since),由于(due to, result from, in that, owing to),根据(according to, in terms of)等。隐性的前果后因连接词有表示依靠,或者是一些条件状语从句。

) ?4 D1 Z9 R: _; N

比较关系:比较关系最常见的是出现了than, 但是一些表示变化的词也要注意联系到比较关系。例如上升下降之间的比较变化,产生与消亡之间的比较变化,从多样到唯一的比较变化等等。

- b' i: G! n; F. b, y1 f


虽然:though, although, even though, despite, in spite of

但是:but, yet, however, while, whereas, nevertheless

- y0 R$ S5 b# d( P' s+ b# t1 Y


+ O2 I4 F7 V) S+ X

3 ~( X% g! q# D1 tTourists too are so numerous that at one popular reef, urine from swimmers, and droppings from fish they feed, have increased the nutrient level in the water so much that algal blooms flourish and threaten the very existence of the colorful corals.

. G5 b# |4 Y9 X" ?7 O! i5 m

C + D
+ k4 V6 \/ S2 B/ V nutrient level in the water increased E dying corals

CD就是名词主语,CD的产生造成了水的富营养化,而水的富营养化都产生E的增加,最后的结果就是珊瑚死亡。因此句子主干重点名词已经可以找出来,C就是urine from swimmersD就是droppings from fish they feedE就是algal blooms

9 ^# S0 O+ t- @


1 X* Y) f" w" k

Virtually all animals experience pain. Pain is a distress call from the body signaling some damaging stimulus or internal disorder. It is one of the most important sensations because it is translated into a negative reaction, such as withdrawal from danger. Rare individuals who are born without the ability to feel pain may die from such condition as a ruptured appendix because they are unaware of the danger.

2 S' ^" D* ]0 l! c- X

Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

( S+ T. B$ x" A; D6 g  S

+ e+ p  H0 d, d% Q7 ^, I# p7 @Escaping from danger is a negative reaction, but it is the most important thing an individual learns.

B.3 ^! i/ \9 ]1 W+ i* [1 l' n
The ability to sense pain is extremely important because pain signals the body to respond to a threat.

( d, G8 U2 W" X  g& OExperiencing pain is one type of reaction to a negative stimulus; another type is avoiding danger.

D.0 ]1 _8 P  T$ Q6 I5 W
We experience a lot of sensations, and the most important ones are translated into appropriate actions.

# J" g; X: A3 ?, p4 Y7 u

原句中的because可以看出其逻辑关系为因果关系,而且有程度词绝对化词汇most。根据most这个绝对化词汇我们可以排除C选项。因为原文当中带有绝对化词汇而选项中没有,那么这个选项为必错选项。然后A句中为转折关系——butD句中没有明显的逻辑关系,只有Bbecause 这个词,同时B中的extremely可以作为most的同义替换。所以正确答案为B

( Z) s/ I9 j  O, z


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