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发表于 2011-3-2 16:16:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
% c) I9 @$ i9 r" q; q
/ I- s& o; Z& H4 x9 }$ e2 \  今年的小作文考察的是通知(notice),内容是招聘某主题为全球化的国际会议的志愿者(recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization)。可以说既在意料之中又在意料之外。一方面,之前五年小作文一直是对书信的考察,所以今年出现书信以外的形式也属正常情况;另一方面,今年大纲多出了一条对于摘要的考察的内容,所以很多机构都押题在摘要上。结果考察的是通知。但不管怎么说通知是一种比书信形式上更为自由的应用文类型,应该来说更好完成。" w, v9 U# d$ g! |

* \) p: W2 U$ @& h+ R* H% P1 e  有些同学反映没看懂题目,这着实让我吃惊了一把。因为这几个单词都是考研核心词汇,其中我在词汇8000课上着重讲解了recruit一词的用法。
& V( ^9 R/ y- u% G# e: h: |7 B$ N5 W, T' b
  关于如何写这个通知,如果学员们稍作思维转换就可以发现者和求职信是属于同一类型的,因为在通知中要说明应征者需要的qualifications,而求职信中求职者一定会列出自己满足哪些qualifications,所以学员们只需把我在强化班或冲刺班上讲过的求职信写法中关于如何描述自己的qualifications借用过来再加上一头一尾的套话就可以了。大家可以参照后面的范文进行比较。2 x7 h+ M6 E/ v7 ?* I% p7 H
1 j+ a) q7 {) x6 S+ W; D) Y5 @6 h
  【大作文点评】5 M1 e# B9 D+ l4 J: ?+ m, I

: e  t9 D: \, C/ N  今年的大作文依然是漫画作文,这一点我在课上反复强调过了。主题是文化火锅,不竟让人联想到2002年大作文:一个美国女孩穿着传统中国服饰拍照。依然是对文化主题的考察,只不过今年的重点从中国文化的全球普及转移到了国际文化在中国的流行。所以学员们只要写的是文化融合或多文化交流的重要性就不算跑题。有的同学则写成面对如此多的文化元素,人们在有限的时间内只能吸取其中的部分,所以我们在文化习得方面要有所选择。这种观点相对来说新颖,但是语言质量如果控制得好的话一样拿高分。我想这样写的同学一定是联想到了六级考过的一次作文:读书是应该博览群书还是应该有所选择?不管怎么样,本次大作文题型和话题均中规中矩,所以认真练习过作文和背过模板句型的学员完成这篇作文应该是轻而易举的。
" V3 D) E: u6 s; Q1 V, C7 `4 B3 Y8 k1 U9 m( |  I7 U8 r6 w3 U5 z
  具体来说:第一段仍然是描述漫画,有些同学反映火锅(hot pot)不会写,其实只要写出pot就算对,当然如果写dish,kettle肯定是不行的。另有同学反映"后现代"、"仁"、"佛"不会写,其实这些东西不一定要全部翻译,写其中几个会写的就可以,比如说功夫(Kong Fu),爱因斯坦(Einstein)等等。强化班的学员可以用我给的描述漫画的黄金句型完成即可,冲刺班学员可以用描述简单结构漫画的模板句套用这些具体的词汇即可,相信不是大问题。当然,描述完漫画后可以进行一句话点评(大家可以参照附上的范文进行对照)。+ N9 c% V- |3 ^

. f. c% a. A% ^7 l; Y: V! m  第二段可以写为什么文化融合重要或者文化融合的必要性,这两种情况均在强化班和冲刺班上讲解过。特别要指出的是,我在强化班上强调的最重要的一种逻辑展开方法--因果法在这篇文章里面可以尽情发挥,三种写结果的句型正好对应三种理由。冲刺班的学员可以随意挑选我给出的22个万能理由黄金句型中的其中两到三个组织成这一段。其实给什么具体的理由不是特别重要,只要大框架搭好了,就会给判卷老师留下好的印象。我想同学们一定记得我的上一篇日志里提到的四个"一定"中的逻辑展开一定要使用清晰的连词或连接短语:In the first place, in the second place等等。. @7 Y0 S  ^, S8 T; ^9 ^. p
, e) [! h% o: u# y6 M8 H! L
9 w5 z- \. b6 @! s0 {
; [# |& t# p# J- e  q4 X3 O2 \9 Y0 \8 s  而对于艺术生尊贵班的学员,给出的两个大作文黄金模板可谓是派上了用场,而且学员只要结合了我在最后一次答疑课上给大家提供的极为通用的万能套话就可以拿到不错的分数。
/ M2 k' `8 \: _! x# X1 L- s2 W( i7 G
  最后祝大家能在这次研究生入学考试中取得好成绩。5 ?* n# @& z- W9 u/ N$ d

1 }0 R" O" }/ \' y  【小作文】- l: ~. F2 N) h( j( k9 S: L7 n2 a
$ b% d& G9 C( a  w8 q  f
  51. Directions:
( _1 j* F) ~  N: f# e; S2 ]/ ]3 J; m" I7 T& O8 w
  You are supposed to write for the postgraduates' association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualification for applicants and the other information which you think is relevant.8 t  N2 \/ T% t, k0 @

' f* a4 m, M) n' s6 R  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
, l; w4 B" q9 U) J( {+ I6 E; t
& A: }0 g$ C$ I$ v( Y* a$ M  Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use "postgraduates 'association" instead.(10 points)1 I5 x9 w- \4 o* n- [* W

/ X( W8 C1 v! ~  【范文:通用版本】
% ^5 T0 H9 O; \) ?+ R9 W* x5 A$ ?' a8 g5 g% w) J
  Volunteers Needed
8 L* H; Z$ w# _8 t4 C4 n  @! o7 w* o5 s
  January 9th, 2010! _1 u9 Y3 z! z; w6 ]! \! l

; Q, O5 S' j( k. L  E  There will be an international conference on globalization at city X in the next month. Hence, we are going to recruit twenty volunteers serving for it. Generally speaking, any applicant is required to have a high proficiency in English, preferably having earned the certificate of TEM-8 or awards in any English speech contest. Besides, any applicant should bear the following basic qualities: patient, diligent, and passionate. Last but not least, those who have been volunteers in related conferences before will be considered in priority. Please send us your resume through the following E-mail address: PostgraduatesAssociation@***.com before Jan. 16th, 2010. If you have any further question, please contact us at the following number: 1234567. We are looking forward to your joining in.; R- F9 n0 a5 x
, D/ S, w$ B! I$ a/ M! Y! m" ?
  Postgraduates' Association
1 \: a9 {8 U* @7 w! o) G) y3 Q$ y. G: r% S" B( R! I
6 I5 Z6 ?* w3 d, H& S4 Q# Q7 M1 ?) z. R' \1 O* @, c1 w  \' A' {
  【大作文】& [9 d% e5 r' X  T, H
0 l; u8 M1 X' @
  52. Directions:
- y  L3 ]( k, W# U' b% Q$ G! u6 C2 `) z* ]$ n
  Write an essay of 160-200 words base on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
, E2 R( a4 t- A! W9 e+ d' A2 ]% z1 B9 K/ j) w9 i% i1 ]0 G) H
  1) describe the drawing briefly," [" A; K! S2 b& H: V
( ~( W; _4 w5 _& t+ x  b
  2) explain its intended meaning, and
& e/ M* f2 C7 T& |! L
2 |' @$ e+ p' V; q  3) give your comments./ h7 l7 M: o* t/ f+ O& N

6 c6 f2 C! A9 l, v& i  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)
( r. c3 H2 h3 q4 W* ^0 Y$ e( j8 J1 O, ?
4 M/ Y; Z% p1 _

0 {  n' k' d: O- R$ O  ?" \, u$ ^  【范文:考研英语强化班版本】% J; f2 Y0 B/ ]2 u7 Z# Z# D

3 T* l; Z; [6 |- l  As is vividly described in the picture, glaring and bumping, a great multitude of tofu-like cubes labeled 'Einstein', 'Kong Fu', and other universally-known nouns are being boiled in a huge hot pot. Obviously, it is a figurative simulation of the currently cultural atmosphere of our country.; z3 O. B) r6 J- y

8 Y/ P9 L$ L0 z( ~  A handful of factors could account for the occurrence of multi-cultural existence in China nowadays, but the following two points are the most distinctive. To start with, as the globalization proceeds forward at a surging speed, it is inevitable that various pearls of foreign culture are introduced into mainland China, attracting a wide range of audience. Consequently, domestic citizens are easier to enjoy the pleasure brought by cultural integration. In addition, compared with the traditional Chinese culture handed down from our father generations, the western culture is relatively unfamiliar to us, so many of us are willing to absorb the possible morality from the latter, in the hope of becoming more competitive individuals.) Z3 W; }7 t+ l4 L

" A; \; ^+ p- h  In the end of discussion, an indisputable conclusion is arrived at through all the above analyses: that is, a multi-cultural feast is remarkably beneficial to personal development. In a foreseeable future, resembling a energy-replete rocket propellant, their talents will be broadly committed to every specific region of the whole society, thus facilitating the construction of a harmonious socialist society.(219词)7 k6 P: I: S4 O1 g% `; Q# v3 @% v% E
4 A- B+ I7 a1 N
: w; H0 o- o0 A- f6 ]4 }6 i- ?" n6 i3 U( |* {7 z$ Q
  The cartoon depicts a large hot pot in which various tofu-like cubes labeled 'Kong Fu', 'Peking Opera', 'Einstein' and other unanimously-known nouns are boiled. Other than that, we should not ignore the caption locating at the bottom side of it, which highlights the currently cultural atmosphere of our country.6 g. N' B- n& D5 i( C3 u
/ w7 c% H! H& G! ?/ q, P
  In China today, most people, especially youngsters, are increasingly aware of the importance of cultural integration: that is, the co-existence of domestic cultural heritage and that from the western world. In the first place, it is important to realize that with the help of cultural integration, people, especially adolescents worshipping cultural acquisition, could gain easier access to the most profound yet magnificent nectar endowed by it, thus accelerating the further development of their studying, working and living. In the second place, in the presence of fierce social competition, especially existing in cultural practitioners, they are in stronger need of rich experiences in relevant fields in order to keep pace with those who have obtained the forefront, and contacting both domestic and exotic cultures can satisfy their needs.
& ~# C* `  }) S& C6 H- n  y7 R/ r7 U; c8 n' v( L' @. Z
  All the above analyses and reasoning justify the fact that cultural integration is extremely important to the younger generation. Consequently, our government should spare no effort to strengthen the implementation of cultural blending in the foreseeable future, by when all of them can witness a bright future.(223词)
) }$ B" C$ j: I7 c5 n0 O/ \( @8 s
0 W0 G' G5 S( z. g! k  【范文:考研英语艺术生尊贵班版】
2 F3 u1 w. X: @$ o( s
* B! q( d$ R( o3 J  As can be seen in the illustration given about, an overwhelming number of tofu-like cubes named 'Kong Fu', 'Einstein', and other well-known nouns, are being burned in a large hot pot. Recently, it has become common for people in many walks of life to talk about cultural issues in office or at home.' E1 ~9 T" C' J5 V/ p
0 o+ H) ?( D. t3 }
  It seems to be that the cartoonist is sending a message about cultural mixing reflected by it, which represents that the cultural mixing is remarkably important to people from any walk of life. Several factors could be responsible for the occurrence of it; yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two points. In the first place, as the globalization develops faster and faster, people in China can gain more access to things from foreign countries, such as music, movies, paintings, and so on. In the second place, youngsters in special need more things to better themselves, because the social competition is more and more serious. If one example is needed, I could not but mention the following man which I used to watch on TV, learning three foreign languages at the same time in an extreme manner.
9 o- u- D4 ~3 C  C& W9 T$ w$ ^# v; V5 Y$ u
  Definitely, this simple picture is a makeup call for related persons. Hence, it is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to support the behavior reflected by the cartoon, such as laying down the effective principle to protect the cultural communication, delivering the moderate cultural outlook and ensuring our related manners more rational.(247词)& ?! W' G4 r$ n% q7 M5 o& f
. p" |" `" U/ v. Q/ p
& S( F) o6 `' p* _" g1 H! @# S! _' e! A- \/ M' D! }
  The above drawing depicts an excessively huge hot pot in which various tofu-like cubes labeled 'Kong Fu', 'Peking Opera', 'Einstein' and other unanimously-known nouns are boiled. It is apparent enough that the cartoonist strives to notice us the already existed attitude toward multi-cultural condition in our country.. G" \. u; ?5 `6 n! m
% M$ c3 p) K/ [. t1 c9 v
  From the traditional angle, the cultural integration occurred recently are believed to offer various benefits to citizens, especially college students. However, the following several factors severely dwarf any piece of evidence that could justify the perspective listed above. In the first place, as university students can not absorb all moralities delivered by cultural elements in the context of limited time and energy, they have to accomplish it in a more efficient way: that is, concentrating on one or two specific aspects rather than acquiring all. In the second place, there is a possibility that the relatively more alluring foreign culture outweigh the traditional Chinese one, although the latter is handed down from one generation to another in the five-thousand-year history of China.# x4 _' p7 S# u% Z( K4 R0 i

: Y' h! D# N1 t# n8 y$ E9 i3 ~) W  All the analyses and reasoning listed above justify a conclusion that we should not boldly cheer at the cultural integration whatsoever. Thus, relevant regulations and rules should be established to protect the popularization of traditional cultures and regulation the introduction of cultural products from foreign states. Only through these measures can we witness a more healthier cultural atmosphere in the foreseeable future.(231词); C: y6 Y0 ]% {* W  j: u& \& H
, A! I" g7 B* ?% v. d6 j+ c! ?
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