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发表于 2007-6-1 23:05:00 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p><span style="COLOR: #ff0000;">华丽而伤感着的歌——《Eversleeping》<br/><br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; 一直以来,总认为德国歌曲一如德国人所崇尚的刻板、严谨。不想与Xandria(德国美声金属乐团)的不期而遇,却让我的耳朵感受到现代歌特金属的本质精髓:优雅,富有感情,令人感动。<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; 最喜欢这首Xandria的经典之作《Eversleeping》,一样的华丽,一样的悲伤,一样的触及心灵。<br/>&nbsp; (优雅的钢琴声衬托出主唱Lisa发自于乐音与自己感情的共鸣中的深情歌声,唱出为求真爱走遍天涯,即使耗尽一生也在所不惜的激情。)<br/><br/>Eversleeping<br/>永眠<br/><br/>Once I travelled seven seas to find my love<br/>曾为寻找吾爱 远涉重洋<br/>And once I sang seven hundered songs<br/>亦曾无数次的歌唱<br/>Well, maybe I still have to walk seven thousand miles<br/>好吧,也许我仍需跋涉千里<br/>Until I find the one that I belong<br/>直到找到 属于我的唯一<br/><br/>I will rest my head side by side To the one that stays in the night<br/>我们将并肩倚靠在每一为爱停留的夜晚<br/>I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow<br/>直到最终 因悲伤而终止我呼吸<br/>And whatever comes will come soon<br/>一切因果 如期来临<br/>Dying I will pray to the moon<br/>及我消亡之时 我向月亮祈祷<br/>That there once will be a better tomorrow<br/>那里 明日美好<br/><br/>Once I crossed seven rivers to find my love<br/>曾为寻觅芳踪 穿山越水<br/>And once, for seven years, I forgot my name<br/>亦曾 忘记我姓名<br/>Well, if I have to I will die seven deaths just to lie<br/>好吧,如果必须,我愿为爱而九死<br/>In the arms of my eversleeping aim<br/>只为了 我旧梦所忆 双臂所拥<br/><br/>I will rest my head side by side To the one that stays in the night<br/>我们将并肩倚靠在每一为爱停留的夜晚<br/>I will lose my breath in my last words of sorrow<br/>直到最终 因悲伤而终止我呼吸<br/>And whatever comes will come soon<br/>一切因果 如期来临<br/>Dying I will pray to the moon<br/>及我消亡之时 我向月亮祈祷<br/>That there once will be a better tomorrow<br/>那里 明日美好<br/><br/>I dreamt last night that he came to me<br/>昨晚 我与他梦中相逢 <br/>He said: "My love, why do you cry?"<br/>他说“亲爱的,你为何哭泣?”<br/>For now it won't be be long any more<br/>从此 人生不再浩瀚而全无期望<br/>Until in my cold grave we will lie<br/>直至我们同衾共裘于冰冷的坟墓&nbsp; </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>3 }3 }% s+ U9 A* e7 n6 r
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-1 23:12:57编辑过]

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