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Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - clinging to the back of Moscow underground trains as they hurtle through darkened tunnels. It has become so common to see the youngsters - usually sporting distinctive gloves and ski goggles - leaping onto the back of underground trains that Moscowvite commuters now barely bat an eye lid.
+ F, } h# W* `, ]* k8 P& N9 z: X9 _ 这绝对不是电影《死神来了》中的镜头,而是莫斯科地铁站内活生生上演的真事!据悉,莫斯科的年轻人最近流行起尝试一件超级疯狂的事情,那就是跳上地铁尾部跟随地铁穿越隧道求刺激。由于地铁在离开站台、加速进入隧道的时候极其危险,有一些狂热分子还因此丧失年轻的生命,尽管如此,这些狂热分子却为了追求刺激不管不顾。 ; q- [ ^* h+ n3 D. t
And as they cling on for dear life with the train quickly accelerating away from the platform, they are whisked within centimetres of tunnel walls facing a near certain death should they fall. Some have even begun clambering onto roofs to literally 'surf' the trains while others prefer to wedge themselves between carriages with nothing to hold onto. Using cameras attached to their heads, the daredevils capture every twist and turn of their extreme escapade before uploading the footage to social network sites like YouTube and vkontakte - the Russian version of Facebook.
! f) U% c6 |3 h) s1 } The phenomenon has seen massive Internet communities develop where train-surfers share and comment on each others videos. 5 J3 d9 q6 d- ?; N
据悉,这些狂热分子大多戴着防滑手套,有些还戴上滑雪护目镜,还有一些狂热分子不仅仅满足于站在车尾,他们甚至爬上地铁顶部,随着地铁的加速和减速在上方“俯冲滑行”。为了“记录下惊险的一瞬间”他们还特地把摄像头固定在头上,并上传到视频网站和俄罗斯版本的社交网站,企图获得更高的点击率和关注度。他们的这些危险的行为通过网络进行传播,在青少年人群中造成了很不良的影响,冒着生命危险寻求刺激对自己的生命放纵的行为受到年轻人的热捧,疯狂的年轻人还在视频下跟风留言交流感想。 |