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If you really love English, Join 'Share'!



发表于 2009-3-15 09:40:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
"Share" is a English club in my planning.
( P2 H% r. Y6 D6 kWe have been studying English for so many years, and many of us have passed CET 4 or 6.. Y9 e9 M$ G" W9 }6 C. X, w6 C2 a
Nevertheless, it's is my considered view that no one can master a language just by remembering words and tediou
5 X' t. U( T! \, T" t$ `grammar rules.
! P6 e) d6 k% VThe only way is speaking out.
6 \" V( ?) A. z) HSo, we need a evironment of practcing.
; b$ Q+ o, u, Q( h( v; @* BThough we have English corner activity every week, it's not enough.
& t) m4 K' E2 n" GWe need an evironment where we can go whenever we want.
5 R- P$ T- y* B+ pWe share our stories there, and we learn English together.) N  E( Y: U1 I( n% v+ u
No one will laugh at us, for all of us love Enlish  sincerely.! k5 K1 K  w' Y. ^

8 V; Q" {8 b4 l% Z, HIf you really want to master English, please give me some support,
' ^9 T9 ^- v2 R$ u( n2 bthat is to say , join Share!
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-15 09:45:20 | 只看该作者
Boys and girls:4 C) I/ c, ^! S, R2 {% v
8 x6 x, @# R. z8 |   It is my considered view that no one can master a language without a great deal of oral practicing. And the word “master” does not mean that you are able to pass CET4 or CET6. There are of great difference between “Examination English” and “Oral English”. They are totally two different concepts. The former one emphasizes on the skill for exams, which would be useless at all after your graduation; nevertheless, you would benefit a lot from your ability of “Oral English”. Additionally, Oral English would be much funny than Examination English.
% Q# G+ w0 Z3 s, k. i" a: Z: J; V   
# i0 j+ p! B1 C* v& @1 D3 t   We have been studying English for many years, and all of us have passed the English test of National College Entrance Examination. Some of you even have passed the CET4/ CET 6. However, we really mastered English now? As far as I am concerned, the answer is “no”, and I suppose this is the answer for most of us. Somebody would complaint that the environment is not good for us to learn English, we have no chance to practice. Somebody would say “I lack the talent of learning English.”  I have to admit that the environment is not good; we hardly have the opportunities to express ourselves in English. We have English teachers, but they just care about the examinations. To these who complaint the environment my message is: we can create such an environment. Actually this is the very objective of my plan; this is the objective of “Share”. To these who complaint the lackage of talent, my message is: you underestimated yourself at all; as we know, Chinese is the most difficult language in the world, however, all of us can speak fluent Chinese. So, you don’t lack talent but oral practicing.8 @5 r! t6 D! m3 `, m2 U
, Y8 k! b* u) y" \7 q. b
Somebody asked me “What kind of organization do you want to organize, and what your specific plan is?” To such questions, I have something to explain. Firstly, it is not just that I am going to organize “Share” and you would just participate “Share”. No, I don’t have such ability to organize a club, only by working as a whole can we achieve such a goal; without your help, I can do nothing. I mean all of us are sponsors as well as members. We work as a union. “United, there is nothing we cannot do; divided, there nothing we can do.” Besides, I do not have a specific plan yet, just a outline in my mind. So when we have enough members, we can negotiate the details about how to run Share. Even the name “Share” can be changed if we get a better one.5 W" t* Y* j$ W6 y/ }) F& }  |
& |0 E6 h  I3 G
If you really want to join Share, please connect me. My QQ is 784903989. or leave you QQ or phone number here. The only requirements to join us are:
: E* }6 F2 g% D, m1 f1.        Your sincerity to join us from the bottom of your heart;
- E2 Q+ P. U0 t2.        You want to share your stories, your colorful life even your dream with others; these would be the core contents of our topics, which, of course, we would express in English.3 F" ]9 t# d3 p& d

! D: W2 ?0 d0 P# L% UThe most important aim of Share is to improve the ability of Oral English of members.  We
6 R- J! }1 P. y, ywould offer chance for all to practice, but not to sit and listen.
0 W( p0 _8 f8 n5 R- W0 p  U7 [0 E2 ]2 B- g
    I know there are mistakes in the above passages please point out and forgive me!
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发表于 2009-3-18 03:19:05 | 只看该作者
that is a lovely idea
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