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发表于 2011-4-13 14:43:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  在文章的浏览(即略读,skimming)过程中,对文中信息重要性的判断可以帮助读者快速有效地了解段落的大意。在浏览过程中,读者可以通过寻找“信号词”来区分重要信息和非重要信息。诚信学习网为大家收集整理了在阅读过程中常见的几类“信号词”,希望对提高大家的阅读有所帮助!& W7 ~+ ^. ?% l1 L8 O4 F
  1. 以下词组提示下文所涉及的重要信息:) O2 D: G0 V  i" w8 B! H

7 i1 I+ p; ]) Y, |; ]  The main / important point / conclusion / reason…。
0 N8 t5 M- k2 |' h; |
) ^/ I: m2 N' f- x9 x  The point to note here…
. T5 `- V0 T( S) ~# R
- j8 i5 I8 L( j; U# D0 a0 S  2. 以下词组提示了下文的结构框架:% r, D: Q" r/ C; g
" _8 ~2 U1 ?8 [$ q& }: R
  There are three major reasons…
, t; B2 }9 x  y7 x0 d# l4 c  t1 w9 Z+ v5 Z: Z
  3. but 和 however表示对比,常常用来提示重要信息,例如:
9 O& @6 w, e$ J( x& \
7 ]- I: b! A+ i' p7 C/ S! Q! C  The rising birth rate is not due to increased fertility, but to a sharp decline in the death rate。
1 {. h  ]5 z# [+ C6 ~5 |6 `5 O/ y# a! t( e: Q# O- T& f1 F# Z. K, v
  4. 在文中提问可以突出问题后的答案,提示读者答案中有重要信息,例如:3 N' H+ f' @$ r' R$ G

- d" }) P# b5 l4 [5 X/ Q( x7 j5 [  Why is a piped water supply so important? Disease due to contaminated water is a common cause of death in childhood。7 W5 K* z$ o9 _5 `7 Z" G9 M2 S3 [; \

/ O- I" ?  d3 P; k0 u7 Y  5. 有时,为了保证读者完全理解自己的观点,作者会在文中反复提出自己的观点,例如:
9 X: l% T' ^9 g. O+ a% {" ?. z( i0 V6 J! |" n
  Death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, the death rate can be cut without anything else changing。, U& A9 g" ]& B8 M

4 _) G+ u' h' c8 i% y  6. 文章的结论通常是非常重要的,因此,读者要在文中寻找提示结论的“信号词”,例如:$ a" l+ M5 }% X
9 a: ^" H, c5 s" q8 r! \7 E# H4 J
  Therefore/the result
" r1 @! S; {7 }0 Y* i! E3 n( A, V- w
  In conclusion/we can conclude
- m& V9 w" m% ?6 _6 z2 S1 ^8 }! {
  One of the primary conclusions
. V0 l) J! }2 e* D* \: W0 o, L( p# r' t) A' J/ a$ h: f
  7. 举例是为了帮助读者理解某一个观点,因此,文中的例子不是浏览文章时的重要信息。在阅读过程中,以下词组提示读者下文是举例部分信息。8 q6 ~) _; V2 H  X
$ w4 h9 E* b/ B, I) a9 u
  For example/instancelike
/ T( P1 s9 ~) W% B0 S6 z" g7 z9 g' D( c4 O8 V
  Such as these include9 q! f! d- x( M$ [( P
/ I% E% c6 x5 R! U0 h/ H! R, ~
  To illustrate among these are
9 l8 r1 D5 K- F9 z& ?0 n: \$ ~# W- h; C% n" e# s9 {4 \% q5 K
! E3 u5 O. v! S* z; P  W9 }( C9 L
- x/ Q- e  P( T/ F  |  The developing countries are dependent on cash crops – sugar, coffee, cacao, cotton。
  U( c% P/ W& H4 l' @7 ?% Y8 N( E: F# L" p) x& i; N- P/ f5 R
  Precipitating/violent/unexpected factors are those which reduce the food supply (droughts, floods, wars, epidemics)…( }( D( e  |! n$ |+ F2 V! j

: w- z3 O/ P/ k, a' \, N$ C  在段落浏览时,读者在看到信号词后,应不断对下文信息作出相应的判断,例如:
# C" h1 y; J! J* v* j" {/ D! I3 F5 w: `+ @% ?* o6 h
  The main reason for (提示:下文信息重要) the reduction in the death rate in the developing world has been improved public health measures. For example, (提示:下文信息不重要,仅仅是为了用来证明前面的观点) in Sri Lanka the death rate was halved over ten years by spraying the mosquitoes which carry malaria。
$ Q1 Q/ R) \7 W. [1 g3 A2 l
7 M* Y: E) K% W  Why (提示:问题的答案中有读者应该关注的重点) is it so easy to cut the death rate in this way and yet so hard to reduce the birth rate? One answer (提示:这只是众多答案中的一种,并不是最重要的。) is that public health measures can be very cheap. Anti-malarial spraying is inexpensive. But this is not the important point (提示:but后面的是非常重要的信息). For birth control programmes to be successful, a change in attitude is required, whereas death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, (提示:这里是作者想要强调的重要信息) the death rate can be cut without anything else changing。  m0 A" a6 B; ^" h3 |$ U1 B% |
  b% p3 u% l) _
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