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发表于 2007-12-29 13:16:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
      4 ~  o) C8 H! \# Y( t7 |
      151. lottery citizens“彩民”
3 S0 W: m5 @2 z6 B' o+ O  152. sponsor charities or athletic development扶持慈善事业与体育发展 , [( _  J: T. }$ Z2 |) J
  153. try one’s luck碰运气 154.make easy money轻松赚钱
. h# b2 K, f3 x  H$ T9 D" q% z- A  155. great temptation巨大的诱惑
8 I6 m9 }' ~, ?) ]  156. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.在我看来,购买彩票与赌博在性质上并无二致,它有很多负面作用,而正面作用却微乎其微。
! O7 G( l5 c$ ?9 ]: I  157. earning-quick-buck mentality迅速暴富的思想 8 G* f, A1 H- q# ]: |
  158. Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.第二,不少人对彩票痴心不改,对工作失去了积极性,对生活失去了兴趣。
6 `/ A0 v! m3 D  ?  159. Wishful thinking如意算盘 160. fall into four categories归结为四类
. J' N. ^+ F/ S7 g7 A5 t4 K- I) T$ g  161. addiction to drugs吸毒成瘾 162. habitual drug-takers(吸毒)瘾君子 ! B% n0 N1 {- i' M- w5 B1 H
  163. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.首先,通过大众传媒,我们对世界风云变幻了如指掌,否则我们就会一无所知。
) Z- y9 l0 e* V% a( N5 v  164. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children.他们既要努力满足成年观众的需求,又要避免影片对儿童产生不利影响。
4 }7 J. F  C) Z9 X; T  165. Films and TV series ought to educate the young but not to ruin them.影片和电视节目应对未成年人起到教化作用而不是教唆作用。 . n, E: |: a+ w' h7 a6 R
  166. combine book knowledge with practice将书本知识与实践结合
1 ?2 }$ h8 {$ A! N$ A! @  167. Though it does good to college students in many ways, the golden week can never be said to bring no problems.对大学生而言,尽管黄金周好处多多,但其负面效应也是客观存在的。 - {* P& Y; T, I3 k: e+ L
  168. cherish time珍惜时间 0 M2 s# ?% W4 W% M/ T6 @
  169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy here and there.今天,盗版现象随处可见  pirated videos and pornographic publications盗版影碟或淫秽出版物 " E' N" G. X2 y5 E" ^
  170. make great fortune overnight一夜暴富 5 y$ P; A8 l& A0 s
  171. authentic copyright holders版权合法持有者 172. prosecute起诉 2 t) ~" x) W! }, Q2 H7 t0 t" V
  173. employ more scientific and advanced inspection methods利用更多科学,先进的检测手段
) L; ?7 z  @4 |* L0 F5 v; c* Q: W  174. only attach importance to superficial characteristics只注重产品的外在特征 ' G' @" u; P' `$ U; m: y& s
  175. tell the authentic copy from the false one将正版与盗版区分开来
2 ?% F) K) Z, i( Q; x9 P0 o  176. Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于空谈。
( {$ E1 i" u9 e8 s  177. The early 1990’s witnessed an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities.20世纪90年代初期,农民工开始如潮水般地涌入大城市。 " @" K, C: a0 e; `8 k3 s
  178. No one denies the important contribution rural workers have made to urban development.没有人能否认农民工为城市建设做出的重要贡献。
6 S' G8 p1 ~; l- E  179. An indispensable part of urban life城市生活中不可或缺的一部分
- E" N8 O% z7 ~7 t5 [! _0 K$ B- i  180. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.然而,反对农民工进城的态度一直贯穿于城市化主流进程之中。
: o- {9 H7 Y8 n4 A  181. They also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他们还把城市犯罪率的急剧上升归罪于农民工。. F4 Z: @$ M) f0 z
  182. Most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多数政府官员是诚实敬业的。但近年来官员渎职,腐败案件时有发生。 + u( X* ~" J3 V) }
  183. seek ease and comfort贪图安逸享乐 184. neglect one’s duty玩忽职守 : \- Y: t& u$ I
  185. They abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他们滥用人民赋予的权利。: s7 t. d& y+ N4 u/ N: y
  186. government at all levels各级政府
+ s( U1 e8 S% k( V  187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全国范围内开展反腐败斗争。 8 C: q/ Q' i; [
  188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意为人民服务。 + e6 d8 v- v8 t/ e
  189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭发违法犯罪者
; w" {: ?5 b( b" H# c  190. supervisory authorities监督部门
4 b! g8 Q% n, e% p0 r9 a  191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促进经济建设的保证
1 w9 V% K, d6 J( i; f  Y/ y2 X5 X  192. take strict and effective measures采取严厉,有效的手段 - l  T0 j& s5 Z9 X
  193. Honesty can earn government high prestige among people, and maintain the close ties between government and its people.诚实守信能为政府赢得威信,加强政府与人民的密切联系。 & [6 B& i* ?. `0 k
  194. a dramatic increase急剧的增长
) S, A: p9 v2 m; r' G  195. shortsightedness短视的行为,无远见的行为 196. quit school辍学   u, M6 x4 P1 l1 \
  197. earn one’s living谋生
3 G; u5 l( S' Q. F2 p  198. make the farmers fully aware of the importance of the young generation’s education使农民充分认识到青少年教育的重要性。 - d+ l; C& q! H/ m- z9 C5 f. J
  199. lighten their financial burden减轻他们的经济负担
# S) g/ n# P4 A- v/ ^: R  200. one-child policy独生子女政策
4 l! p* F7 ~( D- o  201. the treasure of the whole family全家的宝贝
9 x$ N; a& b% C, ]0 e  202. satisfy the child’s need满足孩子的需要
6 N6 P' }% w0 `+ ]( q3 O6 U! ~7 a  203. the spoiled child被宠坏的孩子
' p, S0 ~$ {& }  204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run另外一点是,从长远看来,对孩子过度的赞扬会助长其骄傲心理,他们依仗父母的宠爱,可能会染上各种坏习惯。
( b! F9 A& c1 m/ J  205. ensure their normal growth and development促进他们的健康成长与发展
0 g( ?7 U/ u) z9 R" S1 H( X* h+ z  206. the harmful effect of indulgence放任(孩子)的危害
! a7 a4 g. `6 J: R3 O3 y4 P, X  207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze文凭热的必然产物 $ v+ K5 W! T( l: g( t. l% Y1 {
  208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates’ educational background过于看重应聘者的教育背景
( }& C" R5 E0 v1 K, l  209. win the employer’s favor获得顾主的青睐 8 T+ I' S4 ?/ B+ `# A
  210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文凭破坏就业市场的正常秩序,对社会造成极大危害。 ! y; |$ G% C7 R8 A
  211. anti-forgery technology防伪技术 212. fabricate伪造(文书) 5 R8 K. I7 t: |' E
  213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.对造假者不仅应该通过媒体将其曝光,还应该用法律手段严加惩罚。 " F* e: F. ~- c" e( X
  214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子对洋快餐迷恋到了极点,一有可能就要去吃。
) |1 f6 U$ R* b$ g" n  215. junk food垃圾食品
- o6 @7 D9 T+ O- J+ V% @  216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通过与动物相处,孩子们能学会如何照顾好那些需要关爱的动物,有助于培养他们的责任感和耐心。 1 t' i1 V* j/ G8 {+ y* ]
  217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,对某些人而言,饲养宠物只是炫耀财富的一种手段。
' r7 M1 A& J' [+ w2 D" B& F  218. cause serious hygiene problems 引发严重的卫生问题 $ n/ {  Q' `8 R" Q
  219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和猫的叫声会影响邻里。
5 r) e6 F1 }& Y' Q/ X- B  220. As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗话说得好,妇女能顶半边天。
" m! P4 r1 ~9 Q  J) H! F0 U- d  221. They compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她们在许多领域与男子一起开展工作,为社会做出了重要贡献。
9 i1 r0 v' L. M3 X+ ?& N- d4 w  222. They are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她们的工作不再仅限于家务琐事和养儿育女。 * P7 \4 X' O/ B# @$ j; L# M
  223. Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.尽管妇女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她们的彻底解放依然任重道远。
. K, X' O8 I4 {# J% b5 c  224. Their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她们的工作通常不被重视,薪酬较低。
# ?  t* ]* j  K/ f3 S1 W; x  225. The elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除这种不平等还需要全社会的关注与努力。
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