4 I' g- W, V# m6 ~/ k杭州师范大学薛树仁、复旦大学Rong Xue等人全盘抄袭国外论文, x. Q y0 [3 r& C9 q; A9 m
' I) S' y9 V5 J$ Y卫生部,教育部,复旦大学,杭州师范大学有关负责人:7 ^" v5 W! v( Y2 [
作为一个身在海外的中国人,我觉得自己有义务协助我们国家制止和清除一; a9 [- d( r$ E$ [" g
些学术腐败分子,因为他们的在做作所为已经严重损害了中国的名誉。( u7 T$ ]7 ^, ^6 \, v! _
请你们仔细察看以下信息,美国哥伦比亚大学分子心脏病研究所Andrew R. 6 H. B- n4 w) N4 G% \6 y3 G; L4 N
Marks教授(他目前是美国科学院院士,前临床调查( journal of clinical
- I* P/ W6 y! Einvestigation JCI)杂志主编)最近发现中国杭州师范大学薛树仁、上海复星医+ A4 B; r& F0 _6 z4 }
药公司Yu Xue、复旦大学上海医学院Rong Xue等剽窃该所2001年在Circulation, _$ Z0 c0 A" P
5 h1 O @ A$ u. a# U" \" q等竟然完全抄袭论文,连插图都几乎未做修改。以下是Andrew R. Marks给国际" h9 [8 l) L+ I. V
心血管杂志主编的投诉信,附带两篇论文。( N5 _9 D/ r* P2 r) H/ M
我谨希望卫生部能够重视并切实处理有关作者和医院。7 {$ w9 Y% L' ^+ k( [( a
9 `0 g- i4 @# e7 p9 c) i http://www.365heart.com/user/index.asp?u=xueshuren.html
Z" w$ r, v6 ?* m2 g- g+ c Andrew R. Marks的信件:' ^; o: H* n. n4 z: b, N4 `
Dear Dr. Coats:
* P5 G1 J7 v2 C: H9 RIt has come to my attention that a paper by Shu-ren Xue published in
% {5 F' c9 k) h+ o* p( k% G: Jthe International Journal of Cardiology "Carvedilol restore cardiac
7 y2 a5 Q* g+ K" Z* s) |calcium release channel structure and function in heart failure" vol
& f* r5 [ s$ ]: [2 E; {116, pages 231-235 (attached) is a blatant and outrageous plagiarism3 _& E7 J) \+ k% j. v7 y
of a paper from my lab (also attached) published in Circulation in
9 f; k" n9 a' q' L9 }' j2001./ c3 F* ^' I- v& I( e
The figure in the Xue et al paper was copied from my paper! Much of
, F' }* V& \9 b6 Pthe text was also copied." \8 v* O$ w! H. I9 [; Z* b
I leave it to you to decide how to handle this situation but at the9 [- E" M& N. |
very least I would expect the paper to be retracted, and the deans at
! k1 r6 l3 m' _# R* ~- S9 ythe authors' institutions contacted to report this blatant fraud. I
% p: z$ K5 j7 ^! Kam happy to say that in my five years as editor of the JCI I never$ f* m% R5 K6 ^3 M# @5 q
saw such an outrageous incident!5 x6 ~9 I& j8 f" N- R- [
Please let me know how you dispose of this matter.
6 ~0 d; G* Z: l) a; Y/ G/ I/ T5 xbest wishes,
1 A4 S& P" v) q$ e; CAndy Marks& P2 M3 d# A4 g* I
! _$ y9 e9 d* {4 J# _Andrew R. Marks, M.D. D% P, y* O9 A( M; L
Professor and Chair, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics( g% }7 q# g& H: q9 Y; w
5 H5 s6 y* L# t8 \2 r+ I◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.freedns.us)(xys-reader.org)◇◇ |