法新社援引泰国《曼谷邮报》的消息称,原先的法规规定,由于心理异常,变性人不准入伍。而修改后的法规将把男人分为三类:“一类男人”指那些“从外表上看有典型男人特征的”;“二类男人”指那些进行过乳房植入手术的;“三类男人”则指那些接受过完全变性手术的。 % P: e8 J5 v" f9 j' h
"Normally only Type 1 are required to draw a conscription ballot," Thaksin Chiamthong, an officer of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper. "But if the number of Type 1 is insufficient, Type 2 will be conscripted as well, despite their female-like breasts." : T3 {0 ?" o$ J4 J. j7 V
“正常情况下,只有一类男人才需要服兵役,” 泰国陆军后备司令部官员塔新·奇亚姆松说道。“但如果一类男人的数量不够,尽管二类男人有女人一样的乳房,也需要应征。”
3 f7 o& p6 Z" v& b. U) I The army reportedly proposed replacing the current classification in the Conscription Act of 1954 with "gender identity disorder", but faced ire from rights groups. Thailand's annual conscription begins in April and the Thai armed forces need to conscript 97,280 men aged 21 this year - up by 9,828 from 2010.
/ k. [8 I* X) f: \' k7 s 报道称,泰国军方曾建议修改1954年出台的、将“性别认定障碍者”排除出兵营的征兵法,但激起了右翼组织的反对。泰国每年一度的新兵招募工作于4月开始,今年计划征召97280名21岁男兵,比去年增加9828名。 |