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发表于 2010-9-14 16:25:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
——By 王菲+ ^( r* v+ a; _# N
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,  L+ I1 z! X( L: i! C
when deeply practicing prajna-paramita,4 R8 ~' t! h2 C1 B) ^
clearly saw that the five skandhas are all empty,
4 G0 _# M% m7 ]; R2 ~' Sand was saved from all suffering and distress.
3 Q" q8 v8 J# G* z# K5 F/ L) T; `. k观自在菩萨
# e2 F: d6 E$ X行深般若波罗蜜多时7 [+ V; {6 k" Q1 q
照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄5 T- z/ Z8 e% E& p- a" W: s2 R5 W
& F! w) `9 `6 s2 Hform is no different to emptiness,) [" T' a- M, f. ?+ b8 ?3 l- R# i
emptiness no different to form.
! y0 s0 t# L- m* o5 `That which is form is emptiness,) ?7 O  H1 n/ Q! Z
that which is emptiness, form.& \8 b* y9 t& b
2 R6 j9 I2 {: K1 b" @8 ~7 ^2 V色不异空空不异色1 G5 z- A4 q3 \- u6 |& w# w
# X: _8 G% X3 Q% ]5 p5 {: {Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness are also like this.# q4 u2 F6 K5 F' [
# r8 l6 c' u7 {Sariputra,5 |. L, F, _4 E# ]4 S" L) v
all things and phenomena are marked by emptiness;; S3 l+ d! S% Q0 D" i! |/ Y3 r2 w
they are neither appearing nor disappearing,
/ V( ]. y1 M: a$ E6 ]: \neither impure nor pure,
& p2 Q4 z& F- F( Kneither increasing nor decreasing.
9 j/ ^, L6 X) H. b# A% |舍利子
; S5 J; q4 d6 `9 V0 R# J) p4 \是诸法空相不生不灭
, j2 t+ E0 w2 |& N# E5 V  K不垢不净不增不减7 u! V3 I+ |5 I) r& B& N, F
Therefore, in emptiness,! [5 A* L9 d5 q/ b
no forms, no sensations, perceptions, impressions, or consciousness;
2 Y  l- I% v' }( rno eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind;
( ^$ T; O- Q% u是故空中无色无受想行识1 K, Y, E& D/ U& M$ }3 H. r, \
4 o( H$ A5 r# {no sights, sounds, odors, tastes, objects of touch, objects of mind;, r/ c% I* H, G7 D5 ?- h9 O- L
no realm of sight up to no realm of consciousness;
- X& O- |: e2 I, M" R无色声香味触法+ k( F# K& q/ |$ K- [
无眼界乃至无意识界/ K' L# W6 {4 X+ ]
no ignorance and no end of ignorance,
1 q+ G) K' z. v2 r4 S4 P2 ]9 Eand no end of aging and death;
% N8 o& Q+ q0 ]3 X6 F无无明亦无无明尽, B/ @2 ~, `1 E0 V& T3 I5 {
9 u( m1 Z2 r6 N# g) zno suffering, accumulation, cessation, or path;
( A2 p% g! ^7 M, L% uno wisdom and no attainment.
3 C5 d) _. U4 p7 g. ]无苦集灭道无智亦无得* I6 e9 O5 c8 E( Q/ y! ~
With nothing to attain,
2 M6 u9 o! W" ?+ Rbodhisattvas
  b# g6 V# Q# B" m" B7 wrely on prajna-paramita,
7 ?; W' W6 q' c# {1 d/ Eand their minds are without hindrance.$ V( S6 y: J( p, F& ^1 J" U
# A- A. W1 o  v3 R( g5 e' |菩提萨陲依般若波罗蜜多故6 F9 t1 o. U/ f# @5 _" l
They are without hindrance,6 N5 _" s. z7 j3 G+ G; K; q9 J) W
and thus without fear.
% {& S% j6 N3 x! J) `" |" q心无碍无碍故无有恐怖
) }& C3 u) ~( g& XFar apart from all confused dreams,
7 o2 t7 R5 i6 U6 J- mthey dwell in nirvana.) d# R# f! F! c0 `4 k+ H  I
8 `- p: _) [% L* Q& b8 A2 z/ zAll buddhas of the past, present and future6 P; T, t3 ^! D7 a! p( R' L7 B9 y
rely on prajna-paramita,. f% \: R5 Z% B: S* v# L3 @/ t2 {4 }0 a
and attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
( `" V' J' o+ ]三世诸佛依般若波罗蜜多故
, @1 g5 f1 m5 t. J得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提
# }2 e# p* D* {) y0 {+ fTherefore, know that prajna-paramita( t* O* E9 s4 @9 N3 p! L5 M
is the great transcendent mantra,# w6 a, W: \* F+ U
the great bright mantra,' g7 f6 C0 N; K: K- ^  s
the supreme mantra,
, r7 b: m  d- J9 U6 w9 athe unequalled balanced mantra,- {7 f  `! b6 C$ a6 D. b5 V
that can eliminate all suffering,% D  N- |  d- r; h+ c, O; M
and is real, not false.
1 i5 n/ ~& P, ^9 g! v3 ~2 l故知般若波罗蜜多
+ g3 P: z" s4 @是大神咒是大明咒是无上咒
0 M- e% @' b9 w/ q8 X% r+ c4 @是无等等咒能除一切苦真实不虚: y; u/ F/ E2 f' i4 s4 ?* k3 K
So proclaim the prajna-paramita mantra,
1 G  G2 c# Z; t9 p8 Sproclaim the mantra that says:
& J: H5 e5 Y5 F, m5 o故说般若波罗蜜多咒$ e+ |+ y. G3 w
& I5 t) W& d4 ~. R3 ugate, gate,# u' m+ I0 z) S. |. e
paragate,4 O! y5 ]" Q: S
. v5 Y' m7 Y. ]8 U, x$ C7 `bodhi, svaha!
& U+ m* o, Q9 f揭谛揭谛波罗揭谛3 a" K: L. A6 a0 a1 D
4 y2 Y+ P' I' W/ N( e# f2 W' KThe Heart Sutra of Prajna.
3 i, W0 d! l; B; L般若波罗密多心经
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