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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-20 13:28
  • 签到天数: 23 天


    发表于 2011-1-5 15:00:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    201. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.
    - B, k5 a. s5 }) j2 F4 `那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内。3 D, l9 w4 S8 m7 d; r6 k5 e- i
    202. The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.8 @0 x: u2 k6 o8 r
    7 }1 A+ l$ y3 o* V- I0 y& T/ n
    6 @3 ?3 S* w7 N
    203. Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent, ...
    + u4 Y  R2 T; |, ~& Y1 A假设你被对手暴露在相反的位置,。。。
    " \9 U2 ^& `# K+ d& i
    # Z2 K1 a( C# W1 G9 ?2 ^
    204. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.0 C6 W- J& E! M. d

    ' B* ]+ E  U+ k/ h3 i  E2 P4 C
      ~4 Y& S5 x- @  |' V2 a) g205. In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.
    % [" x% y4 w  g2 x+ M在教堂里,护士诅咒了追求紫色钱包的 人们。?
    ) ^4 b' e) S% u. H
    4 l( _& R) r0 Y
    206. The faculty for agricultural culture isn't difficult to cultivate.
    * c% B( [! o) l7 q* R% f农业栽培能力不难培养。

      R/ j4 m" E$ {, ]( f! J+ f' y1 P9 o! F! O- m3 `
    207. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.
    8 P' d5 I7 ~$ Y. P( e1 h0 c6 d预留保护区内的水库对固执的观察者是一个障碍。
    $ U/ r2 M1 h' x+ |* l( b0 L' E3 }

    3 X6 ^4 f3 }: ~; e5 q' M208. The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe.# |+ ^& o  P/ c+ }

    0 V, `! n+ f9 l5 K! `) @  ]. w1 c: s
      n* D+ N: _, ^4 y9 c209. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.
    / t9 q  W, f: w' A. \小卵石上的大部分红宝石废料在用有球状突起的橡胶短棍搅动是会起泡。
    7 \- [) `4 O7 u4 u
    % ^) a# W0 }) S# b, \4 T( I
    210. The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object.
    6 a3 J7 j( V2 h* Y; L  r% {这个形容词给受到反对的客观物体注入了新的意义。

    / \4 L- w+ |7 Q* R9 w
    3 Y7 v! f% D% Z211. The projector is subject to rejection and may be ejected from the project., w. r/ W2 O" o2 t6 I, Q
    投影机有遭到否决的倾向并可能被逐出工程。 ?

    . l4 G  {% I( t
    ' @& P1 E; }7 c212. A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight.
    9 N4 g. n6 G. H# a# q, ]一天经过坲晓,上午,正文,下午,傍晚和午夜。?

    2 ?+ }# c1 E) Y; h. G+ l* |9 X  t8 X2 H$ N8 T0 n8 O3 o
    213. His affection for the defects is affected by the infectious perfect effect.
    2 ~5 b  Y) V! Z, P$ ^他对缺点的钟爱受到具有感染力的完美效果的影响。?

    ! ~6 V  Q0 u) h, J$ ?3 J+ D: i4 |4 Y1 Z, A
    214. The critic's criticism is critical to the crisis.
    $ D7 ]/ {2 u2 a1 l1 P" E4 S* b* V+ e$ ^4 o评论家的批评对这场危机至关重要。?

      C2 ]4 ^. B! G, K, P$ }; r+ i; C( ^7 C& l0 ]
    215. The director's indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier.' L5 a4 c8 q+ M+ c  f

    ( [" d6 |6 y: T! _- r6 `; o/ x% e# ?; k% o  e
    216. The prospective inspector prospected his prospect with his own perspective.
    0 k* j  c" @% J8 @5 Q7 E$ e3 M未来的检查员用自己的观点勘察的他的前景。
    5 M% h  D2 c4 F/ I7 E2 o& J- b  [
    / g4 P- v/ R' N) h7 m8 b
    217. Two suspicious aspects are suspected respectively.
    , y2 |7 u  D" \8 _* O  j两个可疑的方面分别受到怀疑。
    # Z. |6 G% G& y- W
    9 P" b3 z! e- _7 E  N6 I
    218. This section about insects is written by a respectable specialist.* e3 ]& U5 |2 E9 @3 f/ x) g+ r( a
    ' Y4 Y$ z: t7 |5 c5 o
    5 }" c' N  r7 w$ t- b: O6 d
    219. I assure the injured jury that a sure insurance is ensured.( }" S: {" v5 y6 t- I

    8 g" I- o& r; Z; k# I% v3 h6 D+ I+ K6 @. D+ {7 Y! E7 G
    220. My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.
    # y3 @' Z0 @1 [) m8 N我持久的忍耐力使我忍受了保险期间的伤害。?

    9 ~7 Y" O0 v3 e, \3 g) m# X& B7 r
    221. I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury.
    ; W2 z1 X# ~" X5 k- |8 C( m我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。

    1 M) g3 p1 I% G# x0 C
      G5 {1 O. `' w' C# m% ?! V222. In the exchange the oranges are arranged into strange ranges.
    . _7 s/ S3 u) w( h. l( f- o在交易所里橙子被排成奇怪的行。
    " _( M+ e2 R" T+ i3 v; M1 K6 {

    # Z1 a( u, e; u+ f" B223. The ashtray, splashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed.5 a  z5 |$ `- U5 T

    " x; V$ O# L2 Q" C7 J6 Q/ A% ]( |9 p
    224. He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash.
    8 p- g3 w9 F$ P' i! t他猛冲过去用现金砸那个过时的烟灰盘。
    / x' j8 X/ F! a: [# M) P
    $ C7 ~9 m  w- x4 C' y+ d! h
    225. I feel a bit of bitterness for his ambitious exhibition.
    8 R4 g- W! c/ ~( O/ a我为他雄心勃勃的展览感到一点点触痛。
    , }, K, `' ^# c3 q% O

    1 K7 Z% f; j! N+ F# ?9 v7 H226. On the orbit, the rabbits habitually inherited the merits of the inhabitants., P! X2 \' i; h
    8 X/ I0 |% }) [6 P( q3 X2 P; Q% H

    ' m& F& Y& t; N& H$ v3 D227. Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.) K; p. k' j7 U7 V* E( X

    & F' t" ?" ]0 h3 f( T) Z  f1 m6 l; L- x  _' i" s6 p: Q
    228. I prefer the preferable preference you referred to in the reference books." Q- }+ C2 E: P# m) o% ^/ \! N4 Q
    : z8 [" H! d$ `

    6 r& l9 D# O0 ~2 g" X229. The specialist specifically specified a special pacific means especially.& i  X. T: H/ Q- w

    + V, l2 P- N4 n! \8 d& M+ n
    6 g% t9 ?2 C4 D# V' ]( L230. The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.) n7 y' u6 _- s$ S( m& J3 a

    : r. g+ V8 @9 F$ d* [6 ?% H1 Z' O: Z
    231 I'm to be punished for publishing his bad reputation to the public of the republic.7 y/ V( ~* t# S+ k; `3 z" N: w7 `' n
    4 d) H" o, P% s, Y8 i& Y
    ; h& H. ]' u5 i1 \: d2 Q
    232. The drug trafficker is concer
    ned about the condition of the traditional concert.
    / l7 z$ n+ u$ n+ f& a: r  F毒品贩子担心传统音乐会的状况。7 s7 U( Z+ E! q% p+ m
    2 L0 K/ Z/ f. y1 y
    233. It's a fable that the cable enables the disabled man to be able to walk.' }) p. g- A* g; |  c8 c  s
    % Q1 `8 i, Z. f2 j9 E- R/ x

    ; ?; @0 n. K1 U+ B- O234. The problem is that those who are out of jobs probably rob.
    & J. j9 T& U" h/ Y0 u, M; g3 b& m问题是那些失业者们可能行劫。?

    1 D* V% n* v5 x: A5 Y$ Y% \4 _! ~( `
    " u- \- k- F2 [6 L235. His wicked trick is to get the kids to kick bricks and lick the cricket ticket.
    5 U" G5 l( q/ N& _" S1 A他的缺德恶作剧是让孩子们踢砖和添板球门。?
    1 p, g* z) k  M0 i0 @6 \& T' V9 r

    5 x3 F2 T4 x$ d, ?" R* z1 v236. The thin sick chicken picks the thick sticky stick quickly.- I4 R* \% k4 D+ _/ N
    1 W* X% c7 h, @1 r8 L5 c: ~; z
    * o: n9 J# p% I* q' I( e. o3 n8 @
    237. The animals unanimously vanished from the mammal's room furnished with Spanish furniture.! _: M/ B6 f+ M" w* n
    3 h# O) J6 s4 r8 j% l8 s5 i7 ?: C
    3 X" o* K& K3 \
    238. The loosened goose chooses the cheese to eat.
    4 l: v' O* ~$ Y- I被解开的鹅挑选奶酪吃。
    7 q1 f3 w; q& @0 O0 D' l: T

    4 p- H" X+ Y" R4 r239. By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician's politics books.& H9 Q0 G2 C8 g$ C* L0 @6 B
    ) F9 Q" k) p6 e& s1 F: w9 k
    ( C$ B, T" i" V5 q
    240. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque.
    2 Y. d; h) O3 d在遭破坏的甲板的颈部,计算者检查了这张不透明支票。

      ~( j0 J/ y/ A: r; @$ ]; l3 Z
    8 v2 |8 D! p. l' B, h241. The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pool for swimming pool.$ {& _# E! _' i# h- i( L! i

    0 l5 i  n; v- X9 \
    / [+ w1 m# m- n242. Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo.1 c& h0 k/ \$ ^2 X
    + d( \; J4 }) j" W1 v$ m/ R' `
    9 M& m; ~1 I& D3 r. k
    243. Citizens in the city's civil buildings are all civilized.1 A7 B  o6 d# t1 u2 n5 w& E

    ! n$ a$ C1 R  v! e2 N% ~! a" L
    # \) c9 v. D4 J- ~9 y$ g% u244. The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian's vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.
    1 b# F  x! D8 D虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动的描述他与其妻子的密切(关系)半信半疑。
    ) a4 k* V% y( o( m5 X
    / S( r4 L) t4 y# S3 E" _2 F, ^
    245. The corps' corn in the corner is scorned by the stubborn corporation.
    . ^: O5 Z) Y% R3 ~3 A5 m$ h% |军团种在角落里的玉米遭到顽固公司的蔑视。
    ) Z5 m6 o/ N$ R' [4 Z8 i) I- d
    % e: _: b4 Z& F; m( @! t
    246. The attorney's horn lies horizontally in the thorns.
    , ~$ m  z+ k" U. G. y  w9 s) ~代理律师的号角水平地躺在荆棘中。
    : J9 o. z! R3 I4 ?6 G

    2 w; |% {" Z3 }5 {" D247. I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the weed.
    + v/ |* b+ d6 ^  t% s6 v8 W我似乎相信他的预见,他预见那个人将在杂草中寻找种子。

    % [4 G# l" c$ N( j# N' Q- Q. H' T) @2 V, K7 k
    248. The agreement disagrees in the degree of agreeable freedom.
    + a! ?5 m9 ?4 }6 f7 z协议在使人愉快的自由程度上存在分歧。

    % w- d0 V$ l4 ?8 h1 V/ |: C5 Q& L) ^
    249. In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds.
    " T0 C& k7 N  I) V- T1 K* V在冰冷的微风中,饲养员贪婪地从种子中榨油。

    ! ?# x# W+ D6 f" ?) @/ d% V2 O0 L8 T
    250. We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed.
    ) M, `8 e0 l  @3 E3 b0 j2 [1 T1 d7 h: v我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。
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