For people who are starting to their careers, companies with good brands are excellent choices, since they have well-developed management system and talent-training projects. Graduates can lay a solid foundation for their career paths.
9 x' w7 k: x& U. d$ ]对于刚毕业的大学生: 第一份工作可以选择进入一家品牌好的大公司,这样的企业一般都有完善的管理体系和人才培养机制,可以帮助公司人打下很好的职业素养基础并对一个公司的系统化运作形成全面了解,以后跳槽时在履历上也是很好的一笔。
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+ R% r ~ F7 c- n. LThose who are under the age of 30 and have some working experience can be bolder to try different jobs. If they have several offers, they can write down what they hope they would see themselves like next 5 years. The more detail their descriptions are, the easier the decision would be.
( b% O! o/ j5 s! o6 f; J对于有几年工作经验的公司人: 工作年限在3-5年年龄不满30岁的公司人,不妨大胆尝试不同的工作,帮助自己理清未来的发展道路。如果面临多个机会难以选择,可以建立一份职业规划,明确5年后你希望自己想达到什么样的职业状态。描述越详细越能帮你做出选择。; k7 p2 o( V: Y( _$ a8 d: B
; `7 m; R& v" H3 S3 Q$ OThe normal range of pay rise after job-hopping is between 20% and 30%. If the number exceeds this range too much, office workers should think carefully if they can fulfill the job obligations. Proper challenges can help people improve themselves, while overwhelming challenges can lead to pressure and frustration. 5 y% [( u% q# X4 J( b
并不是工资涨幅越大越好: 一般来说,跳槽后20%-30%的收益增长属于正常范围,但如果有50%以上甚至100%的增长,公司人应该慎重考虑这份工作的要求以及自己是否有能力应对。适当的挑战可以帮助我们进入一个良性的职业发展循环,但过大的挑战一旦做不好,往往会产生挫败感。 |