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killtest最新热门题库70-656 DEMO分享



发表于 2008-9-29 10:10:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题库摘自 www.killtest.cn  更新时间:2008-9-17
' Y2 S. p9 }% b1.You use Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) to deploy changes to client computers. A consultant will
  Q# E: B. v2 i; {( w+ L4 F; n& Puse AGPM to audit policy changes made to computers in the finance department organizational unit (OU). You
' c. M; p* T+ O0 z, ?+ ~create a user account for the consultant. You need to provide the consultant with read-only access to Group Policy
+ }  n6 z8 _9 C9 i; Dobjects (GPOs) through AGPM.6 i3 Q& e, h  D
What should you do?
( R( i9 u( ?8 z& KA. Configure the consultants user account to have read access to the finance department OU.
+ b/ B4 p; l, _( HB. Configure the consultants user account to have read access to the Policies folder within the SYSVOL share.% D8 C$ k1 l# c
C. Configure the consultants user account as an AGPM Reviewer.
, Y: x7 E3 z/ C8 AD. Configure the consultants user account as an AGPM Approver. E. Configure the consultants user account as an: Y7 n4 e; x/ k$ _/ G# u! f
AGPM Editor.$ x; \" e6 S! [" v- I9 U
2 K; O' x; l9 i& N8 C
- |7 S( D9 X, D8 w2. Multiple Choice Question
' u8 P. f! t8 UIn this type of question, you select the correct answer or answers from a list of answer choices.. I: p4 E$ |0 m
Click the Reset button to clear all selected answers. If an Active Exhibit button is present, click it to explore in a
0 W% g; z. R: N7 C$ l# F' a+ d: B# nsimulated environment until you find the information that you need. Then click Close Simulation and answer the
, k. |  H5 F7 N1 v6 Zquestion.9 z0 |- @% ^/ C7 f$ y+ a- }! z
Notes: Q$ H7 z% \# l& |0 A) i4 K0 E
Note the following consideration when answering this type of question:& z: w( J9 |* d; ~* w3 o
You might need to use the scroll bar to view the entire contents of the question. You have a single Active
' ]( r) K; e' F0 }! \. C! S$ rDirectory Domain Services forest that consists of a single domain. You install Advanced Group Policy) Y4 k0 g2 M6 c
Management (AGPM).- A6 q) o( m; y. i- @
You need to provide a user named Marc with the ability to check out Group Policy objects (GPOs). What should% b6 W2 [- \, {( c
you do?
# M" z5 L% ?9 z* S; V( Y9 uA. Assign Marcs user account the Editor role.
: b; F8 B( F# ^: u4 y% q; s8 PB. Assign Marcs user account the Reviewer role.
1 g- C0 @! K- a+ DC. Add Marcs user account to the Domain Admins group.  H& c2 `; Z0 C: M$ T' O
D. Add Marcs user account to the Group Policy Creator Owners group.
, x" M  t& T' W4 h& {' _Answer:A
+ }9 f* o. I2 b4 E+ b7 S3. Multiple Choice Question In this type of question, you select the correct answer or answers from a list of- z& l6 ^5 o) _) ~/ S2 W+ q
answer choices. Click the Reset button to clear all selected answers. If an Active Exhibit button is present, click it- D9 }2 d7 _' \. T
to explore in a simulated environment until you find the information that you need. Then click Close Simulation
$ H9 ^4 e2 f$ Y9 Z5 t: D* ?and answer the question. Notes.Note the following consideration when answering this type of question:7 I! O  r' y: ~$ d
You might need to use the scroll bar to view the entire contents of the question. You have a single Active: R; W5 N$ i: @0 h' N0 d
Directory Domain Services forest that consists of a dedicated forest root domain and a child domain. All accounts
% K" e0 H8 H+ _" U6 ?$ Gfor users and for member computers reside in the child domain. Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM)# Z- J1 k) ?7 ~& q( ~
will be used for Group Policy objects (GPOs) that are linked to organizational units (OUs) that contain users and% I0 ]; V. o5 [3 B5 U
member computers. You are attempting to install AGPM. You receive an error message that indicates that you do$ X. X$ C+ N' d
not have the necessary permissions to install AGPM. You need to use an account that will allow you to
: }$ j" Y8 K. g0 C; p' j# Lsuccessfully install AGPM. In which group must the account be a member?  M- Z  Z- J$ A7 C
A. the Domain Admins group in the forest root domain- T, {  `+ t& P1 A
B. the Domain Admins group in the child domain* m, n! i) n. U) a$ B
C. the Group Policy Creator Owners group in the forest root domain
* G# K3 P* o) ?  C- j3 j; `3 H' ~D. the Group Policy Creator Owners group in the child domain% @+ Y! w, O) Q) {  F% X0 y
1 Y. l  |7 M% G4. Multiple Choice Question In this type of question, you select the correct answer or answers from a list of% c0 [" f3 J7 g8 s7 X
answer choices. Click the Reset button to clear all selected answers. If an Active Exhibit button is present, click it6 k9 D! G. I  G6 X4 u! ?* u
to explore in a simulated environment until you find the information that you need. Then click Close Simulation% C# A5 u' G  R! I6 R
and answer the question. Notes Note the following consideration when answering this type of question:
6 O+ U7 j2 W! P! U( ^You might need to use the scroll bar to view the entire contents of the question. Your environment contains the1 Y' P7 ]4 w0 C( c5 ?% f
servers shown in the following table.1 `. ^/ `: e. s/ @" Y  x* m7 c
You are installing Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) Client. You need to configure an AGPM server
% G2 Z! \: p" V" |. W. L- }2 Kconnection. Which server should you configure as the server connection?
' V- ^4 B% a4 s8 B- f" x- }% `" [5 @A. nyc-dc1.contoso.com) @0 n8 n+ n( z. T$ s$ \0 G& J
B. nyc-srv1.contoso.com
) P3 G' V' V: L% W6 PC. nyc-dc2.contoso.com
  @5 g1 p+ g; d0 d) nD. nyc-dc3.contoso.com+ u# a+ l  C$ _% M
Answer:B( N  h/ v7 ?3 n+ z0 }& S( x
5. Multiple Choice Question9 p+ ~6 j7 w# w, ]8 M
In this type of question, you select the correct answer or answers from a list of answer choices.5 Y; f2 c4 c& X
Click the Reset button to clear all selected answers. If an Active Exhibit button is present, click it to explore in a' d, E2 ^4 n0 e- H  a) S, C; A3 \
simulated environment until you find the information that you need. Then click Close Simulation and answer the4 {% l' Q& T& }+ C
question.5 ]2 }. W+ d" t: i. Y
Notes6 e+ |5 e, _0 L
Note the following consideration when answering this type of question:( q* [: N$ K+ h( c, t
You might need to use the scroll bar to view the entire contents of the question. You edit a controlled Group Policy
: n: _8 o% _  B2 ^" \object (GPO) named GPO1. You select the Deploy option from the console. However, GPO1 is flagged as" B  N  d" ?: i0 Q
Pending Deploy. You need to request a role that will allow you to deploy GPO1 into production. What are two
" }: ?' e: g. apossible roles that will achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
/ U. k- J; z3 l: Q& e) @A. Full Control (Administrator)
' U/ X& j( t  z. RB. Editor
9 W" O  c9 h$ u3 Z! tC. Reviewer
, c& Y( `$ Z. L1 U3 \. SD. Approver0 C, W* E; O$ k$ s8 T3 ^* m
Answer:A AND D
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