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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-20 13:28
  • 签到天数: 23 天


    发表于 2011-1-5 15:04:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    701. The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.
    1 a/ z. ^, O* o( y估价人认定他用警惕把被抛弃的甜点心插入沙漠中。

      T5 i$ F9 p9 M
      n1 T2 E, Q/ L! ?7 h/ F) y702. The abrupt corrupt man had the Xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode.2 x% W6 g+ t' B  y% a4 U
    # J) b3 t5 e, v2 k0 s
    4 m" p; c& O1 B8 k. o
    703. The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.# H5 h; g$ G. `- z& l0 l$ I$ F

    $ X6 @* l! t( ~0 M/ G) I& C& P) R' m  d/ A$ c! F
    704. I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold.
    ) M0 F5 M- s9 D9 a4 z& a我宁愿扣留而不支持你展开黄金箔在门槛上。

    ; }6 s- l& s' L4 S% j* Q2 E! S/ Y( M' U$ {
    705. The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.
    9 I' e" Z+ j5 I- b+ b+ {! q- H给人印象深刻的人冒充一个好安排的人并且处理垃圾。
    * c+ T, @1 r- \* l' {) g

    6 q" C+ t' k6 h9 p2 e- y706. The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged.0 s2 ]. X7 T- Y8 T, U! t+ F/ `

    + p% e( E5 }% ]% s% Q: X
    0 j5 D7 l% r1 `% s8 w707. The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty." A* Z( k  N- r6 r+ U

    1 Z9 t* K) ?% P3 o( d6 c
    * I* U1 C: a& K; d0 A+ S708. The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit.' n7 C, w9 h  h7 G$ O: C
    * x! `! u. B# T/ t; ~

    + p" b  F% c, A- P% K709. The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated.& R6 a0 f* l# M; X* p* J" ^
    4 }+ @9 |# C" h7 _% {

    $ t2 s+ t8 X' F710. The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty./ L$ C2 r- Y8 U7 O

    0 F5 z+ Q. `5 l: n9 T# |( H  a. \
    7 ~' l0 C! L5 j; J. Y+ M711. The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.2 R4 ^" O/ F% |6 j
    ! V& `! S( t4 a) A$ {5 U

    ' n! u/ o' @7 L" H+ l712. The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait.7 k, ]' J' ?/ B+ Z" t

    2 |2 n! I$ n/ U- r1 c2 \" I& L2 L$ Z: b/ T
    713. The oriental is proficient in the ingredients.
    4 g- Y: \# w0 h- \东方人对成分熟练。

    # ~" K1 @7 F7 U% I2 P% F& |0 c# k# d- C
    714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.6 P# [6 u0 B# a  D! a
    2 r5 [. @* Y) k5 M" K. }) A+ H, j
    2 p7 x' ~( Z& T. @, V' d& Q, T
    715. The rotary agitator irrigated him.
    . h8 u) t2 S1 s, _9 n/ C旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。
    . s8 R* w- x- s( c! {6 Y) Y

    5 K+ c9 ?" l; u. |. \716. The counselor bounced up to denounce discount.
    5 c0 p7 y& M0 }顾问上升蹦跳指责折扣。

    & g2 x; z3 O0 @1 C! g4 `& e9 j
    ! e2 s1 [2 a! ]) Z/ c  u& L717. The degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program.
    ! b& B* R- |# [  ~  |1 }' r/ U被降职的大学生升级基础的病毒计划。
    * N7 U6 `& v# [" V

    , P3 I4 e1 l  n718. Jail life made the frail retailer avail every snail in the pail.( A: \; c9 i# J
    ( R. @- E' ~4 s' G! J

    # X: @1 x/ ]( I2 z1 W7 o719. Deviation in aviation is dangerous. Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.  Y" W4 _7 Y6 l) ]# K& a  ^
    在航空过程中的不符合是危险的。 写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻。
    7 N6 ^$ W) a: E. F6 e

    ; [, B! n" F6 i% ~720. On the anniversary the versatile poet wrote an adverse verse Virtue versus Evil.
    ' {9 P$ I* N: ], C在周年纪念日上,多用途诗人写信告诉不利的句美德对邪恶。
    3 q! d" S3 Y& v- s5 j5 r6 \; }) f
    % W( Y3 @2 N! s6 i
    721. The recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference.0 C2 F+ m4 q: Z5 j% W* \& u

    8 S2 e: _. [. \/ b% x1 G. A. Q1 x# s/ V
    722. In the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the tuition by intuition.
    ( M4 P5 p, _9 v! `/ T. [在小提箱里,吉他导师以直觉发现学费。
    ) {) }3 D6 n" I- Q8 O& ^

    ( k7 h0 R6 }$ G* A# C+ ~723. The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.% K: U9 U/ r. Y3 d9 Q9 M9 _* y6 F

    ; K" Z7 C2 {$ R2 x2 s: O; {+ P: k' o; K1 o4 b! V# C
    724. The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily.: [4 _) |2 m# L$ S: R/ N+ c
    7 a1 L2 {7 U# L8 r+ ]7 m
    - F& ]( B0 v5 Z/ J
    725. The peer's queer peering is a sheer sneer.
    1 d5 l% ~) e# c0 X% a8 u5 y- d贵族的奇怪盯着看是完全讽笑。

    ; ^; B# V) e, Q# k, {! T& F/ R4 V: Y/ {+ d
    726. The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money.
    # q$ P' n# U& N9 o2 C0 t' v货币课程使短途旅游者招致时间和钱的损失。
    ( ]% V; M+ s* C
    0 U7 F8 v9 m6 q& w
    727. The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.  E8 J' H2 R! [. h

    % J7 {2 y. W" L5 ^) |: |, i  ]2 W: r+ r, P8 {9 ~4 r6 Z
    728. Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.
    , R5 l1 @4 m6 z; b8 o  a! N灰尘在孤独的实验室在被隔离的模拟器上堆积。
    ' O, _; _" D9 v: @5 d1 I5 e

    1 l' B9 w1 h" E! f6 E+ L9 ~729. The inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau.
    4 n4 [4 R/ V$ G" X  f膨胀的气球对高原指示潜在的通货膨胀。
    ' G- r+ K$ N2 e+ X' i- a+ l
    # |" \/ h0 F# D9 e. U# [
    730. Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.
    " j. K+ h/ x% j6 [3 V2 p琐屑的颂词形成选民的报告的属性。
    0 n9 x- Y/ e! @2 X

    4 F3 ]/ `" _5 y8 s) ^8 X731. I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.' e! r& v2 n' [

    6 m- G/ C" E/ C& }* _( e) [, P: K2 U0 j  D- P0 ~; ^* w# C
    732. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.2 o6 U! z/ u. g2 k* @* F: ~/ \: j  Z

    5 D3 M( Z! N9 C9 D
    & j1 {4 ~" T8 [$ D733. He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.
    " e$ q1 T& `1 O. q- F他描绘反驳裁决的定罪。
    ; t0 g# s7 h$ t2 m$ K0 ^

    8 s4 p; j" \8 ]: n5 `7 ]734. Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.* @5 ~# _; L1 r, H+ h

    ' `4 T# _& t, M8 e7 x" x6 W, M" ~( A
    735. The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.. n5 `% A- T  H8 @6 K. F) G
    7 P, ]2 Y1 [" X! c) X* {
    7 U2 \- L+ o0 B+ d/ {$ V7 I
    736. The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo.* p6 k# ^! E; f. d: R
    . A) S) k; h" l+ s5 n! z
    / K7 j) ?  m6 @: G
    737. According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.. [2 _. ^& c* Z# j
    5 U# c+ e0 O) J% E( X
    9 N- x( ~6 [' X- v& f
    738. Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.
    5 a6 N& n0 T3 H6 T* ]* d' \$ |( v- B8 ?' b沿着经度和纬度在一高度延长海绵。
    ; f5 U! @9 k4 y9 U+ I
    ( n# T* v5 [0 j" e1 @; O- L8 d) \7 Q
    739. The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.
    6 B# h1 }! W0 o7 |; G! f保守的人在天文台的保留。
    - f) P. A, h$ Y

    & H; c; Z) i" p1 Q, Z/ n3 G4 S740. The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.! D7 p" Q& H8 w+ F' S) w/ s

    1 ^6 f# b' x2 m8 I) e+ T) M6 z) t
    741. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.- E& i4 H' C1 X. g3 V% {" |8 J
    6 N8 W' u  K  i  a+ B+ I# T3 D% G
    2 C: h9 b* k* X. o
    742. Elevate the eleventh level to relevant height.
    6 u9 n; K# |# ]% _提高第11 步到相关的高度。
    : G, r3 L7 B. ]2 [, k
    4 j* o- ]2 y5 R. I
    743. Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.
    9 v1 ]& o2 b- H; H此后,我粘对理论固有的连贯性。
    . j% ~& X5 {9 m0 Z' \
    0 v) k+ S  D( l+ j2 N7 L" ?
    744. The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.
    $ P, J) f/ G3 v" G" L预言者恰当为修理螺旋桨拨专款。

    ) d1 U) q# G7 Y+ X- Q: ^6 p  h: e' u8 I9 O% f7 l6 W
    745. I'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.' }3 m+ V' _6 K; Q9 }+ C
    / E2 H" ~  f. |& R! \

    & ?: t7 a/ Q6 X  E746. The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.$ ^1 I$ A5 _1 }

    % O4 `2 B( ~& h4 c: @( W8 g0 [7 X! d' i2 }
    747. Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby.$ l, J* t1 j( l* `( V2 e

    ( ~# V- }: I% f! u" x0 \
    3 J, L- ~4 w3 `! k" e* Z) t, V748. The ass bypassed the guard and assassinated the surpassing ambassador in the embassy.
    1 S8 S( o2 q! ?2 Q- @驴为警卫设旁路并且在大使馆暗杀胜过的大使。
    - N; j% Z" y+ U; G) E' A* G
    % R) o* A: u( @; Q4 Y
    749. The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.1 `1 Z: W3 b9 C  \

    ! Y7 m! ~- D7 S7 C6 I8 S! Q& d2 q7 g
    750. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.

    * q7 a* x7 i. N来自数字化的设备的耀眼的光使我头昏。
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